A. Rama Mohan Rao1, K. Lakshmi1, Karthik Ganesan2
Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.9, No.2, pp. 99-128, 2013, DOI:10.32604/sdhm.2013.009.099
Abstract Development of efficient system identification techniques is highly relevant for large civil infrastructure for effective health monitoring, damage detection and vibration control. This paper presents a system identification scheme in time domain to estimate stiffness and damping parameters of structures using measured acceleration. Instead of solving the system identification problem as an inverse problem, we formulate it as an optimisation problem. Particle swarm optimisation (PSO) and its other variants has been a subject of research for the past few decades for solving complex optimisation problems. In this paper, a dynamic quantum behaved particle swarm optimisation… More >