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Study on Intermittent Discharge Characteristics of Typical Solid Insulation Defects in Gas Insulated Switchgear

by Xu Yang1,2, Jing Zhang1,2, Chuanxian Luo1,2, Qinqing Huang1,2, Hui Xu1,2, Guozhi Zhang1,2,*

1 Nanrui Group (State Grid Electric Power Research Institute) Co., Ltd., Nanjing, 211006, China
2 Wuhan Nari Limited Liability Company of State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan, 430074, China

* Corresponding Author: Guozhi Zhang. Email: email

Energy Engineering 2023, 120(9), 2115-2132.


In response to the problem of frequent leakage and false alarm of partial discharge insulation defects in GIS, this paper conducts experimental research on intermittent discharge characteristics of common solid insulation defects in GIS. Using true GIS to build a multi-source testing platform for intermittent discharge of solid insulation defects, and using pulse current method, ultra-high frequency method, ultrasonic method, and gas characteristic component detection method to study the variation law of intermittent discharge characteristics of solid insulation defects. The results show that: the intermittent discharge state of metal fouling defects on the solid insulation surface decreases with the extension of the discharge time, the discharge time interval as a whole shows an increasing trend, and the metal fouling defects on the solid insulation surface in the intermittent discharge state is difficult to develop into a breakdown discharge fault. The overall discharge amount of air gap defects inside solid insulation also shows the law of increasing first and then decreasing, and the discharge amount of air gap defects inside solid insulation stays at a large level for a long time during intermittent discharge, and there is a risk of breakdown, and the discharge will gradually evolve into continuous discharge; ultrasonic method and characteristic component detection method cannot realize the effective perception of intermittent discharge of metal fouling. The 50-period mapping information commonly used in the power field cannot reflect the intermittent discharge variation law of solid insulation, and the 200-period UHF mapping composed of four groups of 50-period UHF mapping data can initially derive the intermittent discharge distribution law of solid insulation defects. The research results of this paper are of great significance to expand the knowledge of intermittent discharge characteristics and the detection of GIS discharge defects in the field.


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APA Style
Yang, X., Zhang, J., Luo, C., Huang, Q., Xu, H. et al. (2023). Study on intermittent discharge characteristics of typical solid insulation defects in gas insulated switchgear. Energy Engineering, 120(9), 2115–2132.
Vancouver Style
Yang X, Zhang J, Luo C, Huang Q, Xu H, Zhang G. Study on intermittent discharge characteristics of typical solid insulation defects in gas insulated switchgear. Energ Eng. 2023;120(9):2115–2132.
IEEE Style
X. Yang, J. Zhang, C. Luo, Q. Huang, H. Xu, and G. Zhang, “Study on Intermittent Discharge Characteristics of Typical Solid Insulation Defects in Gas Insulated Switchgear,” Energ. Eng., vol. 120, no. 9, pp. 2115–2132, 2023.

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