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Search Results (53)
  • Open Access


    Modeling the Proposal of the Simultaneous Purchases and Sales of Electricity and Gas for the Energy Market in a Microgrid Using the Harmony Search Algorithm

    Zinan Zhou, Yirun Chen, Wensheng Dai*

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.6, pp. 2681-2709, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.021410 - 14 September 2022

    Abstract The use of different energy carriers together, known as an energy hub, has been a hot topic of research in recent years amongst scientists and researchers. The term energy hub refers to the simultaneous operation of various infrastructures for energy generation and transfer, which has gained momentum in the form of microgrids (MGs). This paper introduces a new strategy for the optimal performance of an MG consisting of different energy carriers for each day. In a smart distribution network (DN), MGs can reduce their own costs in the previous-day market by bidding on sales and… More >

  • Open Access


    Optimal Intelligent Reconfiguration of Distribution Network in the Presence of Distributed Generation and Storage System

    Gang Lei1,*, Chunxiang Xu2

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.5, pp. 2005-2029, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.021154 - 21 July 2022

    Abstract In the present paper, the distribution feeder reconfiguration in the presence of distributed generation resources (DGR) and energy storage systems (ESS) is solved in the dynamic form. Since studies on the reconfiguration problem have ignored the grid security and reliability, the non-distributed energy index along with the energy loss and voltage stability indices has been assumed as the objective functions of the given problem. To achieve the mentioned benefits, there are several practical plans in the distribution network. One of these applications is the network rearrangement plan, which is the simplest and least expensive way… More >

  • Open Access


    Partitioning of Water Distribution Network into District Metered Areas Using Existing Valves

    Aniket N. Sharma1, Shilpa R. Dongre1, Rajesh Gupta1, Prerna Pandey1, Neeraj Dhanraj Bokde2,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.131, No.3, pp. 1515-1537, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.018867 - 19 April 2022

    Abstract Water distribution network (WDN) leakage management has received increased attention in recent years. One of the most successful leakage-control strategies is to divide the network into District Metered Areas (DMAs). As a multi-staged technique, the generation of DMAs is a difficult task in design and implementation (i.e., clustering, sectorization, and performance evaluation). Previous studies on DMAs implementation did not consider the potential use of existing valves in achieving the objective. In this work, a methodology is proposed for detecting clusters and reducing the cost of additional valves and DMA sectorization by considering existing valves as… More >

  • Open Access


    Distribution Network Equipment Location and Capacity Planning Method Considering Energy Internet Attribute from the Perspective of Life Cycle Cost

    Qiang Li1,*, Lei Xue1, Xia Lin2

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.3, pp. 1059-1074, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.017687 - 31 March 2022

    Abstract For facing the challenges brought by large-scale renewable energy having access to the system and considering the key technologies of energy Internet, it is very necessary to put forward the location method of distribution network equipment and capacity from the perspective of life cycle cost. Compared with the traditional energy network, the equipment capacity problem of energy interconnected distribution network which involves in electricity network, thermal energy network and natural gas network is comprehensively considered in this paper. On this basis, firstly, the operation architecture of energy interconnected distribution network is designed. Secondly, taking the… More >

  • Open Access


    Distribution Network Reconfiguration Using Hybrid Optimization Technique

    S. Arun Kumar*, S. Padma, S. Madhubalan

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.33, No.2, pp. 777-789, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.023702 - 08 February 2022

    Abstract Energy management carried in a power system by configuration process is a difficult activity. So, reconfiguration has been introduced to solve this problem. Numerous optimization topologies have been utilized to solve this problem so far. However, they exhibit some drawbacks such as convergence, etc. Hence to overcome this issue, this work formulated a new hybrid optimization topology Genetic Algorithm Enabled Particle Swarm Optimization (PSOGA) to solve the energy configuration problem with low power loss in the Distribution System (DS). The proposed topology’s effectiveness was evaluated on the IEEE 33 bus Distribution System, and the results More >

  • Open Access


    Multifunction Battery Energy Storage System for Distribution Networks

    Omar H. Abdalla1,*, Gamal Abdel-Salam2, Azza A. A. Mostafa3

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.2, pp. 569-589, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.018693 - 24 January 2022

    Abstract Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) is one of the potential solutions to increase energy system flexibility, as BESS is well suited to solve many challenges in transmission and distribution networks. Examples of distribution network’s challenges, which affect network performance, are: (i) Load disconnection or technical constraints violation, which may happen during reconfiguration after fault, (ii) Unpredictable power generation change due to Photovoltaic (PV) penetration, (iii) Undesirable PV reverse power, and (iv) Low Load Factor (LF) which may affect electricity price. In this paper, the BESS is used to support distribution networks in reconfiguration after a… More >

  • Open Access


    Evaluation of Green Development Level of Electric Energy in Distribution Network Based on Multilevel Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

    Zhongfu Tan1,2, Jing Wang1,*, Caixia Tan1, Gejirifu De3,4

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.1, pp. 331-357, 2022, DOI:10.32604/EE.2022.015700 - 22 November 2021

    Abstract At present, there are few studies on the comprehensive evaluation of green power grid development in China, and all aspects of green power grid need to be evaluated. Therefore, this paper studies the green development level of power distribution network. This paper proposes a multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, which first needs to classify the influencing factors. Therefore, this paper constructs an indicator system for the evaluation of green development of power distribution network from three dimensions. In order to avoid the influence of subjective factors, this paper adopts the model combining analytic hierarchy process More >

  • Open Access


    Optimal Implementation of Photovoltaic and Battery Energy Storage in Distribution Networks

    Hussein Abdel-Mawgoud1, Salah Kamel1, Hegazy Rezk2,3, Tahir Khurshaid4, Sang-Bong Rhee4,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.69, No.2, pp. 1463-1481, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2021.017995 - 21 July 2021

    Abstract Recently, implementation of Battery Energy Storage (BES) with photovoltaic (PV) array in distribution networks is becoming very popular in overall the world. Integrating PV alone in distribution networks generates variable output power during 24-hours as it depends on variable natural source. PV can be able to generate constant output power during 24-hours by installing BES with it. Therefore, this paper presents a new application of a recent metaheuristic algorithm, called Slime Mould Algorithm (SMA), to determine the best size, and location of photovoltaic alone or with battery energy storage in the radial distribution system (RDS).… More >

  • Open Access


    Optimal Allocation of Comprehensive Resources for Large-Scale Access of Electric Kiln to the Distribution Network

    Dan Wu1, Yanbo Che1, Wei Li2,*, Wei He3, Dongyi Li4

    Energy Engineering, Vol.118, No.5, pp. 1549-1564, 2021, DOI:10.32604/EE.2021.014818 - 16 July 2021

    Abstract With the significant progress of the “coal to electricity” project, the electric kiln equipment began to be connected to the distribution network on a large scale, which caused power quality problems such as low voltage, high harmonic distortion rate, and high reactive power loss. This paper proposes a two-stage power grid comprehensive resource optimization configuration model. A multi-objective optimization solution based on the joint simulation platform of Matlab and OpenDSS is developed. The solution aims to control harmonics and optimize reactive power. In the first stage, a multi-objective optimization model is established to minimize the… More >

  • Open Access


    Effect of Load on Transient Performance of Unearthed and Compensated Distribution Networks

    Nehmdoh A. Sabiha*, Hend I. Alkhammash

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.28, No.3, pp. 769-784, 2021, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2021.016752 - 20 April 2021

    Abstract The maximum temperature that cable insulation can withstand determines the maximum load that the cable conductor can carry, which is called cable ampacity. However, a temperature far from this value under normal load conditions affects the transients due to earth faults in the distribution network. Accordingly, error estimation in the fault location occurs, and the smart grids do not accept such errors. Considering heterogenous unearthed and compensated distribution networks, the temperature rise in different underground cables is estimated under different load conditions. These loads are full load, three quarters (3/4) load, one half (1/2) load,… More >

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