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Search Results (92)
  • Open Access


    Parents d’un enfant atteint de cancer ou en rémission de cancer : une nécessité de les accompagner !

    M. Vander Haegen, C. Flahault, K. Lamore

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.16, No.4, pp. 339-341, 2022, DOI:10.3166/pson-2022-0215

    Abstract Lorsqu’un cancer touche un enfant, les parents (et la famille) se retrouvent impliqués à plusieurs niveaux dans la trajectoire de la maladie et des traitements. Cette trajectoire des soins est variable d’une famille à l’autre. Le monde psychomédical met depuis plusieurs années des actions sur le terrain pour accompagner les parents d’un enfant atteint de cancer ou en rémission de cancer. En tant que professionnels de santé, il nous faut poursuivre ces actions et développer un partenariat fort et harmonieux avec les parents, car ils sont les premiers relais pour le suivi médical de l’enfant. More >

  • Open Access


    Exploring Win-Wins from Trade-Offs? Co-Benefits of Coalbed Methane Utilization for the Environment, Economy and Safety

    Bing Wang1,2,*, Zhongxun Li1, Rui Shi1, Yuzheng Zhang1, Yao Yao1

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.6, pp. 2469-2487, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.021171 - 14 September 2022

    Abstract With policy incentives for the coalbed methane in energy industry, coalbed methane from coal production has been effectively improved by technology innovations in coalbed methane extraction and utilization. The progress of coalbed methane promotes the clean construction of energy system and contributes to carbon neutrality target. To quantitatively measure the contributions of the coalbed methane in energy industry, this paper builds a carbon emissions accounting system for coalbed methane in China and assesses the historical co-benefits of coalbed methane utilization from the aspects of emissions reduction, safety and economy. By using the parameters of gas… More >

  • Open Access


    The Effect of Swirl Intensity on the Flow Behavior and Combustion Characteristics of a Lean Propane-Air Flame

    Hemaizia Abdelkader*, Bentebbiche Abdelhalim

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.18, No.6, pp. 1749-1762, 2022, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2022.022006 - 27 June 2022

    Abstract The effect of swirl number (Sn) on the flow behavior and combustion characteristics of a lean premixed propane Flame Ф = 0.5 in a swirl burner configuration was numerically verified in this study. Two-dimensional numerical simulations were performed using ANSYS-Fluent software. For turbulence closure, a standard K-ε turbulence model was applied. The turbulence-chemistry interaction scheme was modeled using the Finite Rate-Eddy Dissipation hybrid model (FR/EDM) with a reduced three-step reaction mechanism. The P1 radiation model was used for the flame radiation inside the combustion chamber. Four different swirl numbers were selected (0, 0.72, 1.05, and… More >

  • Open Access


    A New Route Optimization Approach of Fresh Agricultural Logistics Distribution

    Daqing Wu1,2, Jiye Cui1,*, Dan Li3, Romany Fouad Mansour4

    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.34, No.3, pp. 1553-1569, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.028780 - 25 May 2022

    Abstract Under the fierce market competition and the demand of low-carbon economy, the freshness of fresh products directly determines the degree of customer satisfaction. Cold chain logistics companies must pay attention to the freshness and carbon emissions of fresh products to obtain better service development. In the cold chain logistics path optimization problem, considering the cost, product freshness and carbon emission environmental factors at the same time, based on the cost-benefit idea, a comprehensive cold chain vehicle routing problem optimization model is proposed to minimize the unit cost of product freshness and the carbon trading mechanism… More >

  • Open Access


    Study on Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Self-Compacting Concrete under Uniaxial Compression Test

    Yongshuai Sun1,*, Guihe Wang2, Yixuan li2

    Journal of Renewable Materials, Vol.10, No.8, pp. 2287-2302, 2022, DOI:10.32604/jrm.2022.019660 - 25 April 2022

    Abstract To study the relationship between acoustic emission characteristic parameters of self-compacting concrete(SCC) and its destruction evolution, under uniaxial compression, acoustic emission(AE) tests are performed on C30 selfcompacting concrete test blocks that are preserved for 7 days and 28 days, the corresponding relationship among energy, amplitude, ring count and different failure stages of the specimens are analyzed by AE experiment, and the spatial distribution of AE in each stage is described by introducing location map. The test shows that there are two rules for the failure of SCC specimens cured for 7 days and 28 days:… More >

  • Open Access


    Recent biomedical advances enabled by HaloTag technology


    BIOCELL, Vol.46, No.8, pp. 1789-1801, 2022, DOI:10.32604/biocell.2022.018197 - 22 April 2022

    Abstract The knowledge of interactions among functional proteins helps researchers understand disease mechanisms and design potential strategies for treatment. As a general approach, the fluorescent and affinity tags were employed for exploring this field by labeling the Protein of Interest (POI). However, the autofluorescence and weak binding strength significantly reduce the accuracy and specificity of these tags. Conversely, HaloTag, a novel self-labeling enzyme (SLE) tag, could quickly form a covalent bond with its ligand, enabling fast and specific labeling of POI. These desirable features greatly increase the accuracy and specificity, making the HaloTag a valuable system More >

  • Open Access


    Characteristics of Diesel/N-Butanol Blend on a Common Rail Diesel Engine with Exhaust Gas Recirculation

    Yanfei Chen1, Jingjing He2,*, Hao Chen2,*, Xin Su2, Bin Xie2

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.3, pp. 1239-1259, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.017847 - 31 March 2022

    Abstract 20% n-butanol is blended in diesel by volume (noted as D80B20) and experiment has been carried out to study the effect on the combustion and emission characteristics based on a common rail diesel engine with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. The results reveal that D80B20 has longer ignition delay, shorter combustion duration and higher maximum in-cylinder temperature than pure diesel (noted as D100). Further, the number concentration and volume concentration of ultrafine particles decrease significantly while NOX emissions increase a little with the addition of n-butanol. When the exhaust gas is induced into cylinder, NOX emissions More >

  • Open Access


    An Eco-Friendly Approach for Reducing Carbon Emissions in Cloud Data Centers

    Mohammad Aldossary1,*, Hatem A. Alharbi2

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.72, No.2, pp. 3175-3193, 2022, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2022.026041 - 29 March 2022

    Abstract Based on the Saudi Green initiative, which aims to improve the Kingdom's environmental status and reduce the carbon emission of more than 278 million tons by 2030 along with a promising plan to achieve net-zero carbon by 2060, NEOM city has been proposed to be the “Saudi hub” for green energy, since NEOM is estimated to generate up to 120 Gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy by 2030. Nevertheless, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector is considered a key contributor to global energy consumption and carbon emissions. The data centers are estimated to consume about… More >

  • Open Access


    Experimental Analysis of the Influence of Exhaust Thermal Management on Engine NOx Emission

    Jinliang Zhu1, Xiulei Wang1, Guihua Wang1, Xianglin Zhong2, Zhenguo Li3, Zhiming Wang1, Ke Sun1,*, Shuzhan Bai1,*

    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.18, No.3, pp. 701-711, 2022, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2022.019311 - 22 February 2022

    Abstract Exhaust thermal management is essential to allow engines to meet the Euro VI emissions standards and reducing nitrogen oxide emissions is one of the most important targets being pursued nowadays. Along these lines, in the present study, engine’s thermal performances have been evaluated on the basis of a WHTC test, namely a transient engine dynamometer schedule defined by the global technical regulation (GTR) developed by the UN ECE GRPE group (the GTR is covering a world-wide harmonized heavy-duty certification (WHDC) procedure for engine exhaust emissions). The influence of thermal management on fuel consumption, intake, and… More >

  • Open Access


    Angle Scattering Method for Soot Concentration Measurement under Ultra-Low Emissions Condition

    Bin Yang1,*, Xingchen Zhu1, Jie Deng1, Xiaoxu Guo1, Jinke Han2, Xiaowei Liu2

    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.2, pp. 511-522, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.016079 - 24 January 2022

    Abstract Aiming at the problem of soot concentration measurement under ultra-low emission conditions, a forward small angle soot concentration measurement method is proposed. Taking a typical boiler emission of 0.1 μm–3.0 μm bimodal distribution soot as an object, the particle scatter simulation calculation under different parameters is carried out, and the influence of detection angle and particle size on the angular scattering measurement of ultra-low emission soot is analyzed. The influence of detection angle and particle size on the angular scattering measurement of ultra-low emission soot is analyzed. Preferably, the wavelength of incident light is 650 More >

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