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Search Results (26)
  • Open Access


    Towards the Development of Mechanical Systems Entirely Based on Natural Materials

    Fatima Zohra Elhilali, Hicham Fihri-Fassi*

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.18, No.5, pp. 1285-1292, 2022, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2022.021803 - 27 May 2022

    Abstract In order to mitigate the risks stemming from the utilization of mineral and synthetic organic substances, consensus exists in the literature that additional efforts should be devoted to the identification of adequate equivalent natural (ecological) materials. This work presents the outcomes of a preliminary study where the physical, mechanical, chemical and thermal properties of natural fibers have been considered. Initially, areca, and materials such as Moroccan doum and jute are considered. As a case study, a brake pad based on natural fibers is critically assessed. More >

  • Open Access


    Tensile and Stress Analysis of Hybrid Composite Prosthetic Socket Reinforced with Natural Fibers

    Noor K. Faheed*, Qahtan A. Hamad, Jawad K. Oleiwi

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.7, pp. 1989-2013, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.017573 - 07 March 2022

    Abstract Natural fibers and their composites are the evolving movements in material science, and with that, the utmost use of plant-based fibers has become the focus of this research. Sisal and cotton natural fibers were used to construct a prosthetic socket as an attempt to substitute material currently available in the manufacturing of sockets. The vacuum bagging technique was adopted to produce a below-knee socket. The influence of different fiber layering sequences on the volumetric and mechanical characteristics was estimated experimentally and numerically. Mechanical tensile tests were used to assess laminated specimens, such as tensile strength,… More >

  • Open Access


    Properties of Different Chemically Treated Woven Hemp Fabric Reinforced Bio-Composites

    Arunjunai Raj Mahendran*, Günter Wuzella, Stefan Pichler, Herfried Lammer

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.6, pp. 1505-1516, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.017835 - 20 January 2022

    Abstract The objective of this work is to carry out the chemical treatment for the hemp fabrics in a closed vacuum system and to prepare bio-based composites using treated hemp fabrics. The change in surface tension of the treated fabrics was measured using contact angle measurement and the wetting behavior using a tensiometer. Bio-based composites were fabricated using bio-based epoxy resin and different chemically treated fabrics. The flexural strength and dynamic water absorption behavior of the composites were characterized. The acetylated fabrics showed very good wetting behavior, and the contact angle values were marginally low compared More > Graphic Abstract

    Properties of Different Chemically Treated Woven Hemp Fabric Reinforced Bio-Composites

  • Open Access


    Experimental Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber Reinforced Concrete

    Ismail Shah1,2, Jing Li1,2,*, Shengyuan Yang1, Yubo Zhang1, Aftab Anwar1,2

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.5, pp. 1307-1320, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.017513 - 22 December 2021

    Abstract Recently, addition of various natural fibers to high strength concrete has aroused great interest in the field of building materials. This is because natural fibers are much cheaper and locally available, as compare to synthetic fibers. Keeping in view, this current research conducted mainly focuses on the static properties of hybridized (sisal/coir), sisal and coir fiber-reinforced concrete. Two types of natural fibers sisal and coir were used in the experiment with different lengths of 10, 20 and 30 mm and various natural fiber concentrations of 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5% by mass of cement, to investigate… More > Graphic Abstract

    Experimental Investigation on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber Reinforced Concrete

  • Open Access


    A Review of Recent Advances in Hybrid Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

    Jorge Neto, Henrique Queiroz, Ricardo Aguiar, Rosemere Lima, Daniel Cavalcanti, Mariana Doina Banea*

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.3, pp. 561-589, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.017434 - 28 September 2021

    Abstract Natural fiber reinforced polymer composites (NFRCs) have demonstrated great potential for many different applications in various industries due to their advantages compared to synthetic fiber-reinforced composites, such as low environmental impact and low cost. However, one of the drawbacks is that the NFRCs present relatively low mechanical properties and the absorption of humidity due to the hydrophilic characteristic of the natural fibre. One method to increase their performance is hybridization. Therefore, understanding the properties and potential of using multiple reinforcement’s materials to develop hybrid composites is of great interest. This paper provides an overview of… More > Graphic Abstract

    A Review of Recent Advances in Hybrid Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites

  • Open Access


    Acoustic Properties of Micro-Perforated Panels Made from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber Reinforced Polylactic Acid

    Vignesh Sekar1,*, Se Yong Eh Noum1, Azma Putra2, Sivakumar Sivanesan1, Kok Chun Chin1, Yi San Wong1, Dg Hafizah Kassim3

    Sound & Vibration, Vol.55, No.4, pp. 343-352, 2021, DOI:10.32604/sv.2021.014916 - 18 October 2021

    Abstract This paper presents the development and performance of micro-perforated panels (MPP) from natural fiber reinforced composites. The MPP is made of Polylactic Acid (PLA) reinforced with Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fiber (OPEFBF). The investigation was made by varying the fiber density, air gap, and perforation ratio to observe the effect on the Sound Absorption Coefficient (SAC) through the experiment in an impedance tube. It is found that the peak level of SAC is not affected, but the peak frequency shifts to lower frequency when the fiber density is increased. This phenomenon might be due More >

  • Open Access


    Manufacturing Process Selection of “Green” Oil Palm Natural Fiber Reinforced Polyurethane Composites Using Hybrid TEA Criteria Requirement and AHP Method for Automotive Crash Box

    N. S. B. Yusof1,2, S. M. Sapuan1,3,*, M. T. H. Sultan1,4, M. Jawaid1

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.8, No.6, pp. 647-660, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2020.08309 - 12 May 2020

    Abstract In this study, the best manufacturing process will be selected to build an automotive crash box using green oil palm natural fibre-reinforced polyurethane composite materials. This paper introduces an approach consist of technical aspects (T), the economic point of view (E) and availability (A), and it’s also called as TEA requirement. This approach was developed with the goal of assisting the design engineer in the selection of the best manufacturing process during the design phase at the criteria selection stage. In this study, the TEA requirement will integrate with the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to… More >

  • Open Access


    Conceptual Design of Natural Fiber Composites as a Side-Door Impact Beam Using Hybrid Approach

    M. A. Shaharuzaman1,2,3, S. M. Sapuan1,4,*, M. R. Mansor2,3, M. Y. M. Zuhri1,4

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.8, No.5, pp. 549-563, 2020, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2020.08769 - 29 April 2020

    Abstract This paper presents the conceptual design stage in the product development process of a natural fiber composites of the side-door impact beam, which starts from idea generation to the selection of the best design concept. This paper also demonstrates the use of the integrated Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (Function-Oriented Search) (TRIZ (FOS)) and Biomimetics method, as well as the VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method. The aim of this study was to generate design concepts that were inspired by nature and to select the best design concept for the composite side-door impact beam.… More >

  • Open Access


    Decision Support Strategy in Selecting Natural Fiber Materials for Automotive Side-Door Impact Beam Composites

    M. A. Shaharuzaman1,2,4, S. M. Sapuan1,3,*, M. R. Mansor2,4, M. Y. M. Zuhri1,3

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.7, No.10, pp. 997-1010, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2019.07529

    Abstract The enforcement on sustainable design and environmental-friendly products has attracted the interest of researchers and engineers in the context of replacing metals and synthetic fibers with natural based fibers, especially in the automotive industry. However, studies on sustainable natural fiber material selection in the automotive industry are limited. Evaluation for the side-door impact beam was conducted by gathering product design specification from literature which amounted to seven criteria and it was forwarded to ten decision makers with automotive engineering and product design background for evaluation. The weightage required for decision-making was obtained using the Analytic… More >

  • Open Access


    Hygrothermal/UV Aging Effect on Visual Aspect and Mechanical Properties of Non-Woven Natural-Fiber Composites

    Daniel Scida1,*, Sébastien Alix1, Stéphane Buet1, El Hadi Saidane1, François Courmont1,2, Karim Behlouli2, Rezak Ayad1

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.7, No.9, pp. 865-875, 2019, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2019.06609

    Abstract This work aims at studying the effect of hygrothermal and UV cyclic aging on the tensile properties and esthetic characteristics of non-woven composites. The composite materials were thermo-compressed from non-woven mats made up of PP and flax or kenaf fibers. This works included evaluating the change in color appearance and analyzing the variations in tensile properties and damage mechanisms, depending on the aging time. The presence of the UV protection film on the composite surface showed its effectiveness against aging. From visual observations and measurement of colorimetric parameters, it has been proved effective in the More >

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