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About Editors

The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences

ISSN: 1933-2815 (Online)

 Founding and Honorary Editor-in-Chief:

Prof. Satya N. Atluri
Prof. Satya Atluri's professional interests lie in the areas of aerospace and mechanical engineering. His teaching and research interests at UCI lie in the disciplinary areas of: applied mathematics; theoretical, applied, and computational mechanics of solids and fluids at various length and time scales; computer modeling in engineering and sciences; meshless and other novel computational methods; structural longevity, failure prevention, and health management.
He received Doctor of Science degrees from: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (earned); National University of Ireland (honoris causa); Slovak Academy of Sciences (honoris causa); and the University of Patras (honoris causa).
He is a Distinguished Alumnus of the Indian Institute of Science.
He previously taught at: UCLA (Distinguished Professor); Georgia Tech (Institute Professor, Regents’ Professor of Engineering, and Hightower Chair in Engineering); MIT (JC Hunsaker Professor); and the University of Washington (Assistant Professor).
He is a Tsing Hua Honorary Chair Professor at the National Tsing Hua University, in Taiwan, and an Honorary Professor at the University of Patras. Previously he was an Honorary Professor at the Tsinghua University in Beijing, and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Korea.
He is Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics; Fellow of AIAA; Fellow of ASME; Honorary Fellow of the International Congress on Fracture, Fellow of the Aeronautical Society of India; Fellow of the Chinese Society of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, and many others. He was elected to membership in the US national Academy of Engineering; the India National Academy of Engineering; the Third World Academy of Sciences (Trieste); and the European Academy of Sciences.
Some notable recognitions he received include those from AIAA ( the Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Medal; the Pendray Aerospace Literature Medal` and the SDM Lecture Award); from the Federal Aviation Administration ( “Excellence in Aviation Award”); from the ASCE ( the Aerospace Structures and Materials Award); from the Society of Engineering Science ( The Eringen Medal); from ICCES ( the “ Hilbert Medal” and the “
ICCES Gold Medal”); from JSME, Japan ( the Computational Mechanics Medal); from the Greek National Association of Computational Mechanics( The Computational Mechanics Medal); from JSPS, Japan ( JSPS Fellow); from the US Secretary of Commerce ( Distinguished Service Award, the President’s National Medal of Technology Committee); from Georgia Tech (the annual Distinguished Professor Award; and twice the annual Outstanding Researcher Awards). From Sigma-Xi (the Sustained Research Award); from the Science Citation Index (one of 100 most highly cited researchers in engineering); from the National Academy of Engineering (Technical Achievement Award). He has been a Midwestern Mechanics Lecturer, as well as a Southwestern Mechanics Lecturer.


All papers are edited, reviewed, and selected by the ICCES Organizing Committee 

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