Special Issues

Depression Across the Lifespan: Perspectives on Prevention, Intervention, and Holistic Care

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2025 View: 139 Submit to Special Issue

Guest Editors

Dr. Evangelos C, Fradelos

Email: efradelos@uth.gr

Affiliation: Laboratory of Clinical Nursing, Department of Nursing, University of Thessaly, 41500, Larissa, Greece


Research Interests: Menta Health Nursing, clinical nursing, spirituality, spiritual care


Dr. Maria Saridi

Email: saridi@uth.gr

Affiliation: Laboratory of Clinical Nursing, Department of Nursing, University of Thessaly, 41500, Larissa, Greece


Research Interests: Clinical Nursing; Public health; Chronic Diseases; Health education


Dr. Aikaterini Toska 

Email: ktoska07@yahoo.gr

Affiliation: Laboratory of Clinical Nursing, Department of Nursing, University of Thessaly, 41500, Larissa, Greece


Research Interests: Quality of Care, Postpartum Depression 


Dr. Stella Zetta

Email: szetta@uth.gr

Affiliation: Laboratory of Clinical Nursing, Department of Nursing, University of Thessaly, 41500, Larissa, Greece


Research Interests: nursing; cardiac rehabilitation; chronic disease; self-management; nurse-led interventions



Depression is a common mental disorder in which an individual experiences a depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, reduced energy, feelings of guilt or low self-esteem, sleep or appetite disturbances, and difficulty concentrating. Additionally, depression is often accompanied by symptoms of anxiety. These issues can become chronic or recurrent and lead to significant impairments in a person's ability to manage their daily needs and responsibilities. Sometimes depression can lead to suicide. This Special Issue will explore depression through a holistic and multidisciplinary lens, addressing the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions of mental health. The aim is to present innovative approaches to the prevention, diagnosis, and management of depression in diverse populations, including the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, and those in end-of-life care. The issue will emphasize the role of nursing, spirituality, and comprehensive care practices in mental health promotion.

Key topics of interest include:

• Depression in the elderly: risk factors, interventions, and geriatric nursing care.

• The role of spirituality and spiritual care in managing depression.

• Depression in patients with chronic and life-limiting illnesses.

• Holistic nursing approaches for mental health promotion and depression prevention.

• Psychosocial and community-based interventions for depression.

• Innovative mental health practices in hospital and community settings.

• The impact of professional identity and burnout on nurses dealing with depression care.……


Mental Health, Depression, Postpartum Depression, Geriatric depression

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