Special Issues

Modeling of Artificial Intelligence controller for Microgrid and SmartGrid application

Submission Deadline: 31 December 2021 (closed) View: 139

Guest Editors

Dr. Venkateshkumar M, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai Campus, India. Email: m_venkateshkumar@ch.amrita.edu
Dr. Cheng Siong Chin, Newcastle University, Singapore. Email: cheng.chin@newcastle.ac.uk


The main objective of this special issue is to promote the important role of artificial intelligence controllers for Microgrid and their applications. Over the past few years, conventional controllers have been used for microgrid applications and face numerous problems of system stability as well as reliability. The main focus of this special issue is the modeling and design of various artificial intelligence algorithms (ANN, Fuzzy, ANFIS, GA, PSO, Deep Learning, and Firefly) for renewable energy and microgrid integration applications. The following key issues are addressed in this section. 


 AI-based MPPT controller design for Renewable Energy sources

• AI-based energy management system of microgrid

• AI-based Power quality improvement of microgrid 

• AI-based Smart inverters

• Smart Electrical Vehicle to Grid and Grid to Electrical Vehicle 

• Smart grid applications 

• Predictive Maintenance for Renewable Energy System 

• AI-based battery management system 


Microgrid, Smart grid, Renewable Energy, Energy Management, Power Quality, Smart Inverters, ANN, Fuzzy, ANFIS, GA, PSO, Deep Learning, Firefly algorithms, Electrical Vehicle

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    Emergency Energy Management of Microgrid in Industrial Park Based on Robust Optimization

    Haoliang Yang, Yonggang Dong, Zhifang Yang
    Energy Engineering, Vol.120, No.12, pp. 2917-2931, 2023, DOI:10.32604/ee.2023.029167
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Modeling of Artificial Intelligence controller for Microgrid and SmartGrid application)
    Abstract Reducing the impact of power outages and maintaining the power supply duration must be considered in implementing emergency energy dispatching in micro-networks. This paper studies a new emergency energy treatment method based on the robust optimal method and the industrial park micro-network with the optical energy storage system. After controlling the load input, a control strategy of adjusting and removing is proposed. Rolling optimal theory is applied to emergency energy scheduling based on a robust optimal mathematical model. A weighting factor is introduced into the optimal model to balance the importance of reducing and retaining More >

  • Open Access


    Experimental Performance Analysis of a Corrugation Type Solar Air Heater (CTSAH)

    Aravindh Madhavankutty Ambika, Aarjab Ghimire, Sreekumar Appukuttan
    Energy Engineering, Vol.119, No.4, pp. 1483-1499, 2022, DOI:10.32604/ee.2022.017618
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Modeling of Artificial Intelligence controller for Microgrid and SmartGrid application)
    Abstract This paper explains the experimental performance evaluation of a Corrugated Type Solar Air Heater (CTSAH) for understanding its performance in a humid tropical climatic condition in Puducherry, India. This helps in understanding its effectiveness in using it for drying application of products like seafood, etc. Experiments were conducted at different mass flow rates and their effect on the heat gain, efficiency, friction factor heat transfer, etc., was analyzed. Experiments were carried out at different mass flow rates, i.e., M1 = 0.06 kg/s, M2 = 0.14 kg/s, M3 = 0.17 kg/s, M4 = 0.25 kg/s, M5 = 0.3 kg/s, More >

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