Yanyan Han1,2, Jiangping Yu3, Guangyu Hu4, Chenglei Pan4, Dingbang Xie5, Chao Guo1,2,6,*, Abdul Waheed7
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.72, No.3, pp. 4789-4802, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.027496
Abstract Verifiable secret sharing mainly solves the cheating behavior between malicious participants and the ground control center in the satellite network. The verification stage can verify the effectiveness of secret shares issued by the ground control center to each participant and verify the effectiveness of secret shares shown by participants. We use a lot of difficult assumptions based on mathematical problems in the verification stage, such as solving the difficult problem of the discrete logarithm, large integer prime factorization, and so on. Compared with other verifiable secret sharing schemes designed for difficult problems under the same… More >