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Search Results (131)
  • Open Access


    Finite Element Implementation of the Exponential Drucker–Prager Plasticity Model for Adhesive Joints

    Kerati Suwanpakpraek1,3, Baramee Patamaprohm1,3, Sacharuck Pornpeerakeat2,3, Arisara Chaikittiratana1,3,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.135, No.3, pp. 1765-1778, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.022523 - 23 November 2022


    This paper deals with the numerical implementation of the exponential Drucker-Parger plasticity model in the commercial finite element software, ABAQUS, via user subroutine UMAT for adhesive joint simulations. The influence of hydrostatic pressure on adhesive strength was investigated by a modified Arcan fixture designed particularly to induce a different state of hydrostatic pressure within an adhesive layer. The developed user subroutine UMAT, which utilizes an associated plastic flow during a plastic deformation, can provide a good agreement between the simulations and the experimental data. Better numerical stability at highly positive hydrostatic pressure loads for a very

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    Finite Element Implementation of the Exponential Drucker–Prager Plasticity Model for Adhesive Joints

  • Open Access


    Seismic Performance of Assembled Shear Wall with Defective Sleeve Connection

    Hua Yan1,2,3, Bo Song1,3,*, Dongsheng Xu2, Guodong Zhang2

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.131, No.1, pp. 199-217, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2022.016312 - 24 January 2022

    Abstract In this paper, three kinds of shear walls with full sleeve grouting, fully defective sleeve and partially defective are designed for finite element analysis to analyze the influence of defects on the seismic performance of shear walls. The research shows that at the beginning of loading (5 s), the three models begin to appear compressive damage at the bottom of the wall in all three models. The damage of the defect-free model develops rapidly, and the damage of the fully defective model is basically the same as that of the partially defective model. With the gradual… More >

  • Open Access


    Parametric Study of Hip Fracture Risk Using QCT-Based Finite Element Analysis

    Hossein Bisheh1,2, Yunhua Luo1,3, Timon Rabczuk2,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.71, No.1, pp. 1349-1369, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.018262 - 03 November 2021

    Abstract Various parameters such as age, height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) influence the hip fracture risk in the elderly which is the most common injury during the sideways fall. This paper presents a parametric study of hip fracture risk based on the gender, age, height, weight, and BMI of subjects using the subject-specific QCT-based finite element modelling and simulation of single-leg stance and sideways fall loadings. Hip fracture risk is estimated using the strain energy failure criterion as a combination of bone stresses and strains leading to more accurate and reasonable results based on More >

  • Open Access


    2D Finite Element Analysis of Asynchronous Machine Influenced Under Power Quality Perturbations

    Jasmin Pamela S1 , R. Saranya1 , V. Indragandhi1 , R. Raja Singh1 , V. Subramaniyaswamy2, Yuvaraja Teekaraman3 , Shabana Urooj4,*, Norah Alwadai5

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.70, No.3, pp. 5745-5763, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.020093 - 11 October 2021


    Asynchronous machines are predominantly preferred in industrial sectors for its reliability. Power quality perturbations have a greater impact on industries; among the different power quality events, voltage fluctuations are the most common and that may cause adverse effect on machine's operation since they are longer enduring. The article discusses a numerical technique for evaluating asynchronous motors while taking into account magnetic saturation, losses, leakage flux, and voltage drop. A 2D linear analysis involving a multi-slice time stepping finite element model is used to predict the end effects. As an outcome, the magnetic saturation and losses are

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  • Open Access


    Finite Element Analysis on the Uniaxial Compressive Behavior of Concrete with Large-Size Recycled Coarse Aggregate

    Tan Li, Jianzhuang Xiao*, Amardeep Singh

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.3, pp. 699-720, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.016898 - 28 September 2021

    Abstract To model the concrete with complex internal structure of concrete with large sized aggregates the effect of internal structure on uniaxial compression behavior are studied. Large-sized recycled aggregates behave differently in the concrete matrix. To understand the influence on concrete matrix, a finite element model was developed to model recycled aggregate concrete composed of multiple randomly distributed irregular aggregates and cement mortar. The model was used to calculate the effect of large-size recycled coarse aggregate (LRCA) on the strength of recycled aggregate concrete and simulate the compressive strength of cubes and prisms. The factors such… More >

  • Open Access


    Clinical Data-Driven Finite Element Analysis of the Kinetics of Chewing Cycles in Order to Optimize Occlusal Reconstructions

    Simon Martinez1, Jürgen Lenz1, Hans Schindler1,2, Willi Wendler1, Stefan Rues3, Karl Schweizerhof1,*, Sophia Terebesi2, Nikolaos Nikitas Giannakopoulos2, Marc Schmitter2

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.129, No.3, pp. 1259-1281, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2021.017422 - 25 November 2021

    Abstract The occlusal design plays a decisive role in the fabrication of dental restorations. Dentists and dental technicians depend on mechanical simulations of mandibular movement that are as accurate as possible, in particular, to produce interference-free yet chewing-efficient dental restorations. For this, kinetic data must be available, i.e., movements and deformations under the influence of forces and stresses. In the present study, so-called functional data were collected from healthy volunteers to provide consistent information for proper kinetics. For the latter purpose, biting and chewing forces, electrical muscle activity and jaw movements were registered synchronously, and individual More >

  • Open Access


    Fatigue Performance of Orthotropic Steel Decks in Super-Wide Steel Box Girder Considering Transverse Distribution of Vehicle Load

    Xudong Wang1,2, Changqing Miao1,2,*, Mao Yang1,2, Youliang Ding1,2

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.15, No.4, pp. 299-316, 2021, DOI:10.32604/sdhm.2021.017526 - 23 November 2021

    Abstract This study presents an investigation on the fatigue analysis of four types of details on orthotropic steel decks (OSDs) for a cable-stayed super-wide steel box girder bridge based on finite-element analysis (FEA) with vehicle transverse distribution model (VTDM). A high-fidelity 3D FE model verified by the static load test is established to satisfy the fatigue analysis accuracy. The stress behavior of super-wide steel box girders under the vehicle load at different lane locations is investigated. Then, considering the effect of VTDM, the fatigue life analysis of four typical details is performed using the Miner cumulative More >

  • Open Access


    Experimental Study on the Axial Compression Behavior of Short Columns of Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Recycled Aggregate Concrete

    Chunyang Liu1,2,*, Jia Xu1, Yifan Gu1, Ruofan Shi1

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.17, No.6, pp. 1129-1142, 2021, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2021.017376 - 08 September 2021

    Abstract In order to study the axial compression performances of short columns made of recycled aggregate concrete, four samples were designed with different recycled aggregate replacement rates and carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) sheets. Then, monotonic loading was implemented to assess the variation trends of their axial compression properties. The ABAQUS finite element software was also used to determined the compression performances. Good agreement between experimental and numerical results has been found for the different parameters being considered. As shown by the results, recycled coarse aggregates result in improved ductility and better deformation performance of the More >

  • Open Access


    An Improved Data-Driven Topology Optimization Method Using Feature Pyramid Networks with Physical Constraints

    Jiaxiang Luo1,2, Yu Li2, Weien Zhou2, Zhiqiang Gong2, Zeyu Zhang1, Wen Yao2,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.128, No.3, pp. 823-848, 2021, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2021.016737 - 11 August 2021

    Abstract Deep learning for topology optimization has been extensively studied to reduce the cost of calculation in recent years. However, the loss function of the above method is mainly based on pixel-wise errors from the image perspective, which cannot embed the physical knowledge of topology optimization. Therefore, this paper presents an improved deep learning model to alleviate the above difficulty effectively. The feature pyramid network (FPN), a kind of deep learning model, is trained to learn the inherent physical law of topology optimization itself, of which the loss function is composed of pixel-wise errors and physical More >

  • Open Access


    Ply-by-Ply Failure Analysis of Laminates Under Dynamic Loading

    Ravi Joshi*, P. Pal

    Sound & Vibration, Vol.55, No.2, pp. 173-190, 2021, DOI:10.32604/sv.2021.011387 - 21 April 2021

    Abstract Ply-by-ply failure analysis of symmetric and anti-symmetric laminates under uniform sinusoidal transverse dynamic loading is performed for a specified duration. The study investigates the first ply failure load, followed by the detection of successive ply failures along with their failure modes using various failure theories. Some of the well-established failure theories, mostly used by the researchers, are considered for the failure prediction in laminates. The finite element computational model based on higher order shear deformation displacement field is used for the failure analysis and the complete methodology is computer coded using FORTRAN. The ply-discount stiffness More >

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