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Search Results (288)
  • Open Access


    Lattice-Based Searchable Encryption Scheme against Inside Keywords Guessing Attack

    Xiaoling Yu1, Chungen Xu1, *, Lei Xu1, Yuntao Wang2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.64, No.2, pp. 1107-1125, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.09680 - 10 June 2020

    Abstract To save the local storage, users store the data on the cloud server who offers convenient internet services. To guarantee the data privacy, users encrypt the data before uploading them into the cloud server. Since encryption can reduce the data availability, public-key encryption with keyword search (PEKS) is developed to achieve the retrieval of the encrypted data without decrypting them. However, most PEKS schemes cannot resist quantum computing attack, because the corresponding hardness assumptions are some number theory problems that can be solved efficiently under quantum computers. Besides, the traditional PEKS schemes have an inherent… More >

  • Open Access


    Cipherchain: A Secure and Efficient Ciphertext Blockchain via mPECK

    Hailin Chen1, Gang Xu3, Yuling Chen2, Xiubo Chen1, 2, *, Yixian Yang1, 2, Ruibin Fan4, Kaixiang Zhang4, Huizhong Li4

    Journal of Quantum Computing, Vol.2, No.1, pp. 57-83, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jqc.2020.09291 - 28 May 2020

    Abstract Most existing blockchain schemes are based on the design concept “openness and transparency” to realize data security, which usually require transaction data to be presented in the form of plaintext. However, it inevitably brings the issues with respect to data privacy and operating performance. In this paper, we proposed a novel blockchain scheme called Cipherchain, which can process and maintain transaction data in the form of ciphertext while the characteristics of immutability and auditability are guaranteed. Specifically in our scheme, transactions can be encrypted locally based on a searchable encryption scheme called multi-user public key More >

  • Open Access


    A Novel Approach of Image Steganography for Secure Communication Based on LSB Substitution Technique

    Shahid Rahman1, Fahad Masood2, Wajid Ullah Khan2, Niamat Ullah1, Fazal Qudus Khan3, Georgios Tsaramirsis3, Sadeeq Jan4, *, Majid Ashraf5

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.64, No.1, pp. 31-61, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.09186 - 20 May 2020

    Abstract Steganography aims to hide the messages from unauthorized persons for various purposes, e.g., military correspondence, financial transaction data. Securing the data during transmission is of utmost importance these days. The confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data are at risk because of the emerging technologies and complexity in software applications, and therefore, there is a need to secure such systems and data. There are various methodologies to deal with security issues when utilizing an open system like the Internet. This research proposes a new technique in steganography within RGB shading space to achieve enhanced security… More >

  • Open Access


    Quantum Secure Direct Communication Protocol with Mutual Authentication Based on Single Photons and Bell States

    Lili Yan1, *, Shibin Zhang1, Yan Chang1, Zhibin Sun2, Zhiwei Sheng1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.63, No.3, pp. 1297-1307, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.09873 - 30 April 2020

    Abstract Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) can transmit secret messages directly from one user to another without first establishing a shared secret key, which is different from quantum key distribution. In this paper, we propose a novel quantum secure direct communication protocol based on signal photons and Bell states. Before the execution of the proposed protocol, two participants Alice and Bob exchange their corresponding identity IDA and IDB through quantum key distribution and keep them secret, respectively. Then the message sender, Alice, encodes each secret message bit into two single photons (| 01〉or|10〉) or a Bell… More >

  • Open Access


    Green Composite Material Made from Typha latifolia Fibres Bonded with an Epoxidized Linseed Oil/Tall Oil-Based Polyamide Binder System

    Günter Wuzella1, Arunjunai Raj Mahendran1, Andreas Kandelbauer2,*

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.8, No.5, pp. 499-512, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2020.09615 - 29 April 2020

    Abstract Here, we report the mechanical and water sorption properties of a green composite based on Typha latifolia fibres. The composite was prepared either completely binder-less or bonded with 10% (w/w) of a bio-based resin which was a mixture of an epoxidized linseed oil and a tall-oil based polyamide. The flexural modulus of elasticity, the flexural strength and the water absorption of hot pressed Typha panels were measured and the influence of pressing time and panel density on these properties was investigated. The cure kinetics of the biobased resin was analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in combination More >

  • Open Access


    Secrecy Outage Probability Analysis Based on Cognitive Decodeand-Forward Relaying

    Ruoyu Su1, 4, Xiaojun Sun1, 3, Fei Ding1, 2, *, Dengyin Zhang1, 2, Hongbo Zhu1, 2, M. I. M. Wahab5

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.62, No.3, pp. 1387-1395, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.06864

    Abstract Wireless communications have to face to several different security issues in practice due to the nature of broadcast. The information theory is well known to provide efficient approaches to address security issues in wireless communications, which attracts much attention in both industry and academia in recent years. In this paper, inspired by information theory, we study the outage probability of the opportunistic relay selection based on cognitive decode-and-forward relaying with the secrecy consideration. Specifically, the closed-form expression of the outage probability is proposed. Moreover, the asymptotic performance evaluation on the basis of the analytical results More >

  • Open Access


    Comprehensive Analysis of Secure Data Aggregation Scheme for Industrial Wireless Sensor Network

    Weidong Fang1, Wuxiong Zhang1,2,*, QianQian Zhao1,2, Xiaohong Ji3, Wei Chen4, Biruk Assefa5

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.61, No.2, pp. 583-599, 2019, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2019.05237

    Abstract As an Industrial Wireless Sensor Network (IWSN) is usually deployed in a harsh or unattended environment, the privacy security of data aggregation is facing more and more challenges. Currently, the data aggregation protocols mainly focus on improving the efficiency of data transmitting and aggregating, alternately, the aim at enhancing the security of data. The performances of the secure data aggregation protocols are the trade-off of several metrics, which involves the transmission/fusion, the energy efficiency and the security in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Unfortunately, there is no paper in systematic analysis about the performance of the… More >

  • Open Access


    Synthesis of a Fully Biobased Polyfunctional Vinyl Oligomer and Their UV Cured Films Prepared via Thiol-ene Coupling

    Changqing Fu1,2, Jiahui Wang1,2, Lie Chen1,2, Liang Shen1,2,*

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.7, No.8, pp. 795-805, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2019.07503

    Abstract In this paper, a fully bio-based vinyl oligomer with high functionalities was successfully prepared from rapeseed oil by three modification steps: epoxidation of rapeseed oil, solvent-free and catalyst-free ring opening by 10-undecylenic acid followed by esterification with 10-undecenoyl chloride. Then, the renewable polymers were prepared by photo-polymerization of these modified vegetable oils with typical thiol monomers: pentaerythritol tetrakis (3-mercaptopropionate), pentaerythritol tris (3-mercaptopropionate) and 1,2-ethanedithiol. The synthesis of the vinyl oligomer was monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The average number of the carbon-carbon double bonds of the resulting vinyl oligomer is high… More >

  • Open Access


    Secure Model of Medical Data Sharing for Complex Scenarios

    Wei She1, Yue Hu2, Zhao Tian1, Guoning Liu3, Bo Wang4, Wei Liu1, 2, *

    Journal of Cyber Security, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 11-17, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jcs.2019.05856

    Abstract In order to secure the massive heterogeneous medical data for the complex scenarios and improve the information sharing efficiency in healthcare system, a distributed medical data ledger model (DMDL) is proposed in this paper. This DMDL model has adopted the blockchain technology including the function decoupling, the distributed consensus, smart contract as well as multi-channel communication structure of consortium blockchain. The DMDL model not only has high adaptability, but also meets the requirements of the medical treatment processes which generally involve multi-entities, highly private information and secure transaction. The steps for processing the medical data More >

  • Open Access


    Research on Privacy Preserving Data Mining

    Pingshui Wang1,*, Tao Chen1,2, Zecheng Wang1

    Journal of Information Hiding and Privacy Protection, Vol.1, No.2, pp. 61-68, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jihpp.2019.05943

    Abstract In recent years, with the explosive development in Internet, data storage and data processing technologies, privacy preservation has been one of the greater concerns in data mining. A number of methods and techniques have been developed for privacy preserving data mining. This paper provided a wide survey of different privacy preserving data mining algorithms and analyzed the representative techniques for privacy preservation. The existing problems and directions for future research are also discussed. More >

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