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Search Results (135)
  • Open Access


    A Support Vector Machine (SVM) Model for Privacy Recommending Data Processing Model (PRDPM) in Internet of Vehicles

    Ali Alqarni*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.82, No.1, pp. 389-406, 2025, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.059238 - 03 January 2025

    Abstract Open networks and heterogeneous services in the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) can lead to security and privacy challenges. One key requirement for such systems is the preservation of user privacy, ensuring a seamless experience in driving, navigation, and communication. These privacy needs are influenced by various factors, such as data collected at different intervals, trip durations, and user interactions. To address this, the paper proposes a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model designed to process large amounts of aggregated data and recommend privacy-preserving measures. The model analyzes data based on user demands and interactions with service More >

  • Open Access


    A Robust Security Detection Strategy for Next Generation IoT Networks

    Hafida Assmi1, Azidine Guezzaz1, Said Benkirane1, Mourade Azrour2,*, Said Jabbour3, Nisreen Innab4, Abdulatif Alabdulatif5

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.82, No.1, pp. 443-466, 2025, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.059047 - 03 January 2025

    Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the infrastructures that connect smart devices to the Internet, operating autonomously. This connectivity makes it possible to harvest vast quantities of data, creating new opportunities for the emergence of unprecedented knowledge. To ensure IoT securit, various approaches have been implemented, such as authentication, encoding, as well as devices to guarantee data integrity and availability. Among these approaches, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) is an actual security solution, whose performance can be enhanced by integrating various algorithms, including Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), enabling proactive and accurate detection of… More >

  • Open Access


    A Hybrid WSVM-Levy Approach for Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Using Big Data and IoT

    Surbhi Bhatia Khan1,2,*, Mohammad Alojail3, Mahesh Thyluru Ramakrishna4, Hemant Sharma5

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.81, No.3, pp. 4895-4914, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.057585 - 19 December 2024

    Abstract In Intelligent Manufacturing, Big Data and industrial information enable enterprises to closely monitor and respond to precise changes in both internal processes and external environmental factors, ensuring more informed decision-making and adaptive system management. It also promotes decision making and provides scientific analysis to enhance the efficiency of the operation, cost reduction, maximizing the process of production and so on. Various methods are employed to enhance productivity, yet achieving sustainable manufacturing remains a complex challenge that requires careful consideration. This study aims to develop a methodology for effective manufacturing sustainability by proposing a novel Hybrid… More >

  • Open Access


    CHART: Intelligent Crime Hotspot Detection and Real-Time Tracking Using Machine Learning

    Rashid Ahmad1, Asif Nawaz1,*, Ghulam Mustafa1, Tariq Ali1, Mehdi Tlija2, Mohammed A. El-Meligy3,4, Zohair Ahmed5

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.81, No.3, pp. 4171-4194, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.056971 - 19 December 2024

    Abstract Crime hotspot detection is essential for law enforcement agencies to allocate resources effectively, predict potential criminal activities, and ensure public safety. Traditional methods of crime analysis often rely on manual, time-consuming processes that may overlook intricate patterns and correlations within the data. While some existing machine learning models have improved the efficiency and accuracy of crime prediction, they often face limitations such as overfitting, imbalanced datasets, and inadequate handling of spatiotemporal dynamics. This research proposes an advanced machine learning framework, CHART (Crime Hotspot Analysis and Real-time Tracking), designed to overcome these challenges. The proposed methodology… More >

  • Open Access


    A Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimized Transfer Learning Approach for Breast Cancer Diagnosis

    Hussain AlSalman1, Taha Alfakih2, Mabrook Al-Rakhami2, Mohammad Mehedi Hassan2,*, Amerah Alabrah2

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.141, No.3, pp. 2575-2608, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.055011 - 31 October 2024

    Abstract Breast cancer diagnosis through mammography is a pivotal application within medical image-based diagnostics, integral for early detection and effective treatment. While deep learning has significantly advanced the analysis of mammographic images, challenges such as low contrast, image noise, and the high dimensionality of features often degrade model performance. Addressing these challenges, our study introduces a novel method integrating Genetic Algorithms (GA) with pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models to enhance feature selection and classification accuracy. Our approach involves a systematic process: first, we employ widely-used CNN architectures (VGG16, VGG19, MobileNet, and DenseNet) to extract a… More >

  • Open Access


    Short-Term Prediction of Photovoltaic Power Based on DBSCAN-SVM Data Cleaning and PSO-LSTM Model

    Yujin Liu1, Zhenkai Zhang1, Li Ma1, Yan Jia1,2,*, Weihua Yin3, Zhifeng Liu3

    Energy Engineering, Vol.121, No.10, pp. 3019-3035, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ee.2024.052594 - 11 September 2024

    Abstract Accurate short-term photovoltaic (PV) power prediction helps to improve the economic efficiency of power stations and is of great significance to the arrangement of grid scheduling plans. In order to improve the accuracy of PV power prediction further, this paper proposes a data cleaning method combining density clustering and support vector machine. It constructs a short-term PV power prediction model based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) optimized Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. Firstly, the input features are determined using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The feature information is clustered using density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise More >

  • Open Access


    Sentiment Analysis Using E-Commerce Review Keyword-Generated Image with a Hybrid Machine Learning-Based Model

    Jiawen Li1,2, Yuesheng Huang1, Yayi Lu1, Leijun Wang1,*, Yongqi Ren1, Rongjun Chen1

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.80, No.1, pp. 1581-1599, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.052666 - 18 July 2024

    Abstract In the context of the accelerated pace of daily life and the development of e-commerce, online shopping is a mainstream way for consumers to access products and services. To understand their emotional expressions in facing different shopping experience scenarios, this paper presents a sentiment analysis method that combines the e-commerce review keyword-generated image with a hybrid machine learning-based model, in which the Word2Vec-TextRank is used to extract keywords that act as the inputs for generating the related images by generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Subsequently, a hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine (CNN-SVM) model… More >

  • Open Access


    A Situational Awareness Method for Initial Insulation Fault of Distribution Network Based on Multi-Feature Index Comprehensive Evaluation

    Hao Bai1, Beiyuan Liu2,*, Hongwen Liu3, Jupeng Zeng2, Jian Ouyang4, Yipeng Liu1

    Energy Engineering, Vol.121, No.8, pp. 2191-2211, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ee.2024.049848 - 19 July 2024

    Abstract Most ground faults in distribution network are caused by insulation deterioration of power equipment. It is difficult to find the insulation deterioration of the distribution network in time, and the development trend of the initial insulation fault is unknown, which brings difficulties to the distribution inspection. In order to solve the above problems, a situational awareness method of the initial insulation fault of the distribution network based on a multi-feature index comprehensive evaluation is proposed. Firstly, the insulation situation evaluation index is selected by analyzing the insulation fault mechanism of the distribution network, and the… More >

  • Open Access


    Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Object Based Classification in Earth Linear Features Extraction: A Comparison

    Siti Aekbal Salleh1,2,*, Nafisah Khalid1, Natasha Danny6, Nurul Ain Mohd. Zaki2,3, Mustafa Ustuner4, Zulkiflee Abd Latif1,2, Vladimir Foronda5

    Revue Internationale de Géomatique, Vol.33, pp. 183-199, 2024, DOI:10.32604/rig.2024.050723 - 27 June 2024

    Abstract Due to the spectral and spatial properties of pervious and impervious surfaces, image classification and information extraction in detailed, small-scale mapping of urban surface materials is quite difficult and complex. Emerging methods and innovations in image classification have centred on object-based classification techniques and various segmentation techniques, which are fundamental to this approach. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to determine which classification method is most suitable for extracting linear features in terms of techniques and performance by comparing two classification methods, pixel-based approach and object-based approach, using WorldView-2 satellite imagery to specifically highlight… More > Graphic Abstract

    Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Object Based Classification in Earth Linear Features Extraction: A Comparison

  • Open Access


    Developing a Model for Parkinson’s Disease Detection Using Machine Learning Algorithms

    Naif Al Mudawi*

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.79, No.3, pp. 4945-4962, 2024, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.048967 - 20 June 2024

    Abstract Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic neurological condition that progresses over time. People start to have trouble speaking, writing, walking, or performing other basic skills as dopamine-generating neurons in some brain regions are injured or die. The patient’s symptoms become more severe due to the worsening of their signs over time. In this study, we applied state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to diagnose Parkinson’s disease and identify related risk factors. The research worked on the publicly available dataset on PD, and the dataset consists of a set of significant characteristics of PD. We aim to apply… More >

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