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Detection of Necroptosis in Ligand-Mediated and Hypoxia-Induced Injury of Hepatocytes Using a Novel Optic Probe-Detecting Receptor-Interacting Protein (RIP)1/RIP3 Binding


* Department of Biological Response and Regulation, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
† Department of Environmental Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan
‡ Department of Chemistry, School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
§ Bioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
¶ Laboratory of Molecular and Functional Bio-Imaging, Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan

Oncology Research 2018, 26(3), 503-513.


Liver injury is often observed in various pathological conditions including posthepatectomy state and cancer chemotherapy. It occurs mainly as a consequence of the combined necrotic and apoptotic types of cell death. In order to study liver/hepatocyte injury by the necrotic type of cell death, we studied signal-regulated necrosis (necroptosis) by developing a new optic probe for detecting receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIP)/RIP3 binding, an essential process for necroptosis induction. In the mouse hepatocyte cell line, TIB-73 cells, TNF-a/cycloheximide (T/C) induced RIP1/3 binding only when caspase activity was suppressed by the caspase-specific inhibitor z-VAD-fmk (zVAD). T/C/zVAD-induced RIP1/3 binding was inhibited by necrostatin-1 (Nec-1), an allosteric inhibitor of RIP1. The reduced cell survival by T/C/zVAD was improved by Nec-1. These facts indicate that T/C induces necroptosis of hepatocytes when the apoptotic pathway is inhibited/unavailable. FasL also induced cell death, which was only partially inhibited by zVAD, indicating the possible involvement of necroptosis rather than apoptosis. FasL activated caspase 3 and, similarly, induced RIP1/3 binding when the caspases were inactivated. Interestingly, FasL-induced RIP1/3 binding was significantly suppressed by the antioxidants Trolox and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), suggesting the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in FasL-induced necroptotic cellular processes. H2O2, by itself, induced RIP1/3 binding that was suppressed by Nec-1, but not by zVAD. Hypoxia induced RIP1/3 binding after reoxygenation, which was suppressed by Nec-1 or by the antioxidants. Cell death induced by hypoxia/ reoxygenation (H/R) was also improved by Nec-1. Similar to H2O2, H/R did not require caspase inhibition for RIP1/3 binding, suggesting the involvement of a caspase-independent mechanism for non-ligandinduced and/or redox-mediated necroptosis. These data indicate that ROS can induce necroptosis and mediate the FasL- and hypoxia-induced necroptosis via a molecular mechanism that differs from a conventional caspase-dependent pathway. In conclusion, necroptosis is potentially involved in liver/hepatocyte injury induced by oxidative stress and FasL in the absence of apoptosis.


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APA Style
Haga, S., Kanno, A., Ozawa, T., Morita, N., Asano, M. et al. (2018). Detection of necroptosis in ligand-mediated and hypoxia-induced injury of hepatocytes using a novel optic probe-detecting receptor-interacting protein (RIP)1/RIP3 binding. Oncology Research, 26(3), 503–513.
Vancouver Style
Haga S, Kanno A, Ozawa T, Morita N, Asano M, Ozaki ¶AM. Detection of necroptosis in ligand-mediated and hypoxia-induced injury of hepatocytes using a novel optic probe-detecting receptor-interacting protein (RIP)1/RIP3 binding. Oncol Res. 2018;26(3):503–513.
IEEE Style
S. Haga, A. Kanno, T. Ozawa, N. Morita, M. Asano, and ¶.A.M. Ozaki, “Detection of Necroptosis in Ligand-Mediated and Hypoxia-Induced Injury of Hepatocytes Using a Novel Optic Probe-Detecting Receptor-Interacting Protein (RIP)1/RIP3 Binding,” Oncol. Res., vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 503–513, 2018.

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