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Search Results (67)
  • Open Access


    What Is the Psychosocial Environment of Adolescents with High or Low Internalizing Behavior?

    Changmin Yoo*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 77-88, 2025, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2025.058577 - 31 January 2025

    Abstract Objective: This study aimed to examine the developmental trajectories of internalizing behaviors among adolescents and to identify key personal and environmental factors associated with these developmental patterns over time. Methods: Data were collected from 2242 adolescents (49.6% girls, aged 13.9–18.9 years) in South Korea. Latent class growth analysis was used to identify distinct developmental patterns of internalizing behaviors. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine the associations between these developmental patterns and various factors including gender, self-esteem, abuse and neglect experiences, peer relationships, and media use. Results: The analysis revealed three latent classes of internalizing… More >

  • Open Access


    Perceived Social Support and Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety among Chinese Adolescents: A Moderated Chain Mediation Model

    Le-Qing Jin1, Chen-Wei Pan1, Chun-Hua Zhao2, Dan-Lin Li1, Yi-Bo Wu3,*, Tian-Yang Zhang1,4,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 29-40, 2025, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2025.057962 - 31 January 2025

    Abstract Background: Although previous studies indicate that perceived social support might be associated with adolescent psychological problems, the specific mechanism has not been thoroughly discussed. Based on theoretical and empirical research on problematic Internet use (PIU) and sleep quality, this study explored whether they play a mediating role between perceived social support and symptoms of depression and anxiety among adolescents. Furthermore, we investigated whether these relationships varied by place of residence. Methods: A sample of 2115 Chinese adolescents was included, and analyzed data related to perceived social support, PIU, sleep quality, symptoms of depression and anxiety,… More >

  • Open Access


    The Relationship between Parent-Child Conflict and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: A Moderated Mediating Model

    Min Li*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.27, No.1, pp. 89-95, 2025, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.057223 - 31 January 2025

    Abstract Objectives: To explore the approaches for reducing non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) behaviors in Chinese adolescents, the present study investigated the association between parent-child conflict and NSSI in adolescents, while also examining the mediating role of depression and the moderating role of rumination thinking. Methods: A cluster sampling method was employed to select 1227 Chinese adolescents aged 12 to 18 as participants, who completed measures including the Parent-Child conflict, Depression, Rumination Thinking, and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury questionnaires. The present study used SPSS 26.0 to conduct the Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and reliability tests, and PROCESS 3.3 to test… More >

  • Open Access


    Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: The Role of Self-Esteem and Attachments in Early Adolescent Body-Esteem

    Young Mi Kim*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.12, pp. 1017-1024, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.057597 - 31 December 2024

    Abstract Background: Early adolescents become increasingly conscious of their body image, which can profoundly impact their mental health and well-being. In South Korea, societal pressures and expectations regarding physical appearance are particularly intense, making the study of body-esteem in Korean adolescents especially pertinent. This study explores the roles of self-esteem, peer attachment, and maternal attachments in shaping body-esteem among early adolescents. Methods: Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed using data from 1326 Korean middle school students (Meanage = 13.32, SD = 1.73). Results: The results revealed that self-esteem had a significantly positive effect on both peer attachment More >

  • Open Access


    How Does Social Media Usage Intensity Influence Adolescents’ Social Anxiety: The Chain Mediating Role of Imaginary Audience and Appearance Self-Esteem

    Yunyu Shi1,2, Fanchang Kong1,2,*, Min Zhu3

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.12, pp. 977-985, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.057596 - 31 December 2024

    Abstract Background: To reduce adolescents’ social anxiety, the study integrates external factors (social media usage) with internal factors (imaginary audience and appearance-based self-esteem) to internal mechanisms of adolescents’ social anxiety in the Internet age based on objective self-awareness theory and self-esteem importance weighting model. Methods: Utilizing the Social Media Usage Intensity Scale, Social Anxiety Scale, imaginary Audience Scale, and Physical Self Questionnaire, we surveyed 400 junior high school students from three schools in Hubei province, China. Results: A significantly positive correlation is revealed between the intensity of social media usage and both social anxiety and imaginary audience… More >

  • Open Access


    Epigenetic regulation of ABCG2 promoter methylation in adolescents with hyperuricemia


    BIOCELL, Vol.48, No.12, pp. 1805-1813, 2024, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2024.056431 - 30 December 2024

    Abstract Background: Hyperuricemia is a metabolic disorder which is characterized by increased serum uric acid levels, which can contribute to serious health issues such as gout, cardiovascular disease, and kidney damage. Epigenetic modifications, for example, DNA methylation, exert a crucial function in gene regulation and have been implicated in various metabolic disorders. The ATP-Binding Cassette Subfamily G Member 2 (ABCG2) gene is involved in uric acid excretion, and its expression can be influenced by methylation of its promoter region. Methods: This study involved the design of three guide RNA (gRNA) sequences targeting specific CpG sites within… More >

  • Open Access


    L’impact du cancer de l’adolescent et du jeune adulte – AJA – sur le fonctionnement familial : étude des relations familiales en termes d’adaptabilité et de cohésion

    Voskan Kirakosyan1,*, Manon Arnoult2

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.18, No.4, pp. 337-347, 2024, DOI:10.32604/po.2024.051338 - 04 December 2024

    Abstract Objectifs: L’arrivé du cancer chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes (âgés de 15 à 24 ans) - adolescents et jeunes adultes (AJA) - correspond à une période fragile pendant laquelle le devenir adulte du jeune et l’évolution des liens familiaux mobilisent la famille dans son ensemble. Dès lors, le cancer, au-delà de sa dimension individuelle traumatique, touche toute la famille, pouvant modifier les liens familiaux et le fonctionnement familial. Notre objectif est d’évaluer le fonctionnement familial à partir du modèle circomplexe évaluant la cohésion et l’adaptabilité, quand un adolescent ou jeune adulte est atteint… More >

  • Open Access


    Construction and Validation of a Chinese Translation of the Coping Self-Efficacy Scale, Adolescent Edition

    Peichao Xie1,#, Kexu Chen1,#, Yuxuan Ji1, Qi Wang1, Kaiyun Li1,*, Fanlu Jia1, Ting Peng2

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.11, pp. 887-895, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.056305 - 28 November 2024

    Abstract Background: Coping self-efficacy can help individuals mitigate the adverse emotional impacts of stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions, and it also influences individuals’ academic performance, including school adjustment and academic burnout. It is an important factor affecting the mental health of adolescents. However, there is no measurement tool specifically designed for adolescent populations in China. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess the applicability of the Coping Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES) among Chinese adolescents. Methods: In September 2023, this study collected data through online questionnaires and ultimately conducted item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory… More >

  • Open Access


    Associations between Physical Activity, Depression, Self-Esteem, and Suicide Ideation in Adolescents

    Dojin An1, Nguyen Hoang Minh Thuan2, Youngho Kim1,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.10, pp. 847-853, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.055568 - 31 October 2024

    Abstract Background: In contemporary society, it has been widely witnessed that a surprising number of adolescents suffer emotional and mental health problems, and such turmoil is very often carried over into adulthood with serious implications for adjustment during the post-adolescent years. The purpose of the current study is to investigate the associations of physical activity with self-esteem, depression, and suicidal ideation. In addition, this study examined whether self-esteem and depression mediate the relationship between physical activity and suicide ideation in adolescents. Methods: The study participants were 946 (male: 527, female: 419) who attended junior high and… More >

  • Open Access


    Relation between Interparental Conflict and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Adolescents: Mediating Role of Alexithymia and Moderating Role of Resilience

    Lu Jia, Ye Zhang*, Sijia Yu

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.10, pp. 837-846, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.053586 - 31 October 2024

    Abstract Background: Adolescents frequently engage in Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI), with recent trends indicating an increase in this behavior. At the same time, Chinese adolescents have a higher incidence of NSSI than Western adolescents. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the relationship between interparental conflict and NSSI among adolescents within the context of Chinese families. Methods: The research sample comprised 755 senior high school students (46.62% male; age M = 16.82, SD = 0.94 years) who completed the Interparental Conflict Child Perception Scale (CPIC), Adolescent Self-Injury Behavior Questionnaire (ASHS), Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20 (TAS-20), and Scale of Adolescent Resilience… More >

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