S. Stewart Kirubakaran1,*, V. P. Arunachalam1, S. Karthik1, S. Kannan2
Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.44, No.3, pp. 1881-1895, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.026690
Abstract In the present scenario of rapid growth in cloud computing models, several companies and users started to share their data on cloud servers. However, when the model is not completely trusted, the data owners face several security-related problems, such as user privacy breaches, data disclosure, data corruption, and so on, during the process of data outsourcing. For addressing and handling the security-related issues on Cloud, several models were proposed. With that concern, this paper develops a Privacy-Preserved Data Security Approach (PP-DSA) to provide the data security and data integrity for the outsourcing data in Cloud… More >