Panagiotis G. Asteris1,*, Maria G. Douvika1, Chrysoula A. Karamani1, Athanasia D. Skentou1, Katerina Chlichlia2, Liborio Cavaleri3, Tryfon Daras4, Danial J. Armaghani5, Theoklis E. Zaoutis6
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.125, No.2, pp. 815-828, 2020, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2020.013280
Abstract The modeling and risk assessment of a pandemic phenomenon such
as COVID-19 is an important and complicated issue in epidemiology, and
such an attempt is of great interest for public health decision-making. To this
end, in the present study, based on a recent heuristic algorithm proposed by
the authors, the time evolution of COVID-19 is investigated for six different
countries/states, namely New York, California, USA, Iran, Sweden and UK.
The number of COVID-19-related deaths is used to develop the proposed
heuristic model as it is believed that the predicted number of daily deaths
in each More >