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  • Open Access


    Emergency Prioritized and Congestion Handling Protocol for Medical Internet of Things

    Sabeen Tahir*, Sheikh Tahir Bakhsh, Rayed AlGhamdi

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.66, No.1, pp. 733-749, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.013261 - 30 October 2020

    Abstract Medical Internet of Things (MIoTs) is a collection of small and energyefficient wireless sensor devices that monitor the patient’s body. The healthcare networks transmit continuous data monitoring for the patients to survive them independently. There are many improvements in MIoTs, but still, there are critical issues that might affect the Quality of Service (QoS) of a network. Congestion handling is one of the critical factors that directly affect the QoS of the network. The congestion in MIoT can cause more energy consumption, delay, and important data loss. If a patient has an emergency, then the… More >

  • Open Access


    Study of Optical, Electrical and Acoustical Properties of CuSO4 Doped Polyvinyl Pyrrolidone (PVP) based Polymer Solutions


    Journal of Polymer Materials, Vol.37, No.3-4, pp. 131-142, 2020, DOI:10.32381/JPM.2020.37.3-4.2

    Abstract The optical, electrical and acoustical properties of a polymer solution based on polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) doped with different concentration of cupric sulphate (CuSO4 ) were studied.UVVIS spectroscopy results reflected that absorption increases in asymmetric manner and the absorption peak showed red shift with increasing Cu ions concentration. The optical band gap (direct and indirect) was found to decrease with increase in Cu ions concentration in the polymer due to increase in the density of localized states in the band-gap.The value of Urbach energy is also evaluated from the transmission spectra and the activation energies are also More >

  • Open Access



    N. Vijayaa,*, S. M. Arifuzzamanb, N. Raghavendra Saic, Ch. Manikya Raod

    Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.15, pp. 1-9, 2020, DOI:10.5098/hmt.15.26

    Abstract The upfront intension of this study is to explore the advances in electrically conducting Casson fluid induced due to a porous elongated surface taking Arrhenius activation energy, viscous dissipation and joule heating into account. Uniform magnetic and electric fields are imposed on the given flow. Variables of similarity are induced to transmute partial differential equations into dimensionless equations and resolved numerically by elegant method bvp4c. To scrutinize the behavior of critical parameters on flow configurations graphs and table are portrayed. From graphical moments, it is analyzed that velocity of the liquid diminish for advanced More >

  • Open Access



    Pengda Li, Chao Xu, Zhirong Liao* , Xing Ju, Feng Ye

    Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.15, pp. 1-10, 2020, DOI:10.5098/hmt.15.10

    Abstract This study numerically investigates the charging and discharging processes of a three-stages cascaded latent heat thermal energy storage unit using three molten salts as the phase change materials (PCMs). Each stage of the unit is a vertical shell-and-tube heat exchanger, whose shell side is filled with the PCM and air. The liquid fractions, temperatures, and accumulated thermal energy of the PCMs during the fully charging and discharging processes, as well as the effects of the HTF inlet temperature, are analyzed. The results show that lower melting temperature of the PCM causes faster charging rate and More >

  • Open Access



    Manfred Groll

    Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.15, pp. 1-7, 2020, DOI:10.5098/hmt.15.2

    Abstract Each individual human being, groups of individuals, whole nations depend on the availability of energy for their survival. Without energy, no civilization can develop and sustain. In our globalised civilization, hundreds of millions of people cannot satisfy their needs for energy, be it in the elementary form of food, (clean) water for drinking, cooking and irrigation, (clean) air and (clean) soil for production of crops, or be it in energy required for heating/refrigeration, light, radio, TV, etc. Modern industrialized societies with their huge energy demand for industry, the transportation sector and for building up or… More >

  • Open Access


    Big Data of Home Energy Management in Cloud Computing

    Rizwan Munir1,*, Yifei Wei1, Rahim Ullah2, Iftikhar Hussain3, Kaleem Arshid4, Umair Tariq1

    Journal of Quantum Computing, Vol.2, No.4, pp. 193-202, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jqc.2020.016151 - 07 January 2021

    Abstract A smart grid is the evolved form of the power grid with the integration of sensing, communication, computing, monitoring, and control technologies. These technologies make the power grid reliable, efficient, and economical. However, the smartness boosts the volume of data in the smart grid. To obligate full benefits, big data has attractive techniques to process and analyze smart grid data. This paper presents and simulates a framework to make sure the use of big data computing technique in the smart grid. The offered framework comprises of the following four layers: (i) Data source layer, (ii) More >

  • Open Access


    An Efficient Energy Routing Protocol Based on Gradient Descent Method in WSNs

    Ru Jin*, Xinlian Zhou, Yue Wang

    Journal of Information Hiding and Privacy Protection, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 115-123, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jihpp.2020.010180 - 18 December 2020

    Abstract In a wireless sensor network [1], the operation of a node depends on the battery power it carries. Because of the environmental reasons, the node cannot replace the battery. In order to improve the life cycle of the network, energy becomes one of the key problems in the design of the wireless sensor network (WSN) routing protocol [2]. This paper proposes a routing protocol ERGD based on the method of gradient descent that can minimizes the consumption of energy. Within the communication radius of the current node, the distance between the current node and the More >

  • Open Access


    Shear Flows in the Near-Turbulent Wake Region of High Speed Trains

    Liang Ce, Yongchen Pan*

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.16, No.6, pp. 1115-1128, 2020, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2020.010829 - 17 December 2020

    Abstract Two flow cases for scaled high speed train models with different length are numerically analyzed in the framework of the improved delayed detachededdy simulation model. Specific attention is paid to the shear flows and related mechanisms in the near turbulent wake created by these moving models. In particular, a comparative analysis is made on the distributions of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and turbulence production (TP) in planes perpendicular to the streamwise direction. The numerical results suggest that, in the wake region very close to the tail, significant TKE and TP can be ascribed to the More >

  • Open Access


    CFD Simulation and Experimental Study of a New Elastic Blade Wave Energy Converter

    Chongfei Sun1, Jianzhong Shang1, Zirong Luo1, Xin Li2,*, Zhongyue Lu1, Guoheng Wu1

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.16, No.6, pp. 1147-1159, 2020, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2020.09937 - 17 December 2020

    Abstract Small moving vehicles represent an important category of marine engineering tools and devices (equipment) typically used for ocean resource detection and maintenance of marine rights and interests. The lack of efficient power supply modes is one of the technical bottlenecks restricting the effective utilisation of this type of equipment. In this work, the performance characteristics of a new type of elastic-blade/wave-energy converter (EBWEC) and its core energy conversion component (named wave energy absorber) are comprehensively studied. In particular, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and experiments have been used to analyze the hydrodynamics and performance characteristics… More >

  • Open Access


    Multi-Scale Boxes Loss for Object Detection in Smart Energy

    Zhiyong Dai1,*, Jianjun Yi1, Yajun Zhang1, Liang He2

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.26, No.5, pp. 887-903, 2020, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2020.010122

    Abstract The rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies has boosted smart energy networks in recent years. However, power line surveillance systems still suffer from the low accuracy and efficiency of the power line area recognition and risk objects detection. This paper proposes a new customized loss function to tackle the disequilibrium of the size of objects on multi-scale feature maps in the deep learning-based detectors. To validate the new concept and improve the efficiency, we also presented a new object detection model. Experimental results are provided to exhibit the advantage of our proposed method More >

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