Yui-Chuin Shiah1, *, Sheng-Chi Huang1, M. R. Hematiyan2
CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.64, No.2, pp. 701-727, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2020.010417
- 10 June 2020
Abstract In engineering practice, analysis of interfacial thermal stresses in composites is
a crucial task for assuring structural integrity when sever environmental temperature
changes under operations. In this article, the directly transformed boundary integrals
presented previously for treating generally anisotropic thermoelasticity in two-dimension
are fully regularized by a semi-analytical approach for modeling thin multi-layers of
anisotropic/isotropic composites, subjected to general thermal loads with boundary
conditions prescribed. In this process, an additional difficulty, not reported in the
literature, arises due to rapid fluctuation of an integrand in the directly transformed
boundary integral equation. In conventional analysis, thin… More >