Wenxiao Wang1,*, Xiaoyu Li1,*, Yin Ding1, Feizhou Wu2, Shan Yang3
Journal of Quantum Computing, Vol.3, No.1, pp. 25-33, 2021, DOI:10.32604/jqc.2021.016346
Abstract Due to the increase in the types of business and equipment in
telecommunications companies, the performance index data collected in the
operation and maintenance process varies greatly. The diversity of index data
makes it very difficult to perform high-precision capacity prediction. In order to
improve the forecasting efficiency of related indexes, this paper designs a
classification method of capacity index data, which divides the capacity index data
into trend type, periodic type and irregular type. Then for the prediction of trend
data, it proposes a capacity index prediction model based on Recurrent Neural
Network (RNN), More >