Jie Wu∗,†, Yan Cai‡, Shixiong Xu§, Quan Long¶, Zurong Ding*, Cheng Dong∗,||
Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, Vol.9, No.2, pp. 95-126, 2012, DOI:10.3970/mcb.2012.009.095
Abstract The effects of vascular-disrupting treatments on normalization of tumor microvasculature and its microenvironmental flow were investigated, by mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of tumor vascular-disrupting and tumor haemodynamics. Four disrupting approaches were designed according to the abnormal characteristics of tumor microvasculature compared with the normal one. The results predict that the vascular-disrupting therapies could improve tumor microenvironment, eliminate drug barrier and inhibit metastasis of tumor cells to some extent. Disrupting certain types of vessels may get better effects. In this study, the flow condition on the networks with "vascular-disrupting according to flowrate" is the best More >