F.C. de Araújo1,2, C. R. da Silva Jr.1, M. J. Hillesheim1
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.96, No.3, pp. 185-198, 2013, DOI:10.3970/cmes.2013.096.185
Abstract In this paper, the BE SBS (subregion-by-subregion) algorithm, a generic substructuring technique for the BEM, is applied to evaluate stresses at boundary and interfacial points of general 3D composites and solids. At inner points, regular boundary integration schemes may be employed. For boundary or interfacial points, the Hooke’s law along with global-to-local axis-rotation transformations is directly applied. In fact, in thin-walled domain parts, only boundary stresses are needed. As the SBS algorithm allows the consideration of a generic number of subregions, the technique applies to the stress analysis in any composite and solid, including the More >