Special Issues

AI powered Blockchain-Enabled privacy protected 5G Networks and Beyond

Submission Deadline: 11 September 2022 (closed) View: 154

Guest Editors

Dr. Puttamadappa C., Dayananda Sagar University, India.
Dr. Hanifa Abdullah, University of South Africa UNISA, South Africa.
Dr. Jaroslav Frnda, University of Zilina, Slovakia.


Block-chain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have also been making significant technical advancements separately in recent years. Block-chain provides a decentralized, distributed and reliable technique for processing and authenticating transactions. On the other hand, AI allows end-devices to collaboratively train and update a model of mutual machine learning while protecting their data privacy. In terms of protection and privacy, both technologies are considered to have many beneficial advantages for today's needs. In addition, protection and privacy are enhanced with complete communication and delivery as blockchain and AI technologies are allowed Beyond 5G (B5G) and 6G. The research emphasis is on incorporating and unifying technologies to produce new and smart networking services and applications as both block-chain and AI advance further. At present, the suggested solutions are far from feasible for large-scale, specialized services and applications. In order to have systems that are scalable and stable and able to manage increasingly increasing data, there are still many unresolved technological challenges.

A major milestone in academia and business has been reached in the world with the introduction of 5G communication networks. Wireless connectivity has accomplished a tremendous success, and is now looking to go past 5G. In the artificial intelligence (AI) platform, the exploration of 6G has emerged to collect sensor data with the help of high-performance computing networks. In the growth of communication networks there arises a purpose of efficient, secure and reliable technique for transactions between the users. Nowadays users are very concerned about the end-end privacy and the threat in the form of external attacks to get their valuable information. This issue provides a privacy protected B5G communication network secured with the computational capability of AI to handle the external threats and to enhance the network efficiency. This special issue aims to bring together academic and industrial researchers to identify and discuss technical challenges and recent results in Block chain and Machine learning and to present novel applications envisioned in the era of 5G/6G communication. We invite researchers to contribute original research and review articles that address important challenges related to AI powered Block chain enabled 5G/6G networking. Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:


• 5G and 6G secure wireless communication using AI-based Blockchain

• Blockchain with lightweight computation

• Blockchain-as-a-service

• Cross-layer design and optimization for wireless mobile networks

• Edge/IoT-based mobile networks using AI

• Green IoT in Beyond 5G

• Machine Learning for blockchain-based IoT applications

• Massive MIMO and mmWave for IoT communications

• Multipath communication over wireless mobile networks

• Mobile network-based wireless modulation and coding using AI

• Privacy preserving

• Scalable Blockchain for intelligent networking services

• Sensor data storage, retrieval, and processing

• Wireless sensor networks and its application


Privacy preserving
5G technology
Machine learning
Block chain
Green IoT
Wireless Sensor Network
Sensor data management
Cross-layer design and optimization

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    A Novel Hybrid Deep Learning Framework for Intrusion Detection Systems in WSN-IoT Networks

    M. Maheswari, R. A. Karthika
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.33, No.1, pp. 365-382, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.022259
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: AI powered Blockchain-Enabled privacy protected 5G Networks and Beyond)
    Abstract With the advent of wireless communication and digital technology, low power, Internet-enabled, and reconfigurable wireless devices have been developed, which revolutionized day-to-day human life and the economy across the globe. These devices are realized by leveraging the features of sensing, processing the data and nodes communications. The scale of Internet-enabled wireless devices has increased daily, and these devices are exposed to various cyber-attacks. Since the complexity and dynamics of the attacks on the devices are computationally high, intelligent, scalable and high-speed intrusion detection systems (IDS) are required. Moreover, the wireless devices are battery-driven; implementing them… More >

  • Open Access


    Secured Route Selection Using E-ACO in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

    S. Premkumar Deepak, M. B. Mukeshkrishnan
    Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Vol.32, No.2, pp. 963-978, 2022, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.022126
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: AI powered Blockchain-Enabled privacy protected 5G Networks and Beyond)
    Abstract Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) are promising, emerging technologies for the applications in oceanic research. UWSN contains high number of sensor nodes and autonomous underwater vehicles that are deployed to perform the data transmission in the sea. In UWSN networks, the sensors are placed in the buoyant which are highly vulnerable to selfish behavioural attack. In this paper, the major challenges in finding secure and optimal route navigation in UWSN are identified and in order to address them, Entropy based ACO algorithm (E-ACO) is proposed for secure route selection. Moreover, the Selfish Node Recovery (SNR) More >

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