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Search Results (37)
  • Open Access


    Energy Efficient Networks Using Ant Colony Optimization with Game Theory Clustering

    Harish Gunigari1,*, S. Chitra2

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.3, pp. 3557-3571, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.029155 - 17 August 2022

    Abstract Real-time applications based on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technologies quickly lead to the growth of an intelligent environment. Sensor nodes play an essential role in distributing information from networking and its transfer to the sinks. The ability of dynamical technologies and related techniques to be aided by data collection and analysis across the Internet of Things (IoT) network is widely recognized. Sensor nodes are low-power devices with low power devices, storage, and quantitative processing capabilities. The existing system uses the Artificial Immune System-Particle Swarm Optimization method to minimize the energy and improve the network’s lifespan.… More >

  • Open Access


    Smart-Grid Monitoring using IoT with Modified Lagranges Key Based Data Transmission

    C. K. Morarji1,*, N. Sathish Kumar2

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.3, pp. 2875-2892, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.025776 - 17 August 2022

    Abstract One of the recent advancements in the electrical power systems is the smart-grid technology. For the effective functioning of the smart grid, the process like monitoring and controlling have to be given importance. In this paper, the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is utilized for tracking the power in smart grid applications. The smart grid is used to produce the electricity and it is connected with the sensor to transmit or receive the data. The data is transmitted quickly by using the Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN), which aids in identifying the shortest path of the nodes. More >

  • Open Access


    Data Aggregation-based Transmission Method in Ultra-Dense Wireless Networks

    Dae-Young Kim, Seokhoon Kim*

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.35, No.1, pp. 727-737, 2023, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2023.027563 - 06 June 2022

    Abstract As the Internet of Things (IoT) advances, machine-type devices are densely deployed and massive networks such as ultra-dense networks (UDNs) are formed. Various devices attend to the network to transmit data using machine-type communication (MTC), whereby numerous, various are generated. MTC devices generally have resource constraints and use wireless communication. In this kind of network, data aggregation is a key function to provide transmission efficiency. It can reduce the number of transmitted data in the network, and this leads to energy saving and reducing transmission delays. In order to effectively operate data aggregation in UDNs, More >

  • Open Access


    Chaotic Pigeon Inspired Optimization Technique for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks

    Anwer Mustafa Hilal1,2,*, Aisha Hassan Abdalla Hashim1, Sami Dhahbi3, Dalia H. Elkamchouchi4, Jaber S. Alzahrani5, Mrim M. Alnfiai6, Amira Sayed A. Aziz7, Abdelwahed Motwakel2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.3, pp. 6547-6561, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.031660 - 28 July 2022

    Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) interlink numerous Sensor Nodes (SN) to support Internet of Things (loT) services. But the data gathered from SNs can be divulged, tempered, and forged. Conventional WSN data processes manage the data in a centralized format at terminal gadgets. These devices are prone to attacks and the security of systems can get compromised. Blockchain is a distributed and decentralized technique that has the ability to handle security issues in WSN. The security issues include transactions that may be copied and spread across numerous nodes in a peer-peer network system. This breaches the… More >

  • Open Access


    An Effective Signcryption with Optimization Algorithm for IoT-enabled Secure Data Transmission

    A. Chinnappa*, C. Vijayakumaran

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.73, No.2, pp. 4017-4031, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.027858 - 16 June 2022

    Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) allows several low resources and controlled devices to interconnect, calculate processes and make decisions in the communication network. In the heterogeneous environment for IoT devices, several challenging issues such as energy, storage, efficiency, and security. The design of encryption techniques enables the transmission of the data in the IoT environment in a secured way. The proper selection of optimal keys helps to boost the encryption performance. With this motivation, the study presents a signcryption with quantum chaotic krill herd algorithm for secured data transmission (SCQCKH-SDT) in IoT environment. The proposed SCQCKH-SDT… More >

  • Open Access


    Privacy Preserving Reliable Data Transmission in Cluster Based Vehicular Adhoc Networks

    T. Tamilvizhi1, R. Surendran2,*, Carlos Andres Tavera Romero3, M. Sadish Sendil4

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.34, No.2, pp. 1265-1279, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.026331 - 03 May 2022

    Abstract VANETs are a subclass of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) that enable efficient data transmission between vehicles and other vehicles, road side units (RSUs), and infrastructure. The purpose of VANET is to enhance security, road traffic management, and traveler services. Due to the nature of real-time issues such as reliability and privacy, messages transmitted via the VANET must be secret and confidential. As a result, this study provides a method for privacy-preserving reliable data transmission in a cluster-based VANET employing Fog Computing (PPRDA-FC). The PPRDA-FC technique suggested here seeks to ensure reliable message transmission by… More >

  • Open Access


    Aggregated PSO for Secure Data Transmission in WSN Using Fog Server

    M. Manicka Raja1,*, S. Manoj Kumar2

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.34, No.2, pp. 1017-1032, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.025665 - 03 May 2022

    Abstract Privacy of data in Internet of Things (IoT) over fog networks is the biggest challenge in security of Wireless communication networks. In Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), current research on fog computing with IoT is gaining popularity among IoT devices over network. Moreover, the data aggregation will reduce the energy consumption in WSN. Due to the open and hostile nature of WSN, secure data aggregation is the major issue. The existing data aggregation methods in IoT and its associated approaches are lack of limited aggregation functions, heavyweight, issues related to the performance overhead. Besides, the overload… More >

  • Open Access


    QoS Constrained Network Coding Technique to Data Transmission Using IoT

    A. Sathishkumar1,*, T. Rammohan2, S. Sathish Kumar3, J. Uma3, K. Srujan Raju4, Aarti Sangwan5, M. Sivachitra6, M. Prabu7

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.43, No.2, pp. 531-544, 2022, DOI:10.32604/csse.2022.021694 - 20 April 2022

    Abstract The research work presents, constrained network coding technique to ensure the successful data transmission based composite channel cmos technology using dielectric properties. The charge fragmentation and charge splitting are two components of the filtered switch domino (FSD) technique. Further behavior of selected switching is achieved using generator called conditional pulse generator which is employed in Multi Dynamic Node Domino (MDND) technique. Both FSD and MDND technique need wide area compared to existing single node-keeper domino technique. The aim of this research is to minimize dissipation of power and to achieve less consumption of power. The… More >

  • Open Access


    Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis Dimensionality Reduction and 3D Dynamic Hierarchical Clustering WSNs

    G. Divya Mohana Priya1,*, M. Karthikeyan1, K. Murugan2

    Computer Systems Science and Engineering, Vol.43, No.2, pp. 471-486, 2022, DOI:10.32604/csse.2022.021023 - 20 April 2022

    Abstract Optimizing the sensor energy is one of the most important concern in Three-Dimensional (3D) Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). An improved dynamic hierarchical clustering has been used in previous works that computes optimum clusters count and thus, the total consumption of energy is optimal. However, the computational complexity will be increased due to data dimension, and this leads to increase in delay in network data transmission and reception. For solving the above-mentioned issues, an efficient dimensionality reduction model based on Incremental Linear Discriminant Analysis (ILDA) is proposed for 3D hierarchical clustering WSNs. The major objective of… More >

  • Open Access


    QoS Aware Multicast Routing Protocol for Video Transmission in Smart Cities

    Khaled Mohamad Almustafa1, Taiseer Abdalla Elfadil Eisa2, Amani Abdulrahman Albraikan3, Mesfer Al Duhayyim4,*, Manar Ahmed Hamza5, Abdelwahed Motwakel5, Ishfaq Yaseen5, Muhammad Imran Babar6

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.72, No.2, pp. 2483-2499, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.024688 - 29 March 2022

    Abstract In recent years, Software Defined Networking (SDN) has become an important candidate for communication infrastructure in smart cities. It produces a drastic increase in the need for delivery of video services that are of high resolution, multiview, and large-scale in nature. However, this entity gets easily influenced by heterogeneous behaviour of the user's wireless link features that might reduce the quality of video stream for few or all clients. The development of SDN allows the emergence of new possibilities for complicated controlling of video conferences. Besides, multicast routing protocol with multiple constraints in terms of… More >

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