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Search Results (19)
  • Open Access


    Cardiopulmonary Response to Exercise at High Altitude in Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease

    Lukas Minder1, Markus Schwerzmann1,2, Thomas Radtke1,3, Hugo Saner1, Prisca Eser1, Matthias Wilhelm1, Jean-Paul Schmid1,4,*

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.16, No.6, pp. 597-608, 2021, DOI:10.32604/CHD.2021.016031 - 08 July 2021

    Abstract Objective: To extend our knowledge on tolerance of acute high-altitude exposure and hemodynamic response to exercise in adolescents with congenital heart disease (AscCHD) without meaningful clinical or functional restriction. Methods: A symptom limited cardiopulmonary exercise stress test and a non-invasive cardiac output measurement during steady state exercise were performed at 540 m and at 3454 m a.s.l. Symptoms of acute mountain sickness were noted. Results: We recruited 21 healthy controls and 16 AscCHD (59% male, mean age 14.7 ± 1.1 years). Three subjects (2 controls, 1 AscCHD) presented light symptoms of acute mountain sickness (dizziness and headache). During… More >

  • Open Access


    Prevalence and Spectrum of Complex Congenital Heart Disease in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at High Altitude in China

    Jingjing Li1, Xiaorong Wang2, Yuan Liu3, Guodong Zhao3, Ting Dai3, Hong Chen3, Haiyan Liao4, Haiying Qi3,#, Jia Li5,6,7,#,*

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 45-52, 2021, DOI:10.32604/CHD.2021.013459 - 23 December 2020

    Abstract Background: Previous studies from high altitudes have reported significantly higher prevalence of congenital heart disease (CHD), consisting almost solely of simple CHD. Little is known about the occurrence of complex CHD. Neonates with complex CHD are likely admitted to NICU. We examined the prevalence and spectrum of complex CHD in NICU in order to depict a truer picture of CHD at high altitude. Methods: We reviewed charts of 4,214 neonates admitted to NICU in Qinghai province (average altitude 3,000 m). Echocardiography was performed in 1,943 babies when CHD was suspected based on clinical examinations. Results: CHD was… More >

  • Open Access


    Intent Inference Based Trajectory Prediction and Smooth for UAS in Low-Altitude Airspace with Geofence

    Qixi Fu1, Xiaolong Liang1, 2, Jiaqiang Zhang1, *, Xiangyu Fan1, 2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.63, No.1, pp. 417-444, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.07044 - 30 March 2020

    Abstract In order to meet the higher accuracy requirement of trajectory prediction for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) in Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM), an Intent Based Trajectory Prediction and Smooth Based on Constrained State-dependent-transition Hybrid Estimation (CSDTHE-IBTPS) algorithm is proposed. Firstly, an intent inference method of UAS is constructed based on the information of ADS-B and geofence system. Moreover, a geofence layering algorithm is proposed. Secondly, the Flight Mode Change Points (FMCP) are used to define the relevant mode transition parameters and design the guard conditions, so as to generate the mode transition probability matrix… More >

  • Open Access


    Analysis of Wireless Backhaul Networks Based on Aerial Platform Technology for 6G Systems

    Sooeun Song1, Minsu Choi1, Yunyeong Goh1, Jusik Yun1, Wonsuk Yoo1, Wonsik Yang1, Jaewook Jung1, Jong-Moon Chung1, *

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.62, No.2, pp. 473-494, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.09052

    Abstract As next generation communication technologies emerge, new high data rate applications and high-definition large-screen video streaming have become very popular. As a result, network traffic has been increasing so much that existing backhaul networks soon will not be able to support all traffic demands. To support these needs in future 6G mobile systems, the establishment of an additional backhaul wireless network is considered essential. As one of the solutions, a wireless backhaul network based on an aerial platform has been proposed. In order to explore the potential of aerial platforms as wireless backhaul networks, in More >

  • Open Access


    Exercise responses in children and adults with a Fontan circulation at simulated altitude

    Tim Takken1, Alyanne Evertse1, Fleur de Waard1, Mandy Spoorenburg1, Martijn Kuijpers1, Christian Schroer2,3, Erik H. Hulzebos1

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.14, No.6, pp. 1005-1012, 2019, DOI:10.1111/chd.12850

    Abstract Background: Traveling to high altitude has become more popular. High‐altitude exposure causes hypobaric hypoxia. Exposure to acute high altitude, during air travel or mountain stays, seems to be safe for most patients with congenital heart disorders (CHD). Still, current guidelines for CHD patients express concerns regarding safety of altitude exposure for patients with a Fontan circulation. Therefore, investigating hemodynamic and pulmonary responses of acute high‐altitude exposure (±2500 m) at rest and during maximal exercise in patients with Fontan circulation can provide clarity in this dispute and may contribute to improvement of clinical counseling.
    Methods: Twenty‐one Fontan patients… More >

  • Open Access


    Lateral Conflict Model of Training Flight Based on Subjective Factors

    Kaijun Xu, Yusheng Yao, Shanshan Li

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.33, No.5, pp. 335-344, 2018, DOI:10.32604/csse.2018.33.335

    Abstract The flight lateral conflict model which is based on human subjective factors has always been a research hotspot for training flight. In order to effectively evaluate the safety interval and lateral collision risk in training airspace, in this paper, pilot subjective factors were modeled. It was studied in lateral conflict risk of low altitude complex flight by flight performance shaping factor. By analyzing flight data of a flight training institution in China, it is pointed that the lateral collision risk in specific training airspace meets the requirement of safety target level of international civil aviation More >

  • Open Access


    The Lateral Conflict Risk Assessment for Low-altitude Training Airspace Using Weakly Supervised Learning Method

    Kaijun Xu1, Xueting Chen2, Yusheng Yao1, Shanshan Li1

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.24, No.3, pp. 603-611, 2018, DOI:10.31209/2018.100000027

    Abstract The lateral conflict risk assessment of low-altitude training airspace strategic planning, which is based on the TSE errors has always been a difficult task for training flight research. In order to effectively evaluate the safety interval and lateral collision risk in training airspace, in this paper, TSE error performance using a weakly supervised learning method was modelled. First, the lateral probability density function of TSE is given by using a multidimensional random variable covariance matrix, and the risk model of a training flight lateral collision based on TSE error is established. The lateral conflict risk More >

  • Open Access


    Is pulse oximetry helpful for the early detection of critical congenital heart disease at high altitude?

    Fabricio González‐Andrade, Daniel Echeverría, Valeria López, Michaela Arellano

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.13, No.6, pp. 911-918, 2018, DOI:10.1111/chd.12654

    Abstract Objective: To assess the pulse oximetry as a method for screening critical congenital heart disease (CHD) in newborns.
    Study design: This is an observational, transversal, descriptive simple study. The pre‐ ductal and postductal saturation were taken in term newborns thatfulfilled the criteria of inclusion and exclusion in the Hospital Gineco‐Obstetrico Isidro Ayora (HGOIA) in Quito. These measurements were performed between the 24 and 48 h after birth. Those new‐ borns that saturated less than 90% on initial pulse oxìmetry underwent 3 successive measurements at 1‐h intervals. Those who saturate less than 90% after 3 measurements or have… More >

  • Open Access


    Predictive value of presuperior cavopulmonary anastomosis cardiac catheterization at increased altitude

    Michael V. Di Maria1, Matthew Mulvahill2, James Jaggers3, David Dunbar Ivy1, Adel K. Younoszai1

    Congenital Heart Disease, Vol.13, No.2, pp. 311-318, 2018, DOI:10.1111/chd.12574

    Abstract Objective: Infants with single ventricle physiology typically undergo cardiac catheterization prior to superior cavopulmonary anastomosis (SCPA) to assess operative suitability. Predictors of poor outcome at sea level include elevated pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP), indexed pulmonary vascular resistance (PVRi), age <3 months, significant atrioventricular valve regurgitation, among others. Increased altitude has vasoconstrictive effects on the pulmonary vasculature, which may affect pre-SCPA hemodynamics and outcomes. The goal of this study was to determine the predictive value of pre-SCPA catheterization data with regard to reaching Fontan palliation at altitude.
    Design: A retrospective review revealed 150 patients who underwent pre-SCPA catheterization… More >

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