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Intrusion Detection Using Ensemble Wrapper Filter Based Feature Selection with Stacking Model

by D. Karthikeyan1,*, V. Mohan Raj2, J. Senthilkumar2, Y. Suresh2

1 Department of ECE, Kongunadu, College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, 621215, India
2 Department of IT, Sona College of Technology, Salem, 636005, India

* Corresponding Author: D. Karthikeyan. Email: email

Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2023, 35(1), 645-659.


The number of attacks is growing tremendously in tandem with the growth of internet technologies. As a result, protecting the private data from prying eyes has become a critical and tough undertaking. Many intrusion detection solutions have been offered by researchers in order to decrease the effect of these attacks. For attack detection, the prior system has created an SMSRPF (Stacking Model Significant Rule Power Factor) classifier. To provide creative instance detection, the SMSRPF combines the detection of trained classifiers such as DT (Decision Tree) and RF (Random Forest). Nevertheless, it does not generate any accurate findings that are adequate. The suggested system has built an EWF (Ensemble Wrapper Filter) feature selection with SMSRPF classifier for attack detection so as to overcome this problem. The UNSW-NB15 dataset is used as an input in this proposed research project. Specifically, min–max normalization approach is used to pre-process the incoming data. The feature selection is then carried out using EWF. Based on the selected features, SMSRPF classifiers are utilized to detect the attacks. The SMSRPF is integrated with the trained classifiers such as DT and RF to create creative instance detection. After that, the testing data is classified using MCAR (Multi-Class Classification based on Association Rules). The SRPF judges the rules correctly even when the confidence and the lift measures fail. Regarding accuracy, precision, recall, f-measure, computation time, and error, the experimental findings suggest that the new system outperforms the prior systems.


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APA Style
Karthikeyan, D., Mohan Raj, V., Senthilkumar, J., Suresh, Y. (2023). Intrusion detection using ensemble wrapper filter based feature selection with stacking model. Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 35(1), 645–659.
Vancouver Style
Karthikeyan D, Mohan Raj V, Senthilkumar J, Suresh Y. Intrusion detection using ensemble wrapper filter based feature selection with stacking model. Intell Automat Soft Comput. 2023;35(1):645–659.
IEEE Style
D. Karthikeyan, V. Mohan Raj, J. Senthilkumar, and Y. Suresh, “Intrusion Detection Using Ensemble Wrapper Filter Based Feature Selection with Stacking Model,” Intell. Automat. Soft Comput., vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 645–659, 2023.

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