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Search Results (81)
  • Open Access


    Deep Learning Applied to Computational Mechanics: A Comprehensive Review, State of the Art, and the Classics

    Loc Vu-Quoc1,*, Alexander Humer2

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.137, No.2, pp. 1069-1343, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.028130 - 26 June 2023

    Abstract Three recent breakthroughs due to AI in arts and science serve as motivation: An award winning digital image, protein folding, fast matrix multiplication. Many recent developments in artificial neural networks, particularly deep learning (DL), applied and relevant to computational mechanics (solid, fluids, finite-element technology) are reviewed in detail. Both hybrid and pure machine learning (ML) methods are discussed. Hybrid methods combine traditional PDE discretizations with ML methods either (1) to help model complex nonlinear constitutive relations, (2) to nonlinearly reduce the model order for efficient simulation (turbulence), or (3) to accelerate the simulation by predicting… More >

  • Open Access


    Missing Value Imputation Model Based on Adversarial Autoencoder Using Spatiotemporal Feature Extraction

    Dong-Hoon Shin1, Seo-El Lee2, Byeong-Uk Jeon1, Kyungyong Chung3,*

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.37, No.2, pp. 1925-1940, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.039317 - 21 June 2023

    Abstract Recently, the importance of data analysis has increased significantly due to the rapid data increase. In particular, vehicle communication data, considered a significant challenge in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), has spatiotemporal characteristics and many missing values. High missing values in data lead to the decreased predictive performance of models. Existing missing value imputation models ignore the topology of transportation networks due to the structural connection of road networks, although physical distances are close in spatiotemporal image data. Additionally, the learning process of missing value imputation models requires complete data, but there are limitations in securing More >

  • Open Access


    MEM-TET: Improved Triplet Network for Intrusion Detection System

    Weifei Wang1, Jinguo Li1,*, Na Zhao2, Min Liu1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.76, No.1, pp. 471-487, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.039733 - 08 June 2023

    Abstract With the advancement of network communication technology, network traffic shows explosive growth. Consequently, network attacks occur frequently. Network intrusion detection systems are still the primary means of detecting attacks. However, two challenges continue to stymie the development of a viable network intrusion detection system: imbalanced training data and new undiscovered attacks. Therefore, this study proposes a unique deep learning-based intrusion detection method. We use two independent in-memory autoencoders trained on regular network traffic and attacks to capture the dynamic relationship between traffic features in the presence of unbalanced training data. Then the original data is… More >

  • Open Access


    Alzheimer’s Disease Stage Classification Using a Deep Transfer Learning and Sparse Auto Encoder Method

    Deepthi K. Oommen*, J. Arunnehru

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.76, No.1, pp. 793-811, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.038640 - 08 June 2023

    Abstract Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a progressive neurological disease. Early diagnosis of this illness using conventional methods is very challenging. Deep Learning (DL) is one of the finest solutions for improving diagnostic procedures’ performance and forecast accuracy. The disease’s widespread distribution and elevated mortality rate demonstrate its significance in the older-onset and younger-onset age groups. In light of research investigations, it is vital to consider age as one of the key criteria when choosing the subjects. The younger subjects are more susceptible to the perishable side than the older onset. The proposed investigation concentrated on the… More >

  • Open Access


    Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Approach Based on Adversarial Memory Autoencoders for Multivariate Time Series

    Tianzi Zhao1,2,3,4, Liang Jin1,2,3,*, Xiaofeng Zhou1,2,3, Shuai Li1,2,3, Shurui Liu1,2,3,4, Jiang Zhu1,2,3

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.76, No.1, pp. 329-346, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.038595 - 08 June 2023

    Abstract The widespread usage of Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) generates a vast volume of time series data, and precisely determining anomalies in the data is critical for practical production. Autoencoder is the mainstream method for time series anomaly detection, and the anomaly is judged by reconstruction error. However, due to the strong generalization ability of neural networks, some abnormal samples close to normal samples may be judged as normal, which fails to detect the abnormality. In addition, the dataset rarely provides sufficient anomaly labels. This research proposes an unsupervised anomaly detection approach based on adversarial memory… More >

  • Open Access


    Visual Motion Segmentation in Crowd Videos Based on Spatial-Angular Stacked Sparse Autoencoders

    Adel Hafeezallah1, Ahlam Al-Dhamari2,3,*, Syed Abd Rahman Abu-Bakar2

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.47, No.1, pp. 593-611, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.039479 - 26 May 2023

    Abstract Visual motion segmentation (VMS) is an important and key part of many intelligent crowd systems. It can be used to figure out the flow behavior through a crowd and to spot unusual life-threatening incidents like crowd stampedes and crashes, which pose a serious risk to public safety and have resulted in numerous fatalities over the past few decades. Trajectory clustering has become one of the most popular methods in VMS. However, complex data, such as a large number of samples and parameters, makes it difficult for trajectory clustering to work well with accurate motion segmentation… More >

  • Open Access


    Bi-LSTM-Based Deep Stacked Sequence-to-Sequence Autoencoder for Forecasting Solar Irradiation and Wind Speed

    Neelam Mughees1,2, Mujtaba Hussain Jaffery1, Abdullah Mughees3, Anam Mughees4, Krzysztof Ejsmont5,*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.75, No.3, pp. 6375-6393, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.038564 - 29 April 2023

    Abstract Wind and solar energy are two popular forms of renewable energy used in microgrids and facilitating the transition towards net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. However, they are exceedingly unpredictable since they rely highly on weather and atmospheric conditions. In microgrids, smart energy management systems, such as integrated demand response programs, are permanently established on a step-ahead basis, which means that accurate forecasting of wind speed and solar irradiance intervals is becoming increasingly crucial to the optimal operation and planning of microgrids. With this in mind, a novel “bidirectional long short-term memory network” (Bi-LSTM)-based, deep stacked,… More >

  • Open Access


    Network Intrusion Detection in Internet of Blended Environment Using Ensemble of Heterogeneous Autoencoders (E-HAE)

    Lelisa Adeba Jilcha1, Deuk-Hun Kim2, Julian Jang-Jaccard3, Jin Kwak4,*

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.46, No.3, pp. 3261-3284, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.037615 - 03 April 2023

    Abstract Contemporary attackers, mainly motivated by financial gain, consistently devise sophisticated penetration techniques to access important information or data. The growing use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology in the contemporary convergence environment to connect to corporate networks and cloud-based applications only worsens this situation, as it facilitates multiple new attack vectors to emerge effortlessly. As such, existing intrusion detection systems suffer from performance degradation mainly because of insufficient considerations and poorly modeled detection systems. To address this problem, we designed a blended threat detection approach, considering the possible impact and dimensionality of new attack surfaces… More >

  • Open Access


    Hyperparameter Tuned Deep Hybrid Denoising Autoencoder Breast Cancer Classification on Digital Mammograms

    Manar Ahmed Hamza*

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.36, No.3, pp. 2879-2895, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.034719 - 15 March 2023

    Abstract Breast Cancer (BC) is considered the most commonly scrutinized cancer in women worldwide, affecting one in eight women in a lifetime. Mammography screening becomes one such standard method that is helpful in identifying suspicious masses’ malignancy of BC at an initial level. However, the prior identification of masses in mammograms was still challenging for extremely dense and dense breast categories and needs an effective and automatic mechanisms for helping radiotherapists in diagnosis. Deep learning (DL) techniques were broadly utilized for medical imaging applications, particularly breast mass classification. The advancements in the DL field paved the… More >

  • Open Access


    Gender Identification Using Marginalised Stacked Denoising Autoencoders on Twitter Data

    Badriyya B. Al-onazi1, Mohamed K. Nour2, Hassan Alshamrani3, Mesfer Al Duhayyim4,*, Heba Mohsen5, Amgad Atta Abdelmageed6, Gouse Pasha Mohammed6, Abu Sarwar Zamani6

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.36, No.3, pp. 2529-2544, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.034623 - 15 March 2023

    Abstract Gender analysis of Twitter could reveal significant socio-cultural differences between female and male users. Efforts had been made to analyze and automatically infer gender formerly for more commonly spoken languages’ content, but, as we now know that limited work is being undertaken for Arabic. Most of the research works are done mainly for English and least amount of effort for non-English language. The study for Arabic demographic inference like gender is relatively uncommon for social networking users, especially for Twitter. Therefore, this study aims to design an optimal marginalized stacked denoising autoencoder for gender identification… More >

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