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Search Results (190)
  • Open Access


    Deep Autoencoder-Based Hybrid Network for Building Energy Consumption Forecasting

    Noman Khan1,2, Samee Ullah Khan1,2, Sung Wook Baik1,2,*

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.48, No.1, pp. 153-173, 2024, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.039407 - 26 January 2024

    Abstract Energy management systems for residential and commercial buildings must use an appropriate and efficient model to predict energy consumption accurately. To deal with the challenges in power management, the short-term Power Consumption (PC) prediction for household appliances plays a vital role in improving domestic and commercial energy efficiency. Big data applications and analytics have shown that data-driven load forecasting approaches can forecast PC in commercial and residential sectors and recognize patterns of electric usage in complex conditions. However, traditional Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and their features engineering procedure emphasize the practice of inefficient and ineffective… More >

  • Open Access


    CALTM: A Context-Aware Long-Term Time-Series Forecasting Model

    Canghong Jin1,*, Jiapeng Chen1, Shuyu Wu1, Hao Wu2, Shuoping Wang1, Jing Ying3

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.139, No.1, pp. 873-891, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.043230 - 30 December 2023

    Abstract Time series data plays a crucial role in intelligent transportation systems. Traffic flow forecasting represents a precise estimation of future traffic flow within a specific region and time interval. Existing approaches, including sequence periodic, regression, and deep learning models, have shown promising results in short-term series forecasting. However, forecasting scenarios specifically focused on holiday traffic flow present unique challenges, such as distinct traffic patterns during vacations and the increased demand for long-term forecastings. Consequently, the effectiveness of existing methods diminishes in such scenarios. Therefore, we propose a novel long-term forecasting model based on scene matching More >

  • Open Access


    An Optimized System of Random Forest Model by Global Harmony Search with Generalized Opposition-Based Learning for Forecasting TBM Advance Rate

    Yingui Qiu1, Shuai Huang1, Danial Jahed Armaghani2, Biswajeet Pradhan3, Annan Zhou4, Jian Zhou1,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.138, No.3, pp. 2873-2897, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.029938 - 15 December 2023

    Abstract As massive underground projects have become popular in dense urban cities, a problem has arisen: which model predicts the best for Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) performance in these tunneling projects? However, performance level of TBMs in complex geological conditions is still a great challenge for practitioners and researchers. On the other hand, a reliable and accurate prediction of TBM performance is essential to planning an applicable tunnel construction schedule. The performance of TBM is very difficult to estimate due to various geotechnical and geological factors and machine specifications. The previously-proposed intelligent techniques in this field… More >

  • Open Access


    Review of Recent Trends in the Hybridisation of Preprocessing-Based and Parameter Optimisation-Based Hybrid Models to Forecast Univariate Streamflow

    Baydaa Abdul Kareem1,2, Salah L. Zubaidi2,3, Nadhir Al-Ansari4,*, Yousif Raad Muhsen2,5

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.138, No.1, pp. 1-41, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.027954 - 22 September 2023

    Abstract Forecasting river flow is crucial for optimal planning, management, and sustainability using freshwater resources. Many machine learning (ML) approaches have been enhanced to improve streamflow prediction. Hybrid techniques have been viewed as a viable method for enhancing the accuracy of univariate streamflow estimation when compared to standalone approaches. Current researchers have also emphasised using hybrid models to improve forecast accuracy. Accordingly, this paper conducts an updated literature review of applications of hybrid models in estimating streamflow over the last five years, summarising data preprocessing, univariate machine learning modelling strategy, advantages and disadvantages of standalone ML… More > Graphic Abstract

    Review of Recent Trends in the Hybridisation of Preprocessing-Based and Parameter Optimisation-Based Hybrid Models to Forecast Univariate Streamflow

  • Open Access


    Short-Term Wind Power Prediction Based on ICEEMDAN-SE-LSTM Neural Network Model with Classifying Seasonal

    Shumin Sun1, Peng Yu1, Jiawei Xing1, Yan Cheng1, Song Yang1, Qian Ai2,*

    Energy Engineering, Vol.120, No.12, pp. 2761-2782, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ee.2023.042635 - 29 November 2023

    Abstract Wind power prediction is very important for the economic dispatching of power systems containing wind power. In this work, a novel short-term wind power prediction method based on improved complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (ICEEMDAN) and (long short-term memory) LSTM neural network is proposed and studied. First, the original data is prepossessed including removing outliers and filling in the gaps. Then, the random forest algorithm is used to sort the importance of each meteorological factor and determine the input climate characteristics of the forecast model. In addition, this study conducts seasonal classification… More >

  • Open Access


    Exploring exosomes to provide evidence for the treatment and prediction of Alzheimer’s disease


    BIOCELL, Vol.47, No.10, pp. 2163-2176, 2023, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2023.031226 - 08 November 2023

    Abstract Exosomes are extracellular vesicles with a 30–150 nm diameter originating from endosomes. In recent years, scientists have regarded exosomes as an ideal small molecule carrier for the targeted treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) across the blood-brain barrier due to their nanoscale size and low immunogenicity. A large amount of evidence shows that exosomes are rich in biomarkers, and it has been found that the changes in biomarker content in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and urine are often associated with the onset of AD patients. In this paper, some recent advances in the use of exosomes in More > Graphic Abstract

    Exploring exosomes to provide evidence for the treatment and prediction of Alzheimer’s disease

  • Open Access


    Decentralized Heterogeneous Federal Distillation Learning Based on Blockchain

    Hong Zhu*, Lisha Gao, Yitian Sha, Nan Xiang, Yue Wu, Shuo Han

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.76, No.3, pp. 3363-3377, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.040731 - 08 October 2023

    Abstract Load forecasting is a crucial aspect of intelligent Virtual Power Plant (VPP) management and a means of balancing the relationship between distributed power grids and traditional power grids. However, due to the continuous emergence of power consumption peaks, the power supply quality of the power grid cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, an intelligent calculation method is required to effectively predict the load, enabling better power grid dispatching and ensuring the stable operation of the power grid. This paper proposes a decentralized heterogeneous federated distillation learning algorithm (DHFDL) to promote trusted federated learning (FL) between different federates… More >

  • Open Access


    Hybrid Model for Short-Term Passenger Flow Prediction in Rail Transit

    Yinghua Song1,2, Hairong Lyu1,2, Wei Zhang1,2,*

    Journal on Big Data, Vol.5, pp. 19-40, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jbd.2023.038249 - 05 October 2023

    Abstract A precise and timely forecast of short-term rail transit passenger flow provides data support for traffic management and operation, assisting rail operators in efficiently allocating resources and timely relieving pressure on passenger safety and operation. First, the passenger flow sequence models in the study are broken down using VMD for noise reduction. The objective environment features are then added to the characteristic factors that affect the passenger flow. The target station serves as an additional spatial feature and is mined concurrently using the KNN algorithm. It is shown that the hybrid model VMD-CLSMT has a More >

  • Open Access


    CT-NET: A Novel Convolutional Transformer-Based Network for Short-Term Solar Energy Forecasting Using Climatic Information

    Muhammad Munsif1,2, Fath U Min Ullah1,2, Samee Ullah Khan1,2, Noman Khan1,2, Sung Wook Baik1,2,*

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.47, No.2, pp. 1751-1773, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.038514 - 28 July 2023

    Abstract Photovoltaic (PV) systems are environmentally friendly, generate green energy, and receive support from policies and organizations. However, weather fluctuations make large-scale PV power integration and management challenging despite the economic benefits. Existing PV forecasting techniques (sequential and convolutional neural networks (CNN)) are sensitive to environmental conditions, reducing energy distribution system performance. To handle these issues, this article proposes an efficient, weather-resilient convolutional-transformer-based network (CT-NET) for accurate and efficient PV power forecasting. The network consists of three main modules. First, the acquired PV generation data are forwarded to the pre-processing module for data refinement. Next, to… More >

  • Open Access


    Hybridized Intelligent Neural Network Optimization Model for Forecasting Prices of Rubber in Malaysia

    Shehab Abdulhabib Alzaeemi1, Saratha Sathasivam2,*, Majid Khan bin Majahar Ali2, K. G. Tay1, Muraly Velavan3

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.47, No.2, pp. 1471-1491, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.037366 - 28 July 2023

    Abstract Rubber producers, consumers, traders, and those who are involved in the rubber industry face major risks of rubber price fluctuations. As a result, decision-makers are required to make an accurate estimation of the price of rubber. This paper aims to propose hybrid intelligent models, which can be utilized to forecast the price of rubber in Malaysia by employing monthly Malaysia’s rubber pricing data, spanning from January 2016 to March 2021. The projected hybrid model consists of different algorithms with the symbolic Radial Basis Functions Neural Network k-Satisfiability Logic Mining (RBFNN-kSAT). These algorithms, including Grey Wolf… More >

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