Special Issues
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Green AI for Ubiquitous Computing

Submission Deadline: 25 April 2023 (closed) View: 25

Guest Editors

Dr. Aceng Sambas, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya, Indonesia.
Dr. Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, Vel Tech University, India.
Dr. Azwa Abdul Aziz, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia.


Integrating the cognitive capabilities enables ubiquitous computing to have a continuous flow of information that readily aims to interconnect and permeate all areas of the living atmosphere. This also allows the real-time capturing of information along with other related human factors using inexpensive smart networks. This sought of pervasive computing inside every electronic thing systematically outlines different categories including deployment, operations, setup, architecture, and design. Furthermore, the knowledge of this ubiquitous computing environment is very useful in defining many applications like u-health, u-learning, u-commerce, u-accessibility, u-games, and much more. Along with this discussion, it is parallelly important to address the emerging field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which is nowadays turning towards an environmentally friendly approach. By emphasizing the fact, that the currently available red AI focuses only on obtaining valuable contributions towards the scientific expectations so, there exists a gap in shifting a balance towards environmental means. Accordingly, this leaves an opportunity for the emerging green AI technology to act towards reducing AI’s environmental footprint. As a long-standing interest, the future of this environmental AI is a welcoming technology for this upcoming ubiquitous computing.

In the phase of solving the sustainability challenges with ubiquitous computing, green AI technology plays a crucial role. This incredible advances in AI offer technocentric efficiency solutions that are capable of appreciating the desired urban futures. Consequently, this robust AI technology also improves the performance of pervasive computing along with overcoming the red AI challenges. Despite having so many advantageous factors, it is correspondingly important to have a comprehensive idea of various problems experienced in this arena. Starting from inbuilt-technical issues, high implementation cost, AI bias, lack of creativity, inadequate human-machine interface, unsolved problems with security issues, etc are a few potentially criticized problematic characteristics that affect the functioning of this Green AI-driven ubiquitous system. Keeping these into account, it is obvious that obtaining an efficient system, is a crucial step to eliminate the errors existing in this infrastructure. With this aim, researchers, academicians, and other related professionals are invited to articulate pragmatic measures with their ideal works to substantiate a productive technological future. Therefore, this special issue welcomes researchers from various domains to put forth their innovative works that promote a sustainable computing architecture.  


Computing Environment, Smart Transportation, Ubiquitous Computing, Deep learning, Smart Internet of Vehicles, and Artificial Intelligence.

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