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Search Results (29)
  • Open Access


    Research on Substation Siting Based on a 3D GIS Platform and an Improved BP Neural Network

    Yao Jin1,2,*, Jie Zhao1,2, Xiaozhe Tan1,2, Linghou Miao1,2, Wenxing Yu1,2

    Digital Engineering and Digital Twin, Vol.2, pp. 131-144, 2024, DOI:10.32604/dedt.2024.048142 - 31 December 2024

    Abstract Substation siting is an important foundation and a key task in power system planning. The article is based on a three-dimensional GIS platform combined with an improved BP neural network algorithm and proposes a substation siting method that is more efficient, accurate and provides a better user experience. Firstly, the BP algorithm is enhanced to improve its convergence speed and computational efficiency for a more accurate and reasonable calculation of optimal site selection. Then, a 24-item selection index system with 7 categories is proposed, which provides quantifiable data support and an evaluation basis for substation… More >

  • Open Access


    Prediction on Failure Pressure of Pipeline Containing Corrosion Defects Based on ISSA-BPNN Model

    Qi Zhuang1,*, Dong Liu2, Zhuo Chen3

    Energy Engineering, Vol.121, No.3, pp. 821-834, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ee.2023.044054 - 27 February 2024

    Abstract Oil and gas pipelines are affected by many factors, such as pipe wall thinning and pipeline rupture. Accurate prediction of failure pressure of oil and gas pipelines can provide technical support for pipeline safety management. Aiming at the shortcomings of the BP Neural Network (BPNN) model, such as low learning efficiency, sensitivity to initial weights, and easy falling into a local optimal state, an Improved Sparrow Search Algorithm (ISSA) is adopted to optimize the initial weights and thresholds of BPNN, and an ISSA-BPNN failure pressure prediction model for corroded pipelines is established. Taking 61 sets More >

  • Open Access


    Numerical Study of the Biomechanical Behavior of a 3D Printed Polymer Esophageal Stent in the Esophagus by BP Neural Network Algorithm

    Guilin Wu1,2, Shenghua Huang1, Tingting Liu3, Zhuoni Yang3, Yuesong Wu2, Guihong Wei1, Peng Yu1,*, Qilin Zhang4, Jun Feng4, Bo Zeng5,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.138, No.3, pp. 2709-2725, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2023.031399 - 15 December 2023

    Abstract Esophageal disease is a common disorder of the digestive system that can severely affect the quality of life and prognosis of patients. Esophageal stenting is an effective treatment that has been widely used in clinical practice. However, esophageal stents of different types and parameters have varying adaptability and effectiveness for patients, and they need to be individually selected according to the patient’s specific situation. The purpose of this study was to provide a reference for clinical doctors to choose suitable esophageal stents. We used 3D printing technology to fabricate esophageal stents with different ratios of… More >

  • Open Access


    Optimization of CNC Turning Machining Parameters Based on Bp-DWMOPSO Algorithm

    Jiang Li, Jiutao Zhao, Qinhui Liu*, Laizheng Zhu, Jinyi Guo, Weijiu Zhang

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.77, No.1, pp. 223-244, 2023, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2023.042429 - 31 October 2023

    Abstract Cutting parameters have a significant impact on the machining effect. In order to reduce the machining time and improve the machining quality, this paper proposes an optimization algorithm based on Bp neural network-Improved Multi-Objective Particle Swarm (Bp-DWMOPSO). Firstly, this paper analyzes the existing problems in the traditional multi-objective particle swarm algorithm. Secondly, the Bp neural network model and the dynamic weight multi-objective particle swarm algorithm model are established. Finally, the Bp-DWMOPSO algorithm is designed based on the established models. In order to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm, this paper obtains the required data through More >

  • Open Access


    Conductor Arrangement and Phase Sequence Optimization Scheme for 500 kV Four-Circuit Transmission Lines on Same Tower

    Deng Lu1, Xujun Lang1, Bo Yang1, Ziyang Li1, Hang Geng2,*

    Energy Engineering, Vol.120, No.10, pp. 2287-2306, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ee.2023.029140 - 28 September 2023

    Abstract The four-circuit parallel line on the same tower effectively solves the problems faced by the line reconstruction and construction under the condition of the increasing shortage of transmission corridors. Optimizing the conductor and phase sequence arrangement of multiple transmission lines is conducive to improving electromagnetic and electrostatic coupling caused by electromagnetic problems. This paper uses the ATP-EMTP simulation software to build a 500 kV multi-circuit transmission line on the same tower. It stimulates the induced voltage and current values of different line lengths, tower spacing, vertical and horizontal spacing between different circuits, phase sequence arrangement,… More >

  • Open Access


    Research on Narrowband Line Spectrum Noise Control Method Based on Nearest Neighbor Filter and BP Neural Network Feedback Mechanism

    Shuiping Zhang1,2, Xi Liang3, Lin Shi2, Lei Yan4, Jun Tang1,2,*

    Sound & Vibration, Vol.57, pp. 29-44, 2023, DOI:10.32604/sv.2023.041350 - 07 September 2023

    Abstract The filter-x least mean square (FxLMS) algorithm is widely used in active noise control (ANC) systems. However, because the algorithm is a feedback control algorithm based on the minimization of the error signal variance to update the filter coefficients, it has a certain delay, usually has a slow convergence speed, and the system response time is long and easily affected by the learning rate leading to the lack of system stability, which often fails to achieve the desired control effect in practice. In this paper, we propose an active control algorithm with nearest-neighbor trap structure… More > Graphic Abstract

    Research on Narrowband Line Spectrum Noise Control Method Based on Nearest Neighbor Filter and BP Neural Network Feedback Mechanism

  • Open Access


    An Optimized Chinese Filtering Model Using Value Scale Extended Text Vector

    Siyu Lu1, Ligao Cai1, Zhixin Liu2, Shan Liu1, Bo Yang1, Lirong Yin3, Mingzhe Liu4, Wenfeng Zheng1,*

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.47, No.2, pp. 1881-1899, 2023, DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.034853 - 28 July 2023

    Abstract With the development of Internet technology, the explosive growth of Internet information presentation has led to difficulty in filtering effective information. Finding a model with high accuracy for text classification has become a critical problem to be solved by text filtering, especially for Chinese texts. This paper selected the manually calibrated Douban movie website comment data for research. First, a text filtering model based on the BP neural network has been built; Second, based on the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) vector space model and the doc2vec method, the text word frequency vector and the More >

  • Open Access


    Prediction Model of Drilling Costs for Ultra-Deep Wells Based on GA-BP Neural Network

    Wenhua Xu1,3, Yuming Zhu2, Yingrong Wei2, Ya Su2, Yan Xu1,3, Hui Ji1, Dehua Liu1,3,*

    Energy Engineering, Vol.120, No.7, pp. 1701-1715, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ee.2023.027703 - 04 May 2023

    Abstract Drilling costs of ultra-deep well is the significant part of development investment, and accurate prediction of drilling costs plays an important role in reasonable budgeting and overall control of development cost. In order to improve the prediction accuracy of ultra-deep well drilling costs, the item and the dominant factors of drilling costs in Tarim oilfield are analyzed. Then, those factors of drilling costs are separated into categorical variables and numerous variables. Finally, a BP neural network model with drilling costs as the output is established, and hyper-parameters (initial weights and bias) of the BP neural More >

  • Open Access



    Qi Zhuanga,* , Dong Liub, Bo Liuc, Mei Liua

    Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.20, pp. 1-6, 2023, DOI:10.5098/hmt.20.13

    Abstract In the actual operation of wet gas pipeline, liquid accumulation is easy to form in the low-lying and uphill sections of the pipeline, which leads to a series of problems such as reduced pipeline transportation efficiency, increased pipeline pressure drop, hydrate formation, slug flow and intensified corrosion in the pipeline. Accurate calculation of liquid holdup is of great significance to the research of flow pattern identification, pipeline corrosion evaluation and prediction, and gas pipeline transportation efficiency calculation. Based on the experimental data of liquid holdup in horizontal pipeline, a commonly used BP neural network (BPNN)… More >

  • Open Access



    Rongge Xiaoa,* , Qi Zhuanga, Shuaishuai Jina , Wenbo Jina

    Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.18, pp. 1-7, 2022, DOI:10.5098/hmt.18.8

    Abstract A model for predicting wax deposition rate in pipeline transportation is constructed to predict wax deposition in actual pipeline, which can provide decision support for the flow guarantee of waxy crude oil in pipeline transportation. This paper analyzes the working principle of Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN). Aiming at the problems of BPNN model, such as over learning, long training time, low generalization ability and easy to fall into local minimum, the paper proposes an improved scheme of using Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) to optimize BPNN model(WOABPNN).Taking 38 groups of crude oil wax deposition experimental More >

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