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Numerical Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Behavior of a Remotely Operated Vehicle in Multi-Directional Flow

by Hongfei Cao1,2, Zhongda Lyu1,2,3,*, Xi Peng2,3, Zhuo Zhao2,3

1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, Ningbo University, Ningbo, 315211, China
2 School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo, 315211, China
3 Engineering Research Center of Industrial Construction in Civil Engineering of Zhejiang, Ningbo University of Technology, Ningbo, 315211, China

* Corresponding Author: Zhongda Lyu. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Advances in Solid Waste Processing and Recycling Technologies for Civil Engineering Materials)

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 2023, 19(9), 2361-2384.


In recent years, Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) have played an increasingly important role in the construction and monitoring of underwater pile foundations. However, due to the open frame structure of such vehicles, a gap of knowledge still exists with regard to their hydrodynamic behavior. In this study, the hydrodynamic stability of such vehicles is investigated numerically by means of a multiple reference frame method. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the ROV when it moves horizontally and upward in the vertical plane are examined. It is found that there is interference between the horizontal and vertical thrusters of the ROV. There is also interference between the propeller thrust and drag (or lift). The effect of the vertical thrusters can increase the horizontal thrust by about 5%. The horizontal thrusters create a low-pressure area below the body, which can make vertical drag experienced by the ROV significantly higher.


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APA Style
Cao, H., Lyu, Z., Peng, X., Zhao, Z. (2023). Numerical analysis of the hydrodynamic behavior of a remotely operated vehicle in multi-directional flow. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, 19(9), 2361–2384.
Vancouver Style
Cao H, Lyu Z, Peng X, Zhao Z. Numerical analysis of the hydrodynamic behavior of a remotely operated vehicle in multi-directional flow. Fluid Dyn Mater Proc. 2023;19(9):2361–2384.
IEEE Style
H. Cao, Z. Lyu, X. Peng, and Z. Zhao, “Numerical Analysis of the Hydrodynamic Behavior of a Remotely Operated Vehicle in Multi-Directional Flow,” Fluid Dyn. Mater. Proc., vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 2361–2384, 2023.

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