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Search Results (111)
  • Open Access


    A Comprehensive Survey on Federated Learning Applications in Computational Mental Healthcare

    Vajratiya Vajrobol1, Geetika Jain Saxena2, Amit Pundir2, Sanjeev Singh1, Akshat Gaurav3, Savi Bansal4,5, Razaz Waheeb Attar6, Mosiur Rahman7, Brij B. Gupta7,8,9,*

    CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, Vol.142, No.1, pp. 49-90, 2025, DOI:10.32604/cmes.2024.056500 - 17 December 2024

    Abstract Mental health is a significant issue worldwide, and the utilization of technology to assist mental health has seen a growing trend. This aims to alleviate the workload on healthcare professionals and aid individuals. Numerous applications have been developed to support the challenges in intelligent healthcare systems. However, because mental health data is sensitive, privacy concerns have emerged. Federated learning has gotten some attention. This research reviews the studies on federated learning and mental health related to solving the issue of intelligent healthcare systems. It explores various dimensions of federated learning in mental health, such as More >

  • Open Access


    Perspectives and Challenges of Family Members in Providing Mental Support to Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Study in Beijing, China

    Wei Wang1,2, Lan Li3,*

    Psycho-Oncologie, Vol.18, No.4, pp. 257-269, 2024, DOI:10.32604/po.2024.057004 - 04 December 2024

    Abstract This study explores the perspectives and challenges faced by family members providing mental support to cancer patients in Beijing, China. The primary objective is to understand the emotional and practical roles family members undertake and the difficulties they encounter. Utilizing a qualitative research design, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with family caregivers of cancer patients. Thematic analysis revealed several key themes: the dual burden of emotional support and caregiving responsibilities, the impact on daily life and personal well-being, the role and effectiveness of external support systems, perceptions of medical staff support, and the common More >

  • Open Access


    Protecting Protectors: Smartphone-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Mental Health in the Chinese Police

    Huiting Zou1,2, Zheng Zhang3,*, Peng Chen4

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.11, pp. 925-934, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.056444 - 28 November 2024

    Abstract Background: The mental health challenges faced by police officers due to high-stress work environments necessitate effective interventions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has shown promise in addressing mental health issues, and this study aims to evaluate the efficacy of smartphone-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (SCBT) in improving mental health outcomes among police officers. This intervention could provide a reference for enhancing mental health literacy and resilience in this population. Methods: A randomized controlled trial (RCT) design was employed, involving 291 police officers who were randomly assigned to either the SCBT intervention group (n = 145) or the control group… More >

  • Open Access


    Promoting International Students’ Mental Health Unmet Needs: An Integrative Review

    Carmen Hei Man Shek1,*, Sally Wai Chi Chan2, Michelle Anne Stubbs1, Regina Lai Tong Lee1,3,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.11, pp. 905-924, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.055706 - 28 November 2024

    Abstract Background: There are increasing concerns about the mental health needs of international students. Previous studies report that international students experience additional challenges and higher levels of stress compared to domestic students. This integrative review aimed to identify perceived stressors, coping strategies and factors that contributed to accessing mental health services of international students. Methods: A systematic search was performed between January 2010 and December 2023 using PubMed, CINAHL, ProQuest, the Cochrane Library, Scopus and PsycINFO databases. A manual search was also performed that included reference lists of included articles; data was extracted and reviewed by… More >

  • Open Access


    The Influence of Workplace Environment on Mental Health: A Quantitative and Qualitative Investigation in China

    Zulian Zhang1, Meiyu Yan2, Jiaqin Qi3,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.11, pp. 957-966, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.055468 - 28 November 2024

    Abstract Background: The demanding nature of nursing, characterized by long hours, high-stress environments, and substantial workloads, can significantly impact nurses’ mental health. However, there are limited studies that assessed the influence of workplace environment on nursing mental health based on both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Methods: This study aims to comprehensively investigate the multidimensional relationship between the workplace environment and nurses’ well-being. This cross-sectional study was based on a sample of 3256 nurses from various healthcare settings in Shandong province, China (2022), who participated in the quantitative phase. For the qualitative phase, a subsample of participants… More >

  • Open Access


    A Bibliometric Analysis of Positive Mental Health Research and Development in the Social Science Citation Index

    Petrayuna Dian Omega1, Joniarto Parung1,*, Listyo Yuwanto1, Yuh-Shan Ho2,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.10, pp. 817-836, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.056501 - 31 October 2024

    Abstract Background: This study aimed to conduct a bibliometric analysis of positive mental health, focusing on citation performance, article title, abstract, author keywords, Keyword Plus, and their development trends. The novelty of this study is a pioneer within the field of positive mental health. Therefore, it delivered new ideas for researchers and practitioners who had concerns about positive mental health in terms of trends research which covered recommended articles and the research focus in recent years. Methods: The data were retrieved on 30 April 2024 from the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of… More >

  • Open Access


    The Risk Role of Defeat on the Mental Health of College Students: A Moderated Mediation Effect of Academic Stress and Interpersonal Relationships

    Ruiyang Han1, Tingting Xu1,*, Yin Shi2, Wuyi Liu3

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.9, pp. 731-744, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.054884 - 20 September 2024

    Abstract Background: College students face significant academic and physiological changes, making them more susceptible to psychological issues such as depression, self-injury, and suicidal ideation. Feelings of defeat can exacerbate these risks by increasing academic stress. However, interpersonal relationships can moderate the impact of academic stress on students’ mental health. Utilizing the presage–process–product model, this study aims to empirically investigate how feelings of defeat influence depression, self-injury, and suicidal ideation among college students. Additionally, it explores the mediating role of academic stress and the moderating role of various types of interpersonal relationships. Methods: A total of 1612… More >

  • Open Access


    Net Effect of Short-Term Smoking Cessation on Mental Health Changes: Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting and Difference-in-Differences Method

    Ji-Su Park1, Tae-Hyeon Lee2, Il-Su Park3,*

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.9, pp. 745-755, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.054630 - 20 September 2024

    Abstract Background: In response to the need for research clearly demonstrating the net effect of smoking cessation on mental health status, considering the causal relationship between smoking cessation and changes in mental health status, this study was undertaken. Thus, this study aimed to examine the net effect of short-term smoking cessation on five specific mental health metrics and the overall mental health status score. Methods: We used data from the first wave of the Korean Health Panel (KHP) Survey (2011–2013, 2016–2018) and focused on men aged 19 years and older, to explore the effects of smoking… More >

  • Open Access


    Construction and Validity of Chinese Translation of the Universal Mental Health Literacy Scale for Adolescents

    Qi Wang1,#, Qi Wang1,#, Yuxuan Ji1, Kexu Chen1, Kaiyun Li1,*, Fanlu Jia1, Ting Peng2

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.8, pp. 671-677, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.053127 - 30 August 2024

    Abstract Background: In this study, the Universal Mental Health Literacy Scale for Adolescents (UMHL-A) was revised and tested for its reliability and validity in Chinese middle school students, thus establishing a useful tool for assessing the mental health of individuals in this occupation. Methods: Our sample comprised 1208 junior high school students (58.85% male), aged between 11 and 15 years old. The Chinese version of the scale includes a mental health attitude subscale and mental health knowledge subscale, including attitudes towards seeking help, attitudes related to stigma, general mental health knowledge, and knowledge about specific mental… More >

  • Open Access


    An Experimental Study on the Effectiveness of Individualized Online Intervention for Mental Health Literacy of Community Residents

    Zongjun Ke1, Mian Xia2,*, Weibo Yang3, Bingjie Hou2, Hanhui Deng4

    International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, Vol.26, No.8, pp. 663-670, 2024, DOI:10.32604/ijmhp.2024.049161 - 30 August 2024

    Abstract Background: Understanding how to improve mental health literacy is conducive to maintaining and promoting individuals’ mental health and well-being. However, to date, interventions for mental health literacy primarily depend on traditional education and contact interventions, which have limitations with regard to pertinence and individualization. Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technology have influenced mental health services to be more intellectual and digital, and they also provide greater technical convenience for individualized interventions for promoting mental health literacy. However, there is relatively little research on the effectiveness of individualized online intervention for mental health literacy in… More >

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