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Search Results (20)
  • Open Access


    Reverse Analysis Method and Process for Improving Malware Detection Based on XAI Model

    Ki-Pyoung Ma1, Dong-Ju Ryu2, Sang-Joon Lee3,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.81, No.3, pp. 4485-4502, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.059116 - 19 December 2024

    Abstract With the advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, attackers are increasingly using sophisticated techniques, including ChatGPT. Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) is a system that detects and responds to strange activities or security threats occurring on computers or endpoint devices within an organization. Unlike traditional antivirus software, EDR is more about responding to a threat after it has already occurred than blocking it. This study aims to overcome challenges in security control, such as increased log size, emerging security threats, and technical demands faced by control staff. Previous studies have focused on AI detection models,… More >

  • Open Access


    Assessor Feedback Mechanism for Machine Learning Model

    Musulmon Lolaev, Anand Paul*, Jeonghong Kim

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.81, No.3, pp. 4707-4726, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.058675 - 19 December 2024

    Abstract Evaluating artificial intelligence (AI) systems is crucial for their successful deployment and safe operation in real-world applications. The assessor meta-learning model has been recently introduced to assess AI system behaviors developed from emergent characteristics of AI systems and their responses on a test set. The original approach lacks covering continuous ranges, for example, regression problems, and it produces only the probability of success. In this work, to address existing limitations and enhance practical applicability, we propose an assessor feedback mechanism designed to identify and learn from AI system errors, enabling the system to perform the More >

  • Open Access


    Enhancing Cyber Security through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: A Literature Review

    Carlos Merlano*

    Journal of Cyber Security, Vol.6, pp. 89-116, 2024, DOI:10.32604/jcs.2024.056164 - 06 December 2024

    Abstract The constantly increasing degree and frequency of cyber threats require the emergence of flexible and intelligent approaches to systems’ protection. Despite the calls for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in strengthening cyber security, there needs to be more literature on an integrated view of the application areas, open issues or trends in AI and ML for cyber security. Based on 90 studies, in the following literature review, the author categorizes and systematically analyzes the current research field to fill this gap. The review evidences that, in contrast to rigid rule-based… More >

  • Open Access


    TLERAD: Transfer Learning for Enhanced Ransomware Attack Detection

    Isha Sood*, Varsha Sharma

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.81, No.2, pp. 2791-2818, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.055463 - 18 November 2024

    Abstract Ransomware has emerged as a critical cybersecurity threat, characterized by its ability to encrypt user data or lock devices, demanding ransom for their release. Traditional ransomware detection methods face limitations due to their assumption of similar data distributions between training and testing phases, rendering them less effective against evolving ransomware families. This paper introduces TLERAD (Transfer Learning for Enhanced Ransomware Attack Detection), a novel approach that leverages unsupervised transfer learning and co-clustering techniques to bridge the gap between source and target domains, enabling robust detection of both known and unknown ransomware variants. The proposed method More >

  • Open Access


    Machine Fault Diagnosis Using Audio Sensors Data and Explainable AI Techniques-LIME and SHAP

    Aniqua Nusrat Zereen1, Abir Das2, Jia Uddin3,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.80, No.3, pp. 3463-3484, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.054886 - 12 September 2024

    Abstract Machine fault diagnostics are essential for industrial operations, and advancements in machine learning have significantly advanced these systems by providing accurate predictions and expedited solutions. Machine learning models, especially those utilizing complex algorithms like deep learning, have demonstrated major potential in extracting important information from large operational datasets. Despite their efficiency, machine learning models face challenges, making Explainable AI (XAI) crucial for improving their understandability and fine-tuning. The importance of feature contribution and selection using XAI in the diagnosis of machine faults is examined in this study. The technique is applied to evaluate different machine-learning More >

  • Open Access


    Explainable AI-Based DDoS Attacks Classification Using Deep Transfer Learning

    Ahmad Alzu’bi1,*, Amjad Albashayreh2, Abdelrahman Abuarqoub3, Mai A. M. Alfawair4

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.80, No.3, pp. 3785-3802, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.052599 - 12 September 2024

    Abstract In the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), the proliferation of connected devices has raised security concerns, increasing the risk of intrusions into diverse systems. Despite the convenience and efficiency offered by IoT technology, the growing number of IoT devices escalates the likelihood of attacks, emphasizing the need for robust security tools to automatically detect and explain threats. This paper introduces a deep learning methodology for detecting and classifying distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, addressing a significant security concern within IoT environments. An effective procedure of deep transfer learning is applied to utilize More >

  • Open Access


    Spatial Attention Integrated EfficientNet Architecture for Breast Cancer Classification with Explainable AI

    Sannasi Chakravarthy1, Bharanidharan Nagarajan2, Surbhi Bhatia Khan3,7,*, Vinoth Kumar Venkatesan2, Mahesh Thyluru Ramakrishna4, Ahlam Al Musharraf5, Khursheed Aurungzeb6

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.80, No.3, pp. 5029-5045, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.052531 - 12 September 2024

    Abstract Breast cancer is a type of cancer responsible for higher mortality rates among women. The cruelty of breast cancer always requires a promising approach for its earlier detection. In light of this, the proposed research leverages the representation ability of pretrained EfficientNet-B0 model and the classification ability of the XGBoost model for the binary classification of breast tumors. In addition, the above transfer learning model is modified in such a way that it will focus more on tumor cells in the input mammogram. Accordingly, the work proposed an EfficientNet-B0 having a Spatial Attention Layer with More >

  • Open Access


    Contemporary Study for Detection of COVID-19 Using Machine Learning with Explainable AI

    Saad Akbar1,2, Humera Azam1, Sulaiman Sulmi Almutairi3,*, Omar Alqahtani4, Habib Shah4, Aliya Aleryani4

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.80, No.1, pp. 1075-1104, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.050913 - 18 July 2024

    Abstract The prompt spread of COVID-19 has emphasized the necessity for effective and precise diagnostic tools. In this article, a hybrid approach in terms of datasets as well as the methodology by utilizing a previously unexplored dataset obtained from a private hospital for detecting COVID-19, pneumonia, and normal conditions in chest X-ray images (CXIs) is proposed coupled with Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI). Our study leverages less preprocessing with pre-trained cutting-edge models like InceptionV3, VGG16, and VGG19 that excel in the task of feature extraction. The methodology is further enhanced by the inclusion of the t-SNE (t-Distributed… More >

  • Open Access


    GliomaCNN: An Effective Lightweight CNN Model in Assessment of Classifying Brain Tumor from Magnetic Resonance Images Using Explainable AI

    Md. Atiqur Rahman1, Mustavi Ibne Masum1, Khan Md Hasib2, M. F. Mridha3,*, Sultan Alfarhood4, Mejdl Safran4,*, Dunren Che5

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.140, No.3, pp. 2425-2448, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.050760 - 08 July 2024

    Abstract Brain tumors pose a significant threat to human lives and have gained increasing attention as the tenth leading cause of global mortality. This study addresses the pressing issue of brain tumor classification using Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It focuses on distinguishing between Low-Grade Gliomas (LGG) and High-Grade Gliomas (HGG). LGGs are benign and typically manageable with surgical resection, while HGGs are malignant and more aggressive. The research introduces an innovative custom convolutional neural network (CNN) model, Glioma-CNN. GliomaCNN stands out as a lightweight CNN model compared to its predecessors. The research utilized the BraTS 2020 More >

  • Open Access


    CrossLinkNet: An Explainable and Trustworthy AI Framework for Whole-Slide Images Segmentation

    Peng Xiao1, Qi Zhong2, Jingxue Chen1, Dongyuan Wu1, Zhen Qin1, Erqiang Zhou1,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.79, No.3, pp. 4703-4724, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.049791 - 20 June 2024

    Abstract In the intelligent medical diagnosis area, Artificial Intelligence (AI)’s trustworthiness, reliability, and interpretability are critical, especially in cancer diagnosis. Traditional neural networks, while excellent at processing natural images, often lack interpretability and adaptability when processing high-resolution digital pathological images. This limitation is particularly evident in pathological diagnosis, which is the gold standard of cancer diagnosis and relies on a pathologist’s careful examination and analysis of digital pathological slides to identify the features and progression of the disease. Therefore, the integration of interpretable AI into smart medical diagnosis is not only an inevitable technological trend but… More >

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