Open Access
Acoustic Shock Emission in a Collision of a Drop with Water Surface
Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, Moscow, 119526, Russia
* Corresponding Author: V. E. Prokhorov. Email:
Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2020, 16(4), 737-746.
Received 31 October 2019; Accepted 08 March 2020; Issue published 11 August 2020
The collision of droplets with a water surface is being actively developed in the interests of many applied problems—transfer of matter through the ocean-atmosphere boundary, underwater acoustic noise of the marine environment, measurement of precipitation intensity, various technologies, and much more. One of the research priorities is acoustic radiation, in particular, shock sound arising at the moment a drop contacts the surface. The impact of the drop is preceded by processes that affect the shape of the drop, because of which it noticeably deviates from the spherical one. As a result, the final (contact) velocity changes–one of the most important parameters of collision. The study of the listed factors is carried out in this work by means of broadband acoustic measurements and high-speed video recording.Keywords
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