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A Real Time Vision-Based Smoking Detection Framework on Edge

by Ruilong Chen, Guangfu Zeng, Ke Wang, Lei Luo, Zhiping Cai

1 College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, 410073, China
2 College of Computer, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang, 550025, China

* Corresponding Author: Lei Luo. Email: email

Journal on Internet of Things 2020, 2(2), 55-64.


Smoking is the main reason for fire disaster and pollution in petrol station, construction site and warehouse. Existing solutions based on wearable devices and smoking sensors were costly and hard to obtain evidence of smoking in unmanned scenarios. With the developments of closed circuit television (CCTV) system, vision-based methods for object detection, mostly driven by deep learning techniques, were introduced recently. However, the massive GPU computing hardware required by the deep learning algorithm made these methods hard to be deployed. This paper aims at solving the smoking detection problem on edge and proposes the solution that has fast detection speed, high accuracy on micro-objects and low computing budget, i.e., it could be deployed on the edge device such as NVIDIA JETSON TX2. We designed a new framework named RTVBS based on yolov3 and made a smoking dataset to train our model. We raised several methods to improve detection accuracy during the training step. The validation results show our model has excellent performance in smoking detection.


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APA Style
Chen, R., Zeng, G., Wang, K., Luo, L., Cai, Z. (2020). A real time vision-based smoking detection framework on edge. Journal on Internet of Things, 2(2), 55–64.
Vancouver Style
Chen R, Zeng G, Wang K, Luo L, Cai Z. A real time vision-based smoking detection framework on edge. J Internet Things. 2020;2(2):55–64.
IEEE Style
R. Chen, G. Zeng, K. Wang, L. Luo, and Z. Cai, “A Real Time Vision-Based Smoking Detection Framework on Edge,” J. Internet Things, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 55–64, 2020.

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