Mesut Ulu1,*, Yusuf Sait Türkan2, Kenan Mengüç3, Ersin Namlı2, Tarık Küçükdeniz2
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.80, No.2, pp. 2259-2281, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.052323
Abstract Today, urban traffic, growing populations, and dense transportation networks are contributing to an increase in traffic incidents. These incidents include traffic accidents, vehicle breakdowns, fires, and traffic disputes, resulting in long waiting times, high carbon emissions, and other undesirable situations. It is vital to estimate incident response times quickly and accurately after traffic incidents occur for the success of incident-related planning and response activities. This study presents a model for forecasting the traffic incident duration of traffic events with high precision. The proposed model goes through a 4-stage process using various features to predict the… More >