Xiaoyan Liu1,2, Zhao Qin1,2,*, Yuxiang Ma1,2, Huamin Liu1,2,*, Xuede Wang1,2
Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.11, No.8, pp. 3203-3225, 2023, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2023.027613
Abstract Packaging is a food preservation technology widely used in the world. Naturally-sourced, biodegradable polymers are becoming increasingly popular in the food packaging sector. Packaging films prepared using cellulose as raw material would contribute to resource sustainability, but the difficulty of cellulose solubilization limits their further development. In view of this, a series of novel solvent systems (LiCl/DMAc, ILs, TBAH/DMSO, NMMO, alkali/urea solutions, metal-complex solutions) were used to prepare high-strength and high-performance cellulose-based films; their characteristics and the mechanisms involved were investigated. Composite films prepared by blending cellulose with various polymers (synthetic polymers, natural polymers, proteins More >
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