Special Issues
Table of Content

Computational Methods in Space Flight Mechanics

Submission Deadline: 30 September 2022 (closed) View: 42

Guest Editors

Prof. Tarek Elgohary, University of Central Florida, USA
Prof. Xuechuan Wang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Prof. Hongua Dai, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China


Space flight mechanics has always pushed the boundaries of the state-of-the-art high fidelity computational methods to meet very stringent mission requirements. Problems involving orbit propagation and trajectory design have been major contributors to high-order explicit and implicit numerical integrators as well as two-point boundary value problem solvers. The space industry is growing quite rapidly with new mission concepts being proposed and studied in an unprecedented pace. The ever-growing space domain activities pose new challenges to the community. Novel highly accurate highly efficient solutions are needed to respond to new problems in space situational awareness, cis-lunar missions design, computational guidance and control, etc. This special issue is dedicated to novel techniques in space flight applications including but not limited to: 

•    Analytical and Computational Perturbation Methods for Celestial Mechanics

•    Dynamical Systems Theory Applied to Celestial Mechanics

•    Computational Challenges Associated with Space Situational Awareness

•    Optimal Estimation and Probabilistic Methods in Astrodynamics

•    Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC)

•    Computational Methods to Design Optimal Trajectories for Space Missions

•    Rendezvous, Relative Motion, Proximity Missions, and Formation Flying

•    Orbital Debris and Space Environment

•    Constellation Design and Optimization


Astrodynamics; Space Situational Awareness; Computational Guidance and Control; Guidance; Navigation and Control; Computational Methods; Celestial Mechanics

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