The Acoustic Performance of 3D Printed Multiple Jet Nozzles with Different Configurations
Ali Safari Variani1, Ali Dastamoz1, Sajad Zare2, Ahmad Nikpey1, Saeid Ahmadi1,*
Sound & Vibration, Vol.54, No.1, pp. 43-55, 2020, DOI:10.32604/sv.2020.08636
Abstract This work investigated multiple jet nozzles with various geometrical
shape, number of exits, and material on reducing noise radiated from jet flows.
Nozzles are categorized in two groups with few and many exit numbers, each
with various exit shapes, slot and circular, and geometry. Firstly, nozzles are
designed and then fabricated by a 3D printer, Form Labs, Form2USA, with polymeric
resin. Also, the nozzle with the most noise reduction made of stainless steel.
Noise and air thrust were measured at three air pressure gauges, 3, 5, 7 BAR
and directions from nozzle apex, 30°, 90°,… More >