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Expression and Interaction Analysis of FAZ1 Protein in Brassica oleracea

by Hecui Zhang1,#, Xiaoping Lian2,#, Yizhong Zhang1, Tonghong Zuo1, Chongmo Yuan1, Qinqin Xie1, Liquan Zhu1,*

1 College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715, China
2 State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Bio-Resources in Yunnan, School of Agriculture, Yunnan University, Kunming, 650091, China

* Corresponding Author: Liquan Zhu. Email: email
# Contributed equally to this work and are co-first authors

Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany 2021, 90(6), 1599-1612.


To identify and characterize genes involved in reproductive tissue abscission in Brassica oleracea, the transcript data of pollinated pistil was analyzed. A differentially expressed gene, named BoFAZ1(FLOWER ABSCISSION ZONE1) was identified, which contains one exon and encompass a 139aa. Furthermore, a T-DNA insertion mutant (SALK_302_G01) (faz1 mutant) was obtained from Arabidopsis thaliana mutant library. Floral organ shedding from mutants was delayed and a V-shaped structure in the boundary region between the stalk and torus of the sepal abscission zone was obtained in faz1 mutant. The cell density of this structure was lower than that of the corresponding region in the wild-type control. In the transgenic plants, the normal development of the stalk zone of faz1 was recovered completely by transforming a 1919-bp DNA fragment of BoFAZ1 into the faz1 mutant. In Addition, our data showed that BoFAZ1 was expressed in mature pollen grains, but not in the bracts, roots, stems, leaves, and sepals. Its expression in the filaments, stigma, and pistil exfoliation layer gradually increased after pollination. Subcellular localization experiments showed that BoFAZ1 was located in the cell membrane. A myristoylation site was found at the N-terminus of BoFAZ1. Removal of this site resulted in protein dislocation in the cytoplasm, cell membrane and nucleus. Finally, a yeast two-hybrid test indicated that BoH3.2 (histone H3.2), a protein involved in abscission zone development, interacted with BoFAZ1. This interaction was verified by a GST pull-down assay. In summary, our data indicated that BoFAZ1 was involved in the formation of the pistil abscission zone in B. oleracea.


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APA Style
Zhang, H., Lian, X., Zhang, Y., Zuo, T., Yuan, C. et al. (2021). Expression and interaction analysis of faz1 protein in brassica oleracea. Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, 90(6), 1599–1612.
Vancouver Style
Zhang H, Lian X, Zhang Y, Zuo T, Yuan C, Xie Q, et al. Expression and interaction analysis of faz1 protein in brassica oleracea. Phyton-Int J Exp Bot. 2021;90(6):1599–1612.
IEEE Style
H. Zhang et al., “Expression and Interaction Analysis of FAZ1 Protein in Brassica oleracea,” Phyton-Int. J. Exp. Bot., vol. 90, no. 6, pp. 1599–1612, 2021.

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