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Reducing Occupational Noise Propagated from Centrifugal Fan through Dissipative Silencers: A Field Study

by Ali Safari Variani1, Masoumeh Ghorbanide1, Sajad Zare2, Saeid Ahmadi1,*, Zahra Hashemi3

1 Department of Occupational Health and Safety, School of Public Health, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran
2 Department of Occupational Health and Safety, School of Public Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran
3 Department of Occupational Health Engineering, Behbahan Faculty of Medical Sciences, Behbahan, Iran

* Corresponding Author: Saeid Ahmadi. Email: email

Sound & Vibration 2021, 55(1), 31-41.


Acoustic performance of dissipative silencer was evaluated to determine the effectiveness of perforated duct porosity and absorbent material density in reducing occupational noise exposure propagated from centrifugal fan. Design charts were applied to predict noise reduction and length of a dissipative silencer. Dissipative silencers with various punched duct porosity (14%, 30% and 40%) and sound absorbent density (80 Kg/m3, 120 Kg/m3, and 140 Kg/m3) were designed and fabricated. According to ISO9612 and ISO11820, noise level was measured before and after installing all nine test silencers at fixed workstations around the discharge side of a centrifugal fan in a manufacturing plant. On average, the noise level at the discharge side of a fan without silencer was measured to be 93.6 dBA, whereas it was significantly mitigated by 67.4 dBA to 70.1 dBA after installing all silencers. Dynamic insertion loss for a dissipative silencer with 100 cm length was predicted to be 27.9 dB, which was in agreement with experimental ones. Although, there was no significant differences between insertion loss of silencers, the one with 30% porosity and 120 Kg/m3 rock wool density had the highest insertion loss of 26.2 dBA. Dissipative silencers noticeably reduced centrifugal fan noise exposures. Increasing sound absorbent density and duct porosity up to a certain limit could probably be effective in noise reduction of dissipative silencers.


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APA Style
Variani, A.S., Ghorbanide, M., Zare, S., Ahmadi, S., Hashemi, Z. (2021). Reducing occupational noise propagated from centrifugal fan through dissipative silencers: A field study. Sound & Vibration, 55(1), 31–41.
Vancouver Style
Variani AS, Ghorbanide M, Zare S, Ahmadi S, Hashemi Z. Reducing occupational noise propagated from centrifugal fan through dissipative silencers: A field study. Sound Vib. 2021;55(1):31–41.
IEEE Style
A. S. Variani, M. Ghorbanide, S. Zare, S. Ahmadi, and Z. Hashemi, “Reducing Occupational Noise Propagated from Centrifugal Fan through Dissipative Silencers: A Field Study,” Sound Vib., vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 31–41, 2021.

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