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Search Results (3)
  • Open Access


    Improving VQA via Dual-Level Feature Embedding Network

    Yaru Song*, Huahu Xu, Dikai Fang

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.39, No.3, pp. 397-416, 2024, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.040521

    Abstract Visual Question Answering (VQA) has sparked widespread interest as a crucial task in integrating vision and language. VQA primarily uses attention mechanisms to effectively answer questions to associate relevant visual regions with input questions. The detection-based features extracted by the object detection network aim to acquire the visual attention distribution on a predetermined detection frame and provide object-level insights to answer questions about foreground objects more effectively. However, it cannot answer the question about the background forms without detection boxes due to the lack of fine-grained details, which is the advantage of grid-based features. In… More >

  • Open Access


    MVCE-Net: Multi-View Region Feature and Caption Enhancement Co-Attention Network for Visual Question Answering

    Feng Yan1, Wushouer Silamu2, Yanbing Li1,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.76, No.1, pp. 65-80, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.038177

    Abstract Visual question answering (VQA) requires a deep understanding of images and their corresponding textual questions to answer questions about images more accurately. However, existing models tend to ignore the implicit knowledge in the images and focus only on the visual information in the images, which limits the understanding depth of the image content. The images contain more than just visual objects, some images contain textual information about the scene, and slightly more complex images contain relationships between individual visual objects. Firstly, this paper proposes a model using image description for feature enhancement. This model encodes… More >

  • Open Access


    Improved Blending Attention Mechanism in Visual Question Answering

    Siyu Lu1, Yueming Ding1, Zhengtong Yin2, Mingzhe Liu3,*, Xuan Liu4, Wenfeng Zheng1,*, Lirong Yin5

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 1149-1161, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.038598

    Abstract Visual question answering (VQA) has attracted more and more attention in computer vision and natural language processing. Scholars are committed to studying how to better integrate image features and text features to achieve better results in VQA tasks. Analysis of all features may cause information redundancy and heavy computational burden. Attention mechanism is a wise way to solve this problem. However, using single attention mechanism may cause incomplete concern of features. This paper improves the attention mechanism method and proposes a hybrid attention mechanism that combines the spatial attention mechanism method and the channel attention More >

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