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Combined Recycling of White Rice Husk Ash as Cement Replacement and Metal Furnace Slag as Coarse-Aggregate Replacement to Produce Self-Consolidating Concrete

by Naphol Yoobanpot1,*, Prakasit Sokrai2, Natt Makul2

1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, 10800, Thailand
2 Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Bangkok, 10220, Thailand

* Corresponding Author: Naphol Yoobanpot. Email: email

(This article belongs to the Special Issue: Recycled Concrete Towards a Sustainable Society)

Journal of Renewable Materials 2021, 9(11), 2033-2049.


According to empirical evidence, high levels of energy and considerable amounts of natural resources are used in the production of concrete. Given the context, this study explores self-consolidating concrete (SCC) that includes rice husk ash (RHA) and metal furnace slag (MFS) as an alternative to cement and the natural aggregates in standard SCC mixes. In this study, mixture designs are investigated with 20 wt.% of RHA, 10–30 wt.% of MFS and water-to-powder material ratios of 0.30 and 0.40. Based on the findings regarding the fresh-state, hardened-state, and durability properties of the resulting SCC mixes, it is evident that the use of RHA and MFS can significantly improve the properties of concrete. The highest compressive strength was achieved for SCC with 20 wt.% RHA and 10 wt.% MFS. This outcome should be used as a basis for further investigations into the production of concrete materials that are both high-performance and sustainable.


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APA Style
Yoobanpot, N., Sokrai, P., Makul, N. (2021). Combined recycling of white rice husk ash as cement replacement and metal furnace slag as coarse-aggregate replacement to produce self-consolidating concrete. Journal of Renewable Materials, 9(11), 2033–2049.
Vancouver Style
Yoobanpot N, Sokrai P, Makul N. Combined recycling of white rice husk ash as cement replacement and metal furnace slag as coarse-aggregate replacement to produce self-consolidating concrete. J Renew Mater. 2021;9(11):2033–2049.
IEEE Style
N. Yoobanpot, P. Sokrai, and N. Makul, “Combined Recycling of White Rice Husk Ash as Cement Replacement and Metal Furnace Slag as Coarse-Aggregate Replacement to Produce Self-Consolidating Concrete,” J. Renew. Mater., vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 2033–2049, 2021.

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