Orrabalis C1,2, H Gorostegui1,2, E Calandri1, C Guzmán1
Phyton-International Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol.83, pp. 117-125, 2014, DOI:10.32604/phyton.2014.83.117
Abstract We evaluated the possibility of making jam (product A) and simile sweet potato jam (product B) from the edible pulp of the fruits of Geoffroea decorticans. The first step was the chemical characterization of the flour (pulp) highlighting their carbohydrate (85.6%), protein (9.4%) and mineral (4.2%) concentrations. Sucrose (29.5%), glucose (3.80%) and fructose (5.30%) levels were quantified using gas chromatography. Contents of protein (5.7%), minerals (3.4%), dietary fiber (0.97%), sucrose (46.8%), glucose (1.9%) and fructose (2.4%) were very good in jam. The simile sweet potato jam had low calories (140 Kcal/100g) and provided protein (4.6%). During More >