Table of Content
- Vol.22, No.1, 2024
- Vol.22, No.2, 2024
- Vol.22, No.3, 2024
- Vol.22, No.4, 2024
- Vol.22, No.5, 2024
- Vol.22, No.6, 2024
Chun Yang
Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE
Research Interests: development and characterization of Lab-on-Chip devices, electrokinetic transport phenomena, microfluidics, microscale flow, heat and mass transfer, colloidal science, surface and interfacial phenomena
Founding Editor and Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
Amir Faghri
University of Connecticut, USA
Research Interests: boiling and condensation, energy systems, enhanced heat transfer, fluid mechanics, heat pipes and fuel cells, heat transfer, micro and nano-scale systems, phase change and solidification, transport phenomena
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
Yuwen Zhang
University of Missouri, USA
Research Interests: energy storage and conversion, heat and mass transfer, thermal management
Associate Editors
Hasan Köten
Istanbul Medeniyet University, TURKEY
Research Interests: combustion, thermodynamics, computational fluid dynamics, thermal engineering, modeling and simulation, automotive, energy
Yugang Zhao
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, CHINA
Research Interests: icing and frosting, microfluidics and heat transfer
Editorial Board
Aliakbar Akbarzadeh
Research Interests: renewable energy systems
Cristina H. Amon
University of Toronto, CANADA
Research Interests: nanoscale thermal transport, thermofluids, clean energy systems, electric vehicle and battery thermal management, regenerative medicine, hemodynamics and transport in biomedical systems
Yutaka Asako
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, MALAYSIA
Research Interests: turbulence modeling, turbulent flow, convection, computational fluid dynamics, numerical simulation, numerical modeling, thermal engineering, gas dynamics, heat exchangers
Yildiz Bayazitoglu
Rice University, USA
Research Interests: convective heat transfer with phase change, heat transfer in radiatively participating medium, micro and nano scale heat transfer, development of bioheat equation, advanced thermal manufacturing with emphasis on containerless processing and fuel cell microreformer design and thermal oil well heat transfer analysis
Theodore L. Bergman
University of Kansas, USA
Research Interests: heat transfer, energy, thermal manufacturing
Yiding Cao
Florida International University, USA
Research Interests: aerospace applications, heat transfer/heat pipes, electronics cooling, gas turbine coling, internal combustion engines/ heat engines, energy recovery and renewable energy systems, refrigerators, and solar energy
Bingyang Cao
Tsinghua University, CHINA
Research Interests: microscale and nanoscale flow and heat transfer, thermal functional materials, advanced thermal management technology, heat transfer optimization theory and energy saving technology, simulation and calculation of heat and mass transfer process
Gang Chen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Research Interests: heat transfer, energy conversion, nanotechnology
Li Chen
Xi’an Jiaotong University, CHINA
Research Interests: heat and mass transfer and reaction in porous media, micro and nano scale heat and mass transfer, porous media two-phase flow
Yongping Chen
Southeast University, CHINA
Research Interests: cooling of electronic components, thermal management/thermal design
Zheng Chen
Peking University, CHINA
Research Interests: flame dynamics theory, fuel basic combustion characteristics, adaptive numerical simulation of multi-scale combustion process and its application, the limit (high temperature and high pressure, supersonic, microgravity, near the combustion limit, etc.) combustion process, flame acceleration and slow combustion to detonation, detonation wave initiation and propagation
Jacob N. Chung
University of Florida, USA
Research Interests: thermodynamics, heat transfer, phase change heat transfer and two-phase flow, energy conversion
Vijay K. Dhir
University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Research Interests: two-phase heat transfer, boiling and condensation, thermal and hydrodynamic stability, thermal hydraulics of nuclear reactors, microgravity heat transfer, soil remediation
Leonid A. Dombrovsky
Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA
Research Interests: visible, infrared, and microwave properties of particles and fibres, radiative heat transfer in scattering media of different nature, radiative properties of porous materials, composite coatings, and thermal insulations, combined heat transfer problems in thermal engineering, biomedicine, and geophysics, stabilization and control of levitating droplet clusters
Fei Duan
Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE
Research Interests: kinetics of phase changes, evaporation cooling and thermal management, energy/exergy analysis on thermocapillary evaporators, thermal analyses of energy systems, development of smart materials
Ashley Emery
University of Washington, USA
Research Interests: architectural heat transfer, finite element methods, numerical analysis, thermal stresses, air conditioning and heating, human comfort, biological heat transfer, fracture, dynamic motion of elastic and plastic shells, radiation gas dynamics, separated and supersonic flow, and free and forced convection
Mohammad Faghri
University of Rhode Island, USA
Research Interests: computational fluid dynamics, heat exchangers, modeling of thermal processes, microfluidics with application to point-of-care-diagnostics, lab-on-paper and lab-on-a-chip, heat and fluid flow in, microscale and nanoscale structures, transport phenomena in fuel cells
Manfred Groll
University of Stuttgart, GERMANY
Research Interests: engineering thermophysics/thermal engineering, energy technology and nuclear reactor safety
Z.Y. Guo
Tsinghua University, CHINA
Research Interests: thermal and mass theory and its application, micro-scale flow and heat transfer, energy efficient utilization
Jiangfeng Guo
Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA
Research Interests: the application of fundamental principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat and mass transfer to innovative and high-performance heat exchange components, technologies, and systems for energy (heat, power, cooling) recovery, utilization, conversion with emphasis on the efficient and cost-effective utilization of renewable and waste heat, and solar energy
Zhixiong Guo
Rutgers University, USA
Research Interests: heat transfer analyses and enhancement methodologies, thermal management and rapid cooling, ultrashort pulsed laser advanced micro/nano manufacturing, bioNano sensing and ultra-precise measurement techniques, thermal and solar radiation, interfacial and nanoscale heat transfer, energy storage and nanofluid
Je-Chin Han
Texas A&M University, USA
Research Interests: advanced experimental and computational methods in convection heat transfer, heat transfer enhancement, heat transfer in rotating cooling channel flows, film cooling in unsteady high turbulent flows, advanced cooling in gas turbine for aircraft propulsion, advanced cooling in hydrogen turbine for clean power generation, advanced clean energy technology
Ya-Ling He
Xi'an Jiaotong University, CHINA
Research Interests: engineering thermosphysics, energy conservation
John R. Howell
University of Texas at Austin, USA
Research Interests: analysis of radiative energy transfer in complex systems that contain absorbing, emitting, and scattering media
Yogesh Jaluria
Rutgers University, USA
Research Interests: chemical vapor deposition, inverse problems, thermal management of electronics, mini and microchannels, data centers, global climate change, energy systems - wind, solar, thermal systems - simulation, optimization, natural optimization, energy flow in nature
Hussam Jouhara
Brunel University London, UK
Research Interests: heat pipes, heat energy storage, cryogenic heat transfer systems for freezing and storage of bio materials and food, single and two-phase heat transfer (experimental and numerical), waste heat recovery systems - low to high grades (from hot streams or from hot surfaces) including recuperators, steam generators and steam condensers, heat pipe based solar collectors (hybrid, concentrated and flat), development of sizing tools of heat exchangers, energy active shelves for energy efficient supermarket chilled display cabinets
Massoud Kaviany
University of Michigan, USA
Research Interests: efficient and innovative energy transport and conversion (transformation) through atomic tailoring of the principal energy carriers (phonon, electron, fluid particle, and photon)
Masahiro Kawaji
The City College of New York, USA
Research Interests: multiphase flow and phase change heat transfer, nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics and safety analysis, microfluidics, micro-heat pipes, microgravity fluid physics and transport phenomena, thermal energy storage
Yasushi Koito
Kumamoto University, JAPAN
Research Interests: thermal Engineering
Stéphane Launay
Université d'Aix-Marseille, FRANCE
Larry Li
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HONG KONG
Research Interests: complex and disordered systems, fluid mechanics, thermoacoustics
Ying Zhen Li
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, SWEDEN
Research Interests: fire dynamics and fire suppression in tunnels, fire and explosion hazards of alternative fuel vehicles, scale modelling and CFD modelling of fire and explosion flows
John Lienhard
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Research Interests: desalination, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer
Xianglei Liu
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, CHINA
Research Interests: thermal management of aerospace spacecraft and green aviation, new energy utilization and advanced energy storage
Haifeng Liu
Tianjin University, CHINA
Research Interests: advanced combustion theory and new combustion technology, biofuel preparation and evaluation of its characteristics
Giulio Lorenzini
University of Parma, ITALY
Research Interests: thermal engineering, heat transfer, computational fluid mechanics, modeling and simulation, applied and computational mathematics
Lin Lu
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HONG KONG
Research Interests: renewable energy technologies and applications in buildings; fundamentals of fluid mechanics and heat/mass transfer to enhance building energy systems; engineered nanomaterial development towards energy smart building envelopes
W.J. Minkowycz
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Research Interests: computational modeling in heat transfer, two-phase swirl flow with heat transfer, two-phase fluid flow, heat and mass transfer in porous media, non-newtonian flow in porous media, turbulence modeling in porous media,and sparrow-Galerkin approach to radiation exchange
Masataka Mochizuki
Fujikura Ltd., JAPAN
Research Interests: heat pipes, two-phase heat transfer, electronics cooling
Yin Kwee Ng
Nanyang Technological University, SINGAPORE
Research Interests: linear regression, ROC analysis, thermal imaging, computational fluid dynamics, numerical heat transfer, infrared thermography
Patrick H. Oosthuizen
Queen’s University, CANADA
Research Interests: energy and fluid systems
G.P. “Bud” Peterson
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Research Interests: phase-change heat transfer, thermal control of electronic components and spacecraft systems, conduction and thermal contact resistance
Joel Plawsky
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Research Interests: interfacial phenomena, transport processes, thin films, microelectronics, photonics
Agus P. Sasmito
McGill University, CANADA
Research Interests: mine ventilation, heating and cooling, thermal energy storage, geo-energy and energy system, slurry, paste and particulate flow, rock-microwave system, ground freezing, environmental engineering in mines, industrial transport processes, thermal fluid sciences and engineering
Bengt Sundén
Lund University, SWEDEN
Research Interests: compact heat exchangers, enhanced heat transfer, gas turbine heat transfer, combustion-related heat transfer
Guihua Tang
Xi'an Jiaotong University, CHINA
Research Interests: heat design, management, and enhancement, phonons and electrons transport in thermoelectrics, multiphase and phase change, solar energy, microscale and mesoscale fluid flow and heat transfer, chemistry fabrication for aerogels, and energy materials
Abderrahim Wakif
Hassan II University, MOROCCO
Research Interests: spectral Methods, nanofluid flow problems, bioconvection, stability analysis, CFD
Dongsheng Wen
Technical University of Munich, GERMANY
Research Interests: multiphase flow and heat transfer, renewable energy technologies, multiscale modelling and simulation, micro/nanoscale engineering
Chao Xu
North China Electric Power University, CHINA
Research Interests: enhanced heat and mass transfer technology and electronic device cooling technology
Jinliang Xu
North China Electric Power University, CHINA
Research Interests: advanced power cycle and power generation systems, micro and nano scale heat transfer, multiphase flow and heat transfer, optical flow control and solar energy utilization
Yimin Xuan
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, CHINA
Research Interests: micro/nano scale heat transfer, the comprehensive utilization of solar energy, miniature energy system, vehicle thermal management
T.S. Zhao
Southern University of Science and Technology, CHINA
Research Interests: alternate and renewable energy, energy conversion, energy storage, fuel cell technology, heat and mass transport
Early Career Editorial Board Member
Mu Du
Shandong University, CHINA
Research Interests: heat and mass transfer, radiation transfer, radiative cooling, solar energy harvesting, thermal insulation materials, energy saving
Wenzhen Fang
Xi'an Jiaotong University, CHINA
Research Interests: heat and mass transport process coupled with porous media, pore-scale and multi-scale numerical simulations, droplet icing and anti-de-icing mechanism, electronic devices thermal management
Wang Han
Beihang University, CHINA
Research Interests: turbulent combustion, intelligent combustion propulsion
Yuchao Hua
Nantes University, FRANCE
Research Interests: thermal management, heat transfer optimization, thermal energy storage, nanoscale thermal transport
Pengfei Ji
Beijing Institute of Technology, CHINA
Research Interests: laser manufacturing oriented heat transfer and energy conversion
Dongxu Ji
Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), CHINA
Research Interests: low grade thermal energy utilization, geothermal energy, AI+thermal energy
Qibin Li
Chongqing University, CHINA
Research Interests: energy storage materials and energy storage systems, thermal cycle systems and thermal management
Yatao Ren
Harbin Institute of Technology, CHINA
Research Interests: micro/nanoscale photothermal transport and conversion, microfluidic optics, bio-heat transfer
Yaran Wang
Tianjin University, CHINA
Research Interests: dynamic modeling, fast numerical simulation and real-time control techniques of the heat transfer and fluid flow processes in HVAC & R systems, mathematical modeling, fast simulation, operational optimization, renewable thermal energy integration and sustainable solutions for smart district heating network
Boxiang Wang
Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA
Research Interests: micro/nanoscale thermal radiation and metamaterial-based energy devices, radiative transfer in disordered, porous and aperiodic media (especially Anderson localization and chaotic behaviors, nano, topological, quantum and non-Hermitian optics/photonics, scanning near-field optical microscopy
Jian Xie
North China Electric Power University, CHINA
Research Interests: utilization of low-grade energy and multiphase flow heat transfer, phase-change heat transfer on micro/nanostructured functional surfaces, heat and mass transfer enhancement and energy conservation
Huachao Yang
Zhejiang University, CHINA
Research Interests: nanoscale heat and mass transfer, nanoscale energy storage mechanisms, advanced electrode materials and electrolytes, thermal management, supercapacitor, Li+, Na+, and Zn2+ battery
Zhilang Zhang
Research Interests: numerical modeling, computational methods, CFD, heat and mass transfer
Hu Zhang
Xi'an Jiaotong University, CHINA
Research Interests: thermal protection and thermophysical property, thermal environment of solid rocket, spectral thermal radiation property and regulation, thermal-fluid-solid coupling simulation
Tian Zhao
Beijing University of Technology, CHINA
Research Interests: modeling, analysis, and optimization of thermal systems and integrated energy systems for energy saving and renewable energy utilization, simulation and enhancement of complex heat transfer processes and their applications such as thermal management of electronic devices
Yanguang Zhou
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HONG KONG
Research Interests: green energy technologies, algorithm development on nanoscale heat transfer, quantifying heat transport at the interfaces via experiments and simulations