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Journal Overview


ISSN: 1292-3818 (Print)

ISSN: 1765-2839 (Online)

Aims & Scope

Oncologie, an international peer-reviewed journal with a group of the global experts who are leaders in oncology in the editorial board, aims to publish high-quality original research articles, review papers, case reports, etc. with an active interest in vivo or in vitro study of cancer biology. Oncologie focuses studies relating pathology, diagnosis, and advanced treatment of cancer and research from all disciplines related to this field of interest. More specifically, we are targeting the entire fields of cancer biology, including but not limited to the discovery of any new factors related to cancer initiation, progression, and systemic treatment. Other critical biological insights are considerable for sure.

Research Topics may include:

  • Cytology

  • Pathology

  • Genetics

  • Gynecology

  • Hematology

  • Immunology and Immunotherapy

  • Chemotherapy

  • Radiotherapy

  • Palliative Support

  • Pediatric Oncology

  • Solid Tumors

  • Modern Statistics, Meta-analysis, and Clinical Trial Design

  • Surgery

  • Nursing

  • Psycho-Oncology

Applicable Readers:
Oncologie is targeted at medical and health workers engaged in cancer prevention, treatment and research, teachers and students from medical colleges and universities, and personnel in other related disciplines.

Publication Frequency



The journal is owned by Tech Science Press.

Society Collaborations

Malaysian Association for Cancer Research (MACR), Malaysia

La Société Française de Chirurgie Oncologique (SFCO), France.

la Fédération Française des Oncologues Médicaux (FFOM), France.

l’Association Francophone pour les Soins Oncologiques de Support (AFSOS), France.

Open Access

All articles published will be Gold open access under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0), and are made freely and permanently accessible online from the date of publication. For further information, please refer to the Open Access Policy.


All journals published by TSP are archived in Portico, which provides permanent digital archiving for scholarly journals.

 Ethics Statement

Oncologie follows the standards of ICMJE. TSP takes the responsibility to enforce a rigorous peer-review together with strict ethical policies and standards to ensure adding the highest quality scientific works to the field of scholarly publication. TSP takes such publishing ethics issues very seriously on every level. Our staff are trained to identify and report any irregularities. Our editors proceed with a zero tolerance policy, to enforce COPE’s Core Practices and Guidelines and swiftly handle complex cases of plagiarism, data falsification, authorship credit, and the like.

Last updated: January 11, 2022

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