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Electro- magnetohydrodynamic Nanoliquid Flow and Heat Transfer

Submission Deadline: 31 July 2022 (closed) View: 132

Guest Editors

Dr. Anum Shafiq, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China
Dr. Abdon Atangana, University of Free State, South Africa


Nanoliquids are another class of heat transfer in which Liquid containing nanoparticles of size under 100 nm which are uniformly and stably suspended. Energy transportation of the nanoliquid is influenced by the properties and measurement of nanoparticles and in addition the solid volume fraction. Compared with base liquids, various recent investigations have shown sensational enhancements in effective static thermal conductivity. In numerical examinations two strategies are utilized for simulation of nanoliquid hydrothermal behavior:

1. Single-phase model

2. Two-phase model.

The convection and heat transfer enhancement technique using an electric field or electrostatic power produced from polarization of the dielectric liquid can be one of the most promising methods among different dynamic procedures due to its several advantages, for example, simplified implementation using only a transformer and electrodes and small consumption of electric power. This procedure is oftenly called the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) strategy for heat transfer, which refers to the interdisciplinary field and deals with subjects concerning the interactions between electric field, flow field, and temperature field.

Study of magnetic field phenomenon has attracted many attentions in engineering sciences because of its wide applications, for example, in the polymer industry and metallurgy where hydromagnetic techniques are being utilized. To be more particular, it may be pointed out that most of the metal surgical processes include the cooling of continuous strips or laments by drawing them through a quiescent liquid and during this process these strips are sometimes stretched. Magnetic field sometimes considers as a variable according to time or space variable. A Ferro-liquid acts as a fluid which is influenced by an external magnetic field and externally applied magnetic fields. It can be used to control and direct the flow of Ferro-liquids, which is applicable in various fields like mechanical engineering, electronic packing, thermal engineering, and aerospace. In different applications, for example, in free convective heat transfer, the heat transfer rate can be reducing by applying the magnetic field. But in many other applications like cooling of electric device, the goal is to increase the heat transfer rate. Henceforth, using nanoliquid in such application can be useful. Ferro-liquids is a magnetic nanoliquid which can be influenced by magnetic and electric field.

Considering the aforementioned significance of nanofluids, the Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing (FDMP) aims to establish the hot research topic of fluid mechanics that is “Electro- magnetohydrodynamic nanoliquid flow and heat transfer” within its scope. In this regards, this special issue is organized to exhibit the current status, developments, and future directions in the Nanofluid area. Accordingly, the following fields of interest would be included in the special issue:

ØMagnetohydrodynamic nanoliquid

ØElectrohydrodynamic nanoliquid

ØNanoliquid flow and heat transfer

ØFerro-liquid flow and heat transfer

ØComputation, Simulation & Modeling of Nanostructures

ØHeat transfer modeling in nanoliquid

ØFluid flow modeling

ØNumerical methods in nanoliquid

ØSynthesis of nanoliquid applications (e.g., smart coolants, photonic crystals, different types of heat exchangers, renewable energy systems, thermal storage systems, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) technologies, nano-catalysts, Tribology, Oil recovery)


Magnetohydrodynamic nanoliquid, Electro-hydrodynamic nanoliquid, Nanoliquid flow and heat transfer, Ferro-liquid flow and heat transfer, Computation, Simulation & Modeling of Nanostructures, Heat transfer modeling in nanoliquid, Fluid flow modeling, Numerical methods in nanoliquid

Published Papers

  • Open Access


    Nanoparticle Shape Effect on a Sodium–Alginate Based Cu–Nanofluid under a Transverse Magnetic Field

    Samia Rani, H. A. M. Al–Sharifi, Mohammad S. Zannon, Abid Hussanan, Zafar Ullah
    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.19, No.7, pp. 1875-1896, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2023.025224
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Electro- magnetohydrodynamic Nanoliquid Flow and Heat Transfer)
    Abstract Sodium-alginate (SA) based nanofluids represent a new generation of fluids with improved performances in terms of heat transfer. This work examines the influence of the nanoparticle shape on a non–Newtonian viscoplastic Cu–nanofluid pertaining to this category. In particular, a stretching/shrinking sheet subjected to a transverse magnetic field is considered. The proposed Cu–nanofluid consists of four different nanoparticles having different shapes, namely bricks, cylinders, platelets, and blades dispersed in a mixture of sodium alginate with Prandtl number Pr = 6.45. Suitable similarity transformations are employed to reduce non–linear PDEs into a system of ODEs and these More >

  • Open Access


    Buoyancy Effects in the Peristaltic Flow of a Prandtl-Eyring Nanofluid with Slip Boundaries

    Hina Zahir
    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.19, No.6, pp. 1507-1519, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2023.022520
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Electro- magnetohydrodynamic Nanoliquid Flow and Heat Transfer)
    Abstract The interaction of nanoparticles with a peristaltic flow is analyzed considering a Prandtl-Eyring fluid under various conditions, such as the presence of a heat source/sink and slip effects in channels with a curvature. This problem has extensive background links with various fields in medical science such as chemotherapy and more in general nanotechnology. A similarity transformation is used to turn the original balance equations into a set of ordinary differential equations, which are then integrated numerically. The investigation reveals that nanofluids have valuable thermal capabilitises. More >

  • Open Access


    Computational-Analysis of the Non-Isothermal Dynamics of the Gravity-Driven Flow of Viscoelastic-Fluid-Based Nanofluids Down an Inclined Plane

    Idrees Khan, Tiri Chinyoka, Andrew Gill
    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.19, No.3, pp. 767-781, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2022.021921
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Electro- magnetohydrodynamic Nanoliquid Flow and Heat Transfer)
    Abstract The paper explores the gravity-driven flow of the thin film of a viscoelastic-fluid-based nanofluids (VFBN) along an inclined plane under non-isothermal conditions and subjected to convective cooling at the free-surface. The Newton’s law of cooling is used to model the convective heat-exchange with the ambient at the free-surface. The Giesekus viscoelastic constitutive model, with appropriate modifications to account for non-isothermal effects, is employed to describe the polymeric effects. The unsteady and coupled non-linear partial differential equations (PDEs) describing the model problem are obtained and solved via efficient semi-implicit numerical schemes based on finite difference methods More >

  • Open Access


    Unsteady Flow and Heat Transfer of a Casson Micropolar Nanofluid over a Curved Stretching/Shrinking Surface

    Muhammad A. Sadiq, Nadeem Abbas, Haitham M. S. Bahaidarah, Mohammad Amjad
    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.19, No.2, pp. 471-486, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2022.021133
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Electro- magnetohydrodynamic Nanoliquid Flow and Heat Transfer)
    Abstract We present the results of an investigation into the behavior of the unsteady flow of a Casson Micropolar nanofluid over a shrinking/stretching curved surface, together with a heat transfer analysis of the same problem. The body force acting perpendicular to the surface wall is in charge of regulating the fluid flow rate. Curvilinear coordinates are used to account for the considered curved geometry and a set of balance equations for mass, momentum, energy and concentration is obtained accordingly. These are turned into ordinary differential equations using a similarity transformation. We show that these equations have More >

  • Open Access


    The Effects of Thermal Radiation and Viscous Dissipation on the Stagnation Point Flow of a Micropolar Fluid over a Permeable Stretching Sheet in the Presence of Porous Dissipation

    Muhammad Salman Kausar, H.A.M. Al-Sharifi, Abid Hussanan, Mustafa Mamat
    FDMP-Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing, Vol.19, No.1, pp. 61-81, 2023, DOI:10.32604/fdmp.2023.021590
    (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Electro- magnetohydrodynamic Nanoliquid Flow and Heat Transfer)
    Abstract In this paper, the effects of thermal radiation and viscous dissipation on the stagnation–point flow of a micropolar fluid over a permeable stretching sheet with suction and injection are analyzed and discussed. A suitable similarity transformation is used to convert the governing nonlinear partial differential equations into a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, which are then solved numerically by a fourth–order Runge–Kutta method. It is found that the linear fluid velocity decreases with the enhancement of the porosity, boundary, and suction parameters. Conversely, it increases with the micropolar and injection parameters. The angular velocity More >

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