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Search Results (1,039)
  • Open Access


    Design Optimization of a Conical Annular Centrifugal Contractor

    M. N. Noui-Mehidi1

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.7, No.2, pp. 141-152, 2011, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2011.007.141

    Abstract The present work is concerned with a numerical study of the performance of a conical annular centrifugal contractor through the analysis of the flow properties when the apex angle is changed for different imposed axial flows. The calculations revealed the advantage of using conical annular centrifugal contractors compared to the cylindrical annular centrifuges. The study is conducted by a comparison analysis of the hydrodynamics of fluid flow in both conical and cylindrical contractors where moderate axial flows are imposed. In both systems the outer body is stationary while the inner rotor is maintained at constant More >

  • Open Access


    Improving the Efficiency of Wind Power System by Using Natural Convection Flows

    M. Kriaa1, M. El Alami1,2, M. Najam1, E. Semma3

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.7, No.2, pp. 125-140, 2011, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2011.007.125

    Abstract In this paper a numerical study of natural convection in a two dimensional convergent channel, with or without rectangular block, is carried out. The block is placed at the channel outlet and its thermal conductivity is set equal to that of air. One of channel planes is heated at constant temperature TH. The other one is maintained cold at TC < TH. The governing equations are solved using a finite volume method and the SIMLEC algorithm for the velocity-pressure coupling is used. Special emphasis is given to detail the effect of the block size and Rayleigh number… More >

  • Open Access


    Effect of Longitudinal Roughness on Magnetic Fluid Based Squeeze Film between Truncated Conical Plates

    P.I. Andharia1, G.M. Deheri2

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 111-124, 2011, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2011.007.111

    Abstract An attempt has been made to study and analyze the performance of a magnetic fluid based squeeze film between rough truncated conical plates. The lubricant used here is a magnetic fluid and the external magnetic field is oblique to the lower plate. The bearing surfaces are assumed to be longitudinally rough. The roughness of the bearing surfaces is modeled by a stochastic random variable with nonzero mean, variance and skewness. Efforts have been made to average the associated Reynolds equation with respect to the random roughness parameter. The concerned non-dimensional equation is solved with appropriate… More >

  • Open Access


    Convective Mixed Heat Transfer in a Square Cavity with Heated Rectangular Blocks and Submitted to a Vertical Forced Flow

    Ahmed Meskini, Mostafa Najam, Mustapha El Alami

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 97-110, 2011, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2011.007.097

    Abstract A numerical mixed convection investigation was carried out to study the enhancement of heat transfer in a square cavity with identical heated rectangular blocks adjacent to its upper wall, and submitted to a vertical jet of fresh air from below. The configuration so defined is an inverted "T"-shaped cavity presenting symmetry with respect to a vertical axis passing by the middle of the openings. The governing equations have been solved using the finite difference method. The parameters of this study are: Rayleigh number 104 ≤ Ra ≤ 106, Reynolds number 1 ≤ Re ≤ 1000, the opening More >

  • Open Access


    Combined Thermal Radiation and Laminar Mixed Convection in a Square Open Enclosure with Inlet and Outlet Ports

    Mohamed Ammar Abbassi1,2, Kamel Halouani1, Xavier Chesneau3, Belkacem Zeghmati3

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 71-96, 2011, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2011.007.071

    Abstract Mixed convection inside a square cavity with inlet and outlet ports is numerically simulated considering thermal radiation effect. The non dimensional transfer equations, based on Boussinesq assumption and the radiative heat transfer equation are solved by the finite-volume-method and the TDMA algorithm. Results, presented for a gray fluid and a wide range of dimensionless numbers; Reynolds (Re=10-1000), Richardson (Ri=0-0.01), Boltzmann (Bo=0.1-100), radiation to conduction parameter (Rc=0.1-100), and optical thickness (τ = 0.1-10) show that the radiation significantly affects temperature distribution. Streamlines are also sensitive to radiative parameters (as optical thickness) but less than temperature. More >

  • Open Access


    Natural Convection in an Inclined T-Shaped Cavity

    Hicham Rouijaa1, Mustapha El Alami2, El Alami Semma3, Mostafa Najam2

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 57-70, 2011, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2011.007.057

    Abstract This article presents a numerical study on natural convection in a bidimensional inclined "T"-shaped cavity. The governing equations are solved in the framework of a control-volume method resorting to the SIMPLEC algorithm (for the treatment of pressure-velocity coupling). Special emphasis is given to the investigation of the effect of inclination on the heat transfer and mass flow rate. Results are discussed for Prandtl number Pr=0.72, geometry with: opening width C=0.15, blocks gap D=0.5, blocks height, B=0.5 and different values of the Rayleigh number (104 ≤ Ra ≤ 106). More >

  • Open Access


    A Numerical Simulation Study of Silicon Dissolution under Magnetic Field

    A. Kidess1, N. Armour1, S. Dost1,2

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 29-56, 2011, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2011.007.029

    Abstract When a metallic liquid is subject to strong magnetic body forces, the issues of convergence and numerical stability may arise in numerical simulations. Handling of magnetic body force terms needs care. In this work we have studied two open codes and discussed the related issues. Magnetic force and mass transport terms were added to these codes. Handling the stability issues was discussed. The developed systems were validated by two benchmark cases. Then, the dissolution process of silicon into the germanium melt was selected as an application. The objective was the numerical study of the dissolution More >

  • Open Access


    Onset of Hydrothermal Instability in Liquid Bridge. Experimental Benchmark

    V. Shevtsova1, A. Mialdun1, H. Kawamura2, I. Ueno2, K. Nishino3, M. Lappa4

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 1-28, 2011, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2011.007.001

    Abstract The experimental results from nine benchmark test cases conducted by five different groups are presented. The goal of this study is to build an experimental database for validation of numerical models in liquid bridge geometry. The need arises as comparison of numerical results with a single experiment can lead to a large discrepancy due to specific experimental conditions. Perfectly conducting rigid walls and, especially, idealized boundary conditions at the free surface employed in numerical studies are not always realized in experiments. The experimental benchmark has emphasized strong sensitivity of the threshold of instability to the More >

  • Open Access


    Finite Element Analysis of Elastohydrodynamic Cylindrical Journal Bearing

    L. Dammak, E. Hadj-Taïeb

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.6, No.4, pp. 419-430, 2010, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2010.006.419

    Abstract This paper presents a short and focused analysis of the pressure development inside the fluid film related to a journal bearing (i.e. the pressure distribution in the the gap between the shaft, generally referred to as the "journal", and the bearing). The related flow is considered to be isotherm, laminar, steady and incompressible. The lubricant is assumed to be an isoviscous fluid. The Reynolds equation governing the lubricant pressure is derived from the coupled continuity and momentum balance equations written in the framework of the Stokes theory. The non linear system given by coupled equations More >

  • Open Access


    An Experimental Study Of An Electroaerodynamic Actuator

    R. Mestiri1, R.Hadaji1, S. Ben Nasrallah1

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.6, No.4, pp. 409-418, 2010, DOI:10.3970/fdmp.2010.006.409

    Abstract The electroaerodynamic actuator or plasma actuator uses the characteristics of the non-thermal surface plasmas. These plasmas are created in atmospheric pressure by a DC electrical corona discharge at the surface of a dielectric material. The two electrodes are two conductive parallel wires. The applied voltage is of several kilovolts. The corona discharge creates a tangential electric wind that can modify the boundary layer flow properties. In this paper, we present the results found for two geometric configurations: the flat plate and the cylinder. In order to study the discharge specificity, we have found the current- More >

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