Open Access
Imperfect Premise Matching Controller Design for Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems under Network Environments
1 Mechanical Engineering College, Beihua University, Jilin, 132013, China
2 Mathematic College, Beihua University, Jilin, 132013, China
3 School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, 70211, Finland
* Corresponding Author: Dawei Wang. Email:
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 2021, 27(1), 173-189.
Received 13 July 2020; Accepted 11 September 2020; Issue published 07 January 2021
The interval type-2 fuzzy sets can describe nonlinear plants with uncertain parameters. It exists in nonlinearity. The parameter uncertainties extensively exist in the nonlinear practical Networked Control Systems (NCSs), and it is paramount to investigate the stabilization of the NCSs on account of the section type-2 fuzzy systems. Notice that most of the existing research work is only on account of the convention Parallel Distribution Compensation (PDC). For overcoming the weak point of the PDC and acquire certain guard stability conditions, the state tickling regulator under imperfect premise matching can be constructed to steady the NCSs using the section type-2 indistinct muster, where the fuzzy plant and fuzzy regulator may enjoy together not the same membership functions. By leading into the message of the up and down membership functions of both the fuzzy pattern and fuzzy regulator, we build a new composed term of the section type-2 network systems. The new results we obtained can provide a larger area of stability than the conventional membership unconcerned stability results. Moreover, a novel unmatching state feedback controller design method for the interval type-2 networked systems is explored in our work. The proposed approach can significantly improve the design flexibility of the fuzzy controllers, because their membership functions can be arbitrarily selected. Two numerical examples are further used to demonstrate the less-conservativeness and effectiveness of the novel technique.Keywords
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