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Search Results (21)
  • Open Access


    Study of the Transport Behavior of Multispherical Proppant in Intersecting Fracture Based on Discrete Element Method

    Chengyong Peng1, Jianshu Wu1, Mao Jiang1, Biao Yin2,3,*, Yishan Lou2,3

    Energy Engineering, Vol.122, No.1, pp. 185-201, 2025, DOI:10.32604/ee.2024.056062 - 27 December 2024

    Abstract To analyze the differences in the transport and distribution of different types of proppants and to address issues such as the short effective support of proppant and poor placement in hydraulically intersecting fractures, this study considered the combined impact of geological-engineering factors on conductivity. Using reservoir production parameters and the discrete element method, multispherical proppants were constructed. Additionally, a 3D fracture model, based on the specified conditions of the L block, employed coupled (Computational Fluid Dynamics) CFD-DEM (Discrete Element Method) for joint simulations to quantitatively analyze the transport and placement patterns of multispherical proppants in… More > Graphic Abstract

    Study of the Transport Behavior of Multispherical Proppant in Intersecting Fracture Based on Discrete Element Method

  • Open Access


    The Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization for Stacked Tight Gas Reservoirs Using Multilayers and Multiwells Fracturing Strategies

    Yuanyuan Yang1, Xian Shi1,2,*, Cheng Ji3, Yujie Yan3, Na An3, Teng Zhang4

    Energy Engineering, Vol.121, No.12, pp. 3667-3688, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ee.2024.056266 - 22 November 2024

    Abstract Based on a geology-engineering sweet spot evaluation, the high-quality reservoir zones and horizontal well landing points were determined. Subsequently, fracture propagation and production were simulated with a multilayer fracturing scenario. The optimal hydraulic fracturing strategy for the multilayer fracturing network was determined by introducing a vertical asymmetry factor. This strategy aimed to minimize stress shadowing effects in the vertical direction while maximizing the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV). The study found that the small vertical layer spacing of high-quality reservoirs and the presence of stress-masking layers (with a stress difference of approximately 3~8 MPa) indicate that… More > Graphic Abstract

    The Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization for Stacked Tight Gas Reservoirs Using Multilayers and Multiwells Fracturing Strategies

  • Open Access


    Hydraulic Fracture Parameter Inversion Method for Shale Gas Wells Based on Transient Pressure-Drop Analysis during Hydraulic Fracturing Shut-in Period

    Shangjun Gao1,2, Yang Yang1, Man Chen1, Jian Zheng1, Luqi Qin2,*, Xiangyu Liu2, Jianying Yang1

    Energy Engineering, Vol.121, No.11, pp. 3305-3329, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ee.2024.053622 - 21 October 2024

    Abstract Horizontal well drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing are key technologies for the development of shale gas reservoirs. Instantaneous acquisition of hydraulic fracture parameters is crucial for evaluating fracturing effectiveness, optimizing processes, and predicting gas productivity. This paper establishes a transient flow model for shale gas wells based on the boundary element method, achieving the characterization of stimulated reservoir volume for a single stage. By integrating pressure monitoring data following the pumping shut-in period of hydraulic fracturing for well testing interpretation, a workflow for inverting fracture parameters of shale gas wells is established. This new method… More >

  • Open Access


    Numerical Simulation of Proppant Migration in the Non-Uniform Temperature Field during Supercritical CO2 Fracturing

    Boyu Liu1, Jun Yao1,*, Hai Sun1

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.29, No.1, pp. 1-1, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.011600

    Abstract The temperature gradient between the geological formation and the injected supercritical CO2 (Sc-CO2) initiates heat transfer processes, leading to a non-uniform temperature field within the fracture. This spatial thermal variation induces fluctuations in the density and viscosity of Sc-CO2. Moreover, the non-uniform density distribution of Sc-CO2 leads to varying degrees of volume expansion or shrinkage, influencing fluid flow velocities within the fractures. This study integrates heat transfer and fluid leak-off models into the Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid framework to systematically investigate the collective impacts of Sc-CO2's density, viscosity, and density-induced volumetric alterations on the proppant transport process under varied pumping… More >

  • Open Access


    An Integrated Optimization Method for CO2 Pre-Injection during Hydraulic Fracturing in Heavy Oil Reservoirs

    Hong Dong1, Xiding Gao2,*, Xinqi Zhang1, Qian Wang1,3, Haipeng Xu1, Binrui Wang2, Chengguo Gao1, Kaiwen Luo2, Hengyi Jiang2

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.20, No.9, pp. 1971-1991, 2024, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2024.049406 - 23 August 2024

    Abstract CO2 pre-injection during hydraulic fracturing is an important method for the development of medium to deep heavy oil reservoirs. It reduces the interfacial tension and viscosity of crude oil, enhances its flowability, maintains reservoir pressure, and increases reservoir drainage capacity. Taking the Badaowan Formation as an example, in this study a detailed three-dimensional geomechanical model based on static data from well logging interpretations is elaborated, which can take into account both vertical and horizontal geological variations and mechanical characteristics. A comprehensive analysis of the impact of key construction parameters on Pre-CO2 based fracturing (such as cluster More >

  • Open Access


    Implication of Water-Rock Interaction for Enhancing Shale Gas Production

    Qiuyang Cheng1,2,3, Lijun You3,*, Cheng Chang1,2, Weiyang Xie1,2, Haoran Hu1,2, Xingchen Wang1,2

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.20, No.7, pp. 1441-1462, 2024, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2024.051200 - 23 July 2024

    Abstract Horizontal well drilling and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing technologies are at the root of commercial shale gas development and exploitation. During these processes, typically, a large amount of working fluid enters the formation, resulting in widespread water-rock interaction. Deeply understanding such effects is required to optimize the production system. In this study, the mechanisms of water-rock interaction and the associated responses of shale fabric are systematically reviewed for working fluids such as neutral fluids, acid fluids, alkali fluids and oxidative fluids. It is shown that shale is generally rich in water-sensitive components such as clay minerals,… More >

  • Open Access


    Influence of High-Density Bedding Plane Characteristics on Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Shale Oil Reservoir

    Xiao Yan1,2,3, Di Wang1,2,4, Haitao Yu1,2,3,5,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.140, No.3, pp. 3051-3071, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.051832 - 08 July 2024

    Abstract The existence of high-density bedding planes is a typical characteristic of shale oil reservoirs. Understanding the behavior of hydraulic fracturing in high-density laminated rocks is significant for promoting shale oil production. In this study, a hydraulic fracturing model considering tensile failure and frictional slip of the bedding planes is established within the framework of the unified pipe-interface element method (UP-IEM). The model developed for simulating the interaction between the hydraulic fracture and the bedding plane is validated by comparison with experimental results. The hydraulic fracturing patterns in sealed and unsealed bedding planes are compared. Additionally,… More >

  • Open Access


    Shale Fracturability Graphic Template Based on Mixed Analytic Hierar-chy Process and Mutation Theory

    Sichen Li1,2, Dehua Liu1,2,*, Liang Cheng1,2, Pan Ma1,2

    Energy Engineering, Vol.121, No.7, pp. 1921-1943, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ee.2024.049906 - 11 June 2024

    Abstract Due to the depletion of conventional energy reserves, there has been a global shift towards non-conventional energy sources. Shale oil and gas have emerged as key alternatives. These resources have dense and heterogeneous reservoirs, which require hydraulic fracturing to extract. This process depends on identifying optimal fracturing layers, also known as ‘sweet spots’. However, there is currently no uniform standard for locating these sweet spots. This paper presents a new model for evaluating fracturability that aims to address the current gap in the field. The model utilizes a hierarchical analysis approach and a mutation model, More > Graphic Abstract

    Shale Fracturability Graphic Template Based on Mixed Analytic Hierar-chy Process and Mutation Theory

  • Open Access


    A Data-Oriented Method to Optimize Hydraulic Fracturing Parameters of Tight Sandstone Reservoirs

    Zhengrong Chen*, Mao Jiang, Chuanzhi Ai, Jianshu Wu, Xin Xie

    Energy Engineering, Vol.121, No.6, pp. 1657-1669, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ee.2024.030222 - 21 May 2024

    Abstract Based on the actual data collected from the tight sandstone development zone, correlation analysis using the Spearman method was conducted to determine the main factors influencing the gas production rate of tight sandstone fracturing. An integrated model combining geological engineering and numerical simulation of fracture propagation and production was completed. Based on data analysis, the hydraulic fracture parameters were optimized to develop a differentiated fracturing treatment adjustment plan. The results indicate that the influence of geological and engineering factors in the X1 and X2 development zones in the study area differs significantly. Therefore, it is… More >

  • Open Access


    Numerical Analysis of Perforation during Hydraulic Fracture Initiation Based on Continuous–Discontinuous Element Method

    Rui Zhang1, Lixiang Wang2,*, Jing Li1,4, Chun Feng2, Yiming Zhang1,3,4,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.140, No.2, pp. 2103-2129, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.049885 - 20 May 2024

    Abstract Perforation is a pivotal technique employed to establish main flow channels within the reservoir formation at the outset of hydraulic fracturing operations. Optimizing perforation designs is critical for augmenting the efficacy of hydraulic fracturing and boosting oil or gas production. In this study, we employ a hybrid finite-discrete element method, known as the continuous–discontinuous element method (CDEM), to simulate the initiation of post-perforation hydraulic fractures and to derive enhanced design parameters. The model incorporates the four most prevalent perforation geometries, as delineated in an engineering technical report. Real-world perforations deviate from the ideal cylindrical shape, More >

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