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  • Open Access


    A Hybrid Approach for Pavement Crack Detection Using Mask R-CNN and Vision Transformer Model

    Shorouq Alshawabkeh, Li Wu*, Daojun Dong, Yao Cheng, Liping Li

    CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol.82, No.1, pp. 561-577, 2025, DOI:10.32604/cmc.2024.057213 - 03 January 2025

    Abstract Detecting pavement cracks is critical for road safety and infrastructure management. Traditional methods, relying on manual inspection and basic image processing, are time-consuming and prone to errors. Recent deep-learning (DL) methods automate crack detection, but many still struggle with variable crack patterns and environmental conditions. This study aims to address these limitations by introducing the MaskerTransformer, a novel hybrid deep learning model that integrates the precise localization capabilities of Mask Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (Mask R-CNN) with the global contextual awareness of Vision Transformer (ViT). The research focuses on leveraging the strengths of both architectures… More >

  • Open Access


    Novel Methodologies for Preventing Crack Propagation in Steel Gas Pipelines Considering the Temperature Effect

    Nurlan Zhangabay1,*, Ulzhan Ibraimova2, Marco Bonopera3,*, Ulanbator Suleimenov1, Konstantin Avramov4, Maryna Chernobryvko4, Aigerim Yessengali1

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 1-23, 2025, DOI:10.32604/sdhm.2024.053391 - 15 November 2024

    Abstract Using the software ANSYS-19.2/Explicit Dynamics, this study performed finite-element modeling of the large-diameter steel pipeline cross-section for the Beineu-Bozoy-Shymkent gas pipeline with a non-through straight crack, strengthened by steel wire wrapping. The effects of the thread tensile force of the steel winding in the form of single rings at the crack edges and the wires with different winding diameters and pitches were also studied. The results showed that the strengthening was preferably executed at a minimum value of the thread tensile force, which was 6.4% more effective than that at its maximum value. The analysis… More >

  • Open Access


    Discrete Numerical Study on Type II Fracture of Partially Detached Concrete Panels in Cold Region

    Huayi Zhang1, Maobin Song2, Lei Shen1,*, Nizar Faisal Alkayem1, Maosen Cao3

    Structural Durability & Health Monitoring, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 55-75, 2025, DOI:10.32604/sdhm.2024.052869 - 15 November 2024

    Abstract The concrete panel of earth-rock dams in cold regions tends to crack due to the combination effect of non-uniform foundation settlement, ice expansion loads, and freeze-thaw damage. In this work, simulations are designed to investigate the effects of freeze-thaw damage degrees on the fracture behavior caused by the partial detachment and ice expansion loads on concrete panels. Results show that the range of detached panels and freeze-thaw damage degree are the dominant factors that affect the overall load-bearing capacity of the panel and the failure cracking modes, whereas the panel slope is a secondary factor. More >

  • Open Access


    Mechanism of Crack Resistance and Strength-Ductility in Additive Manufacturing of High Entropy Alloys

    Pengda Niu1, Ruidi Li1,*, Tiechui Yuan1

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.32, No.2, pp. 1-1, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.012243

    Abstract In terms of grain refinement and component shape complexity, laser additive manufacturing (AM) is unmatched. This is exemplified by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), whose rapid solidification and non-equilibrium metallurgy have expanded the understanding of ultra-fine grains and sub-stable organization among academics. At present, the reliability of LPBF components is being questioned by the industry due to the rapid heating and cooling cycles in AM processing, coupled with the extreme non-equilibrium heat-fluid-mass process, which renders LPBF printing vulnerable to metallurgical defects like microcracks and porosity. A significant impediment to the development of LPBF lies in… More >

  • Open Access


    Numerical Study of Fracture Mechanisms in Metal Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing Processes

    Lu Liu1, Bo Li1,*

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.32, No.1, pp. 1-1, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.012741

    Abstract Powder-Bed Fusion (PBF) is a prominent metal additive manufacturing technology known for its adaptability and commercial viability. However, it is often hindered by defects such as voids, un-melted particles, microcracking, and columnar grains, which are generally more pronounced than those found in traditional manufacturing methods. Microcracking, in particular, poses a significant challenge, limiting the use of PBF materials in safety-critical applications across various industries. This study presents an advanced computational framework that effectively addresses the complex interactions of thermal, fluid dynamics, structural mechanics, crystallization, and fracture phenomena at meso and macroscopic levels. This framework has More >

  • Open Access


    The CDM-Based Modelling of the Multi-Field Coupling Delayed Hydride Cracking Behaviors of Zirconium Alloys

    Guochen Ding1, Jing Zhang1, Shurong Ding1,*

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.32, No.1, pp. 1-1, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.011410

    Abstract Zirconium alloys have high strength, high corrosion resistance and low neutron absorption cross section, widely served as the nuclear cladding tubes or some other structural components. During the storage stage of spent fuels or in the lower-temperature reactor-core locations, the hydrogen atoms within the zirconium alloy components would diffuse to the crack tip owing to stress concentration, possibly initiating delayed hydride cracking (DHC) and posing a potential threat to nuclear safety. In this study, the CDM (continuum damage mechanics)-based multi-field coupling computational models are developed, with the hydride-induced hardening and embrittlement, hydride orientation contributions and… More >

  • Open Access


    Study on Repair of Cracked Aircraft Structures with Single-Sided Bonded Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Patches

    Junshan Hu1,2,*, Shiqing Mi1, Jinrong Fang1, Wei Tian1

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.31, No.4, pp. 1-2, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.011840

    Abstract This research aims to investigate efficient repair techniques of cracked Ti-alloy aircraft structures with adhesively bonded carbon fiber-reinforced polymer composite patches. The repaired specimens in the configuration of a Ti-alloy butt joint with one-side bonded composite patch were prepared under multiple repair factors including patch thickness, patch length, adhesive thickness, cure pressure, patch layup and surface treatment. The repair efficiency was evaluated by loading behavior, bonded interface microstructure and failure mode. The three-dimensional (3D) finite element (FE) model has been established. Based on 3D Hashin failure criteria, the damage initiation and evolution in CFRP were… More >

  • Open Access


    Over-Deterministic Method and Its Application in Fracture Mechanics

    Cheng Hou1, Xiaochao Jin2, Xueling Fan2,*

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.30, No.4, pp. 1-1, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.012325

    Abstract The over-deterministic method (ODM) is dedicated to calculate a small set of unknown coefficients from a large system of equations, by making use of a large number of data points. A displacement over-deterministic method (DODM) developed by Ayatollahi et al. [1] has been employed by for calculating the stress intensity factors (SIFs) as well as the coefficients of the higher-order terms in the Williams’ series expansions for cracked bodies. The ODM provides a great idea to easily obtain fracture parameters, combine with finite element method (FEM).
    In our work, a stress over-deterministic method (SODM) has been… More >

  • Open Access


    Numerical Modeling for Crack Propagation Based on a Multifunctional Super Singular Element

    Xuecheng Ping1,2,*, Congman Wang1,2, Xingxing Wang1,2

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.30, No.4, pp. 1-1, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.011724

    Abstract The traditional finite element method (FEM) often requires a large number of refined meshes to analyze the mechanical behavior of geometric discontinuities, its computational efficiency and convergence speed are affected. A FEM for crack propagation based on the combination of an adaptive remeshing technique with the multifunctional super singular element (MSSE) at the crack tip is proposed for the fracture process simulation of two-dimensional (2D) materials. The adaptive FEM for crack propagation divides the crack tip neighborhood into the MSSE region, the protection element (PE) region and the background element (BE) region. The MSSE is… More >

  • Open Access


    Mechanisms of Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Crack Growth in a Polycrystalline Ni-Base Superalloy

    Lu Zhang1,*, Yuzhuo Wang1, Zhiwei Yu1, Rong Jiang1, Liguo Zhao1, Yingdong Song1,2

    The International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences, Vol.30, No.3, pp. 1-2, 2024, DOI:10.32604/icces.2024.012701

    Abstract Thermo-mechanical fatigue (TMF), as the main failure mode of hot components of an aeroengine, are increasingly investigated recently [1,2]. TMF crack growth is studied in a nickel-based powder metallurgy (PM) superalloy subjected to in-phase (IP) and out-of-phase (OP), as well as isothermal fatigue (IF) at peak temperature. The crack growth rate and path are evaluated for both coarse grain (CG) and fine grain (FG) structure, especially the effects of phase angle and polycrystalline microstructure. The results show that the TMF crack propagation is mainly transgranular in OP condition; while in IP condition, crack propagates intergranularly… More >

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